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[Other resourcebt-client-source

Description: 用VC++ 实现的BT客户端源代码,主要用于p2p通信和文件下载
Platform: | Size: 108247 | Author: lizheng | Hits:

[Delphi VCLP2P

Description: 下载地址: http://download.csdn.net/source/491780 P2P即时通讯源码(DELPHI编写),无加密,组件齐全,调试非常简单方便! 发送联机或脱机消息,同时可自定义消息字体、颜色、大小等信息,支持插入表情符号,屏幕截取。 支持多人消息群发等功能;在线即时语音、视频聊天 穿透网关防火墙,可在互联网和局域网任意对话 系统采用先进的点对点通讯技术,消息(包括文本、语音、视频、文件)的 传输大多数情况不需要经服务器中转而直接发往接收者所使用的机器,传输速度更快。 而且因服务器仅仅只是起着维护用户状态列表的功能,因此占用资源极少, 可允许同时在线的人数就越多,对系统的影响也最小。 可以设置各种离线状态,支持自定义状态 用户可自定义界面,界面皮肤可在线更新 灵活支持Oracle、Sql Server、Mysql等数据库 服务器端资源占用低,通讯中不占用服务端资源 联系 QQ:715612366 EMail:715612366@qq.com
Platform: | Size: 1016 | Author: ICorrupt | Hits:

[Other resourceP2P-NAT

Description: 经常有对P2P原理的讨论,但是讨论归讨论,很少有实质的东西产生(源代码)。在这里我就用自己实现的一个VC源代码来说明UDP穿越NAT的原理。-often principle of peer-to-peer discussions, but the discussions under discussion, with little substantive things have (source code). Here, I used one of its own to achieve VC source code to illustrate the UDP Through NAT principle.
Platform: | Size: 30568 | Author: 何智峰 | Hits:


Description: P2P点对点传输控件源码,可以让你的开发出点对点传输的软件-peer-to-peer transmission control source, which will let you in the development of point-to-point transmission software
Platform: | Size: 167618 | Author: 张三 | Hits:

[Other resourceP2P的源代码

Description: 一个P2P穿越NAT的源代码 在网上看到的,很有实践意义-through a peer-to-peer NAT source code on the Internet to see, very practical significance
Platform: | Size: 32050 | Author: ming | Hits:


Description: ibjingle is a collection of open-source C++ code and sample applications that enables you to build a peer-to-peer application. The code handles creating a network connection (through NAT and firewall devices, relay servers, and proxies), negotiating session details (codecs, formats, etc.), and exchanging data. It also provides helper tasks such as parsing XML, and handling network proxies. You could build the following programs with libjingle: A multi-user voice chat application A multi-user video conferencing application A multi-user live music streaming application A peer-to-peer file sharing application
Platform: | Size: 1106251 | Author: ynvince | Hits:


Description: 著名的P2P软件emule源码,支持多语言-<B>Well-known P2P software emule-source, multi-language support</b>
Platform: | Size: 2512896 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: P2P软件DC++源码-P2P software DC++ Source
Platform: | Size: 198656 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 开放源程序的P2P的文件共享,主要是进行更新的文件共享开发和让所有人都能共享他的文件和成果- The open source program P2P document sharing, mainly is carries on the renewal the document sharing development and enables all people all to share his document and the achievement
Platform: | Size: 1051648 | Author: 李寒 | Hits:

[OS programP2P_by_shootingstars

Description: 这是一个在TCP/IP编程中经常遇到要处理的 问题,就是网络地址转换NAT,改源代码提供 一种方法,穿透内网的保护,到达目的地址。- This the question which frequently meets in the TCP/IP programming must process, is network address translation NAT, changes the source code to provide one method, in the penetration the net protection, arrives the destination address.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 罗家兄弟 | Hits:


Description: 一个Open Source Project的P2P软件。 全部用Delphi自身的控件完成,含Server端及Client端的代码和程序- Open Source Project P2P software. Completely uses Delphi own to control to complete, contains the Server end and the Client end code and the procedure
Platform: | Size: 566272 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developlinuxwifi

Description: We intend to develop a wifi enabled p2p file sharing system on a linux platform using jxta and java. The purpose is to build a system that can be ported to an embedded device at a later stage and be used for p2p file sharing using the 802.11b standard. 我们旨在Linux平台上使用jxta 和java来开发一个支持wifi的p2p文件共享系统。其目的是建造一个以后可以移植到嵌入式设备的系统,使用802.11b标准进行p2p文件共享。 来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-p2p-wifi/-We intend to develop a wifi enabled peer-to-peer file sharing system on a Linux platform using JXTA and java. The purpose is to build a system that can be ported to an embedded device at a later stage and be used for peer-to-peer file sharing using the 802 .11 b standard. Our aim is to use Linux and java JXTA to develop a wifi support peer-to-peer file-sharing of the system. Its goal is to build a future can be transferred to the system embedded devices, the use of 802.11b standard peer-to-peer file sharing. Source : http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-p2p-wifi/
Platform: | Size: 5281792 | Author: 陈洁营 | Hits:


Description: 另外一款开放源码的高质量p2p源码软件,可以帮助大家了解p2p的精髓-other open-source source of high-quality peer-to-peer software, can help us all understand the essence of p2p
Platform: | Size: 2680832 | Author: 叶兵茹 | Hits:


Description: p2p软件电驴的源码-eDonkey peer-to-peer software source code
Platform: | Size: 4254720 | Author: 张洪川 | Hits:


Description: BT源码,现在很热门的P2P软件,可以在线下载工具-BT source, a very popular peer-to-peer software, tools can be downloaded online
Platform: | Size: 238592 | Author: 董静 | Hits:


Description: 很不错的p2p源码。-p2p very good source.
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: 何鹏 | Hits:


Description: 最著名的P2P软件电骡子的源代码-most famous mules-- P2P software source code
Platform: | Size: 2024448 | Author: roc | Hits:

[Communication-MobileDirect Connect 2 V2.0.2

Description: 一个开放源码的免费的P2P客户端软件,用于文件交流,支持中文搜索。它和Neo-Modus公司的Direct Connect使用同一个通讯协议,但比它功能更加强大,可以同时登陆很多服务器。开放源码,绿色软件,也没有广告条。DC是分散服务器型的,服务器端也是免费的,因此适合同一个地域内的用户飞速交换文件。目前全世界有上万个服务器,通过DC共享的资料超过5,000,000GB。-a free open-source peer-to-peer client software for document exchange, support Chinese search. It Neo-Modus Direct Connect companies use the same communication protocol, but higher than its more powerful, while landing many servers. Open source software green, nor of the advertising. DC is decentralized server-based, server-side is also free, making it suitable to the region with a rapid exchange of user documentation. There are now more than 10,000 items of servers, DC by sharing information over 5,000,000 GB.
Platform: | Size: 857088 | Author: 范卫华 | Hits:


Description: phex_2.1.4.80源码,phex是一款使用java编写得,基于Gnutella协议的p2p软件,该协议不需使用节点服务器即可实现点对点的连接-phex_2.1.4.80 source, is a phex prepared in the use of java, based on the Gnutella p2p software agreement, the agreement does not require server nodes can be realized point-to-point connections
Platform: | Size: 1867776 | Author: | Hits:

[Sniffer Package capturebandwidthd-2.0.1

Description: 跟踪TCP/IP网络使用情况,并通过生成图表保存在html中,对HTTP,TCP,UDP,ICMP,VPN,P2P等都有专门的颜色区分-tracking TCP/IP networks, and by generating charts stored in html, right HTTP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, VPN, including P2P has specialized color distinction
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: 刘迅 | Hits:
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