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[SourceCodesigned four bit multiplier

Description: a multiplier for four bit binary number
Platform: | Size: 319 | Author: milk19182000@yahoo.com.tw | Hits:


Description: 一个并行高速乘法器芯片的设计与实现-a parallel high-speed chip Multiplier Design and Implementation of
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 虞亮 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMULT8X8F

Description: 8x8 Software Multiplier in PIC5X
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zwj | Hits:


Description: VHDL语言实现的16位快速乘法器-VHDL of 16 rapid Multiplier
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 四位乘法器的VHDL源程序-four Multiplier VHDL source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张庆辉 | Hits:


Description: 乘法器是硬件设计中的很常见也很重要的一个模块,它的VHDL硬件实现很好的解决了软件编程中做乘法速度慢的问题,在实时高速系统应用中或DSP软核或数字信号处理硬件实现算法中,经常能使用到乘法器,所以经典的高速乘法器IP 很有参考价值-Multiplier is a common and important module in hardware designing.Its VHDL addresses the low speed of multiplication in software programming. Multiplier is often used in real-time high-speed system application , DSP soft core or hardware implementation of digital signal processing,so it is worthful to know classic high-speed multiplier IP
Platform: | Size: 309248 | Author: czy | Hits:


Description: 一种可以完成16位有符号/无符号二进制数乘法的乘法器。该乘法器采用了改进的Booth算法,简化了部分积的符号扩展,采用Wallace树和超前进位加法器来进一步提高电路的运算速度。本乘法器可以作为嵌入式CPU内核的乘法单元,整个设计用VHDL语言实现。-a 16 to be completed with symbols/unsigned multiplication of the number of binary multipliers. The multiplier used to improve the Booth algorithm, simplified some of the plot symbols expansion Wallace tree and used-ahead adder circuit to further enhance the computing speed. The multiplier can be used as embedded CPU cores multiplication modules, the entire design with VHDL.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 李鹏 | Hits:


Description: 布斯乘法器的VHDL程序,下載後直接解壓縮複製貼上到你的EDATOOL就可以.-Booth multiplier VHDL procedures downloaded directly extract copy affixed to the EDATOOL you can.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 韓堇 | Hits:


Description: booth乘法器: 16*16有符号乘法器,Booth编码,简单阵列,Ripple Carry Adder-booth multiplier:
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: chenyi | Hits:


Description: 乘法器 所占资源很少 很好的一个乘法器 史书上的一个例子 说得很好啊-Multiplier good share of scarce resources in the history books on a multiplier an example of very good
Platform: | Size: 357376 | Author: jack yao | Hits:


Description: 一种基于加法器树方法的8为乘法器的VHDL源码,该方法虽然相对占有资源多,但仿真快-VHDLSourceProgramof8-bit-Multiplier
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杨波 | Hits:


Description: BJ-EPM240V2实验例程以及说明文档实验之五乘法器设计-BJ-EPM240V2 experimental test routines as well as documentation of the five multiplier design
Platform: | Size: 483328 | Author: 王建毅 | Hits:


Description: 该乘法器是由8位加法器构成的以时序方式设计的8位乘法器。 其乘法原理是:乘法通过逐项移位相加原理来实现,从被乘数的最低位开始,若为1,则乘数左移后与上一次的和相加;若为0,左移后以全零相加,直至被乘数的最高位。-The multiplier is 8-bit adder consisting of time-series design to the 8-bit multiplier. The multiplication principle is: the sum of multiplication through the principle of each shift to achieve, from the beginning of the lowest multiplicand, if 1, then left after the multiplier and the sum of the last if for 0, left after zero-sum in full, until the highest bit multiplicand.
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: lsp | Hits:


Description: It s a design of a 4*4 multiplier based on Verilog, using Xilinx ISE.
Platform: | Size: 859136 | Author: wayne | Hits:


Description: 用VHDL语言描述和实现乘法累加器设计,4位的被乘数X和4位的乘数Y输入后,暂存在寄存器4位的寄存器A和B中,寄存器A和B的输出首先相乘,得到8位乘积,该乘积再与8位寄存器C的输出相加,相加结果保存在寄存器C中。寄存器C的输出也是系统输出Z。(原创,里面有乘法部分和累加部分可以单独提出来,很好用) -With the VHDL language to describe the design and realization of multiplier-accumulator, four of multiplicand X and 4-bit multiplier Y input, the temporary 4-bit registers in the register A and B, registers A and B multiplied by the output of the first, to be 8-bit product, the product further with the 8-bit output of register C, the sum of, the sum of the results stored in register C,. The output register C is also the system output Z. (Original, which are multiply and accumulate some part may be raised separately, very good use)
Platform: | Size: 967680 | Author: jlz | Hits:


Description: verilog implementation of the floating point multiplier
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ramtin | Hits:


Description: 时序乘法器,verilog编写,速度慢,但消耗资源少,时钟沿到来时,输入/输出1bit数据-Sequential multiplier, verilog written, slow, but consume fewer resources, the clock edge arrives, the input/output 1bit data
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: 大兵 | Hits:


Description: vhdl code for a 32 bit parallel multiplier
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: sandeep kumar | Hits:


Description: reversible logic is mainly used to achieve low power. peres gate HUG gate is used to design a vedic multiplier. reversible gate we can give n numbers of input and we can get n number of output
Platform: | Size: 557056 | Author: paramu | Hits:

[VHDL-FPGA-Verilogbinary multiplier

Description: verilog code for binary multiplier
Platform: | Size: 3750912 | Author: krisna | Hits:
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