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Description: P2P源码,现在先火的技术,不能使用中文名,真烦,我的源码全是中文名的,而且传完了要改回来,希望改进,要上传本站没有的源码是不可能的,都十几万的源码怎么能找到没有的?我只将收藏的贡献出来就是了。-P2P source, we will first fire, not the use of Chinese name, really annoying, my source who is in Chinese. but the end-to be changed back, hoping to improve to upload the source site is not impossible, more than 10,000 are how the source code can be found not? I only collection of the contribution from the grindstone.
Platform: | Size: 32849 | Author: 天下 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopJAVA-source

Description: 该压缩包包括以下内容:Java SMTP协议电子邮件传送剖析,Java语言实现对网络服务器搜索,JCOMToACAD,用JAVA 实现P2P网络通信,投稿文章,基于URL的Web服务器数据访问,Matlab环境下Socket网络功能的实现,ImageProcess等八个源程序-the compressed include the following : Java SMTP E-mail analysis Java language for network servers search JCOMToACAD. JAVA using peer-to-peer network communication, writing articles, based on the URL of the Web server data access, Matlab environment Socket networking capabilities to achieve eight source ImageProcess
Platform: | Size: 545037 | Author: 尹志远 | Hits:


Description: 点对点P2P文件共享客户端源码.-peer-to-peer file-sharing client source.
Platform: | Size: 69408 | Author: 阿宽 | Hits:


Description: P2P穿越防火墙 代码 ,作为P2P开发中的配套代码.-P2P Firewall traversal code, P2P development as the matching code. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Platform: | Size: 289747 | Author: tommy | Hits:

[Other resourceChord-Source-Code

Description: 非常著名的P2P计算项目的源代码。对于研究P2P的拓扑构造、DHT算法等有着巨大的帮助-most famous peer-to-peer computing project's source code. For research P2P topology structure, DHT algorithm has a tremendous help
Platform: | Size: 82967 | Author: steven | Hits:

[Other resourcejxta-source

Description: JXTA 源码 基于JAVA 可以在此基础上编写更多的P2P程序-JXTA Java-based source code can be prepared on the basis of this additional procedures P2P
Platform: | Size: 81222 | Author: 梁山 | Hits:


Description: jxta p2p 网络编程技术原代码 清华大学出版社出版-jxta p2p network programming source code Tsinghua University Publishing House
Platform: | Size: 5507812 | Author: tangtang | Hits:

[Other resourcep2pserer_www_mxeye_com

Description: 一定可用的p2p源程序,vc++开发,服务器部分,www.mxeye.com欢迎学习不清楚可到我网站上看看,或qq5937116-certain p2p source available, vc development, servers, www.mxeye.com welcome to learn not sure I can look at the website. or qq5937116
Platform: | Size: 17283 | Author: 少林寺 | Hits:

[Other resourcep2pclent_www_mxeye_com

Description: 一定可用的p2p源程序,vc++开发,客户端部分,www.mxeye.com欢迎学习不清楚可到我网站上看看,或qq5937116-certain p2p source available, vc development, client, www.mxeye.com welcome to learn not sure I can look at the website. or qq5937116
Platform: | Size: 14241 | Author: 少林寺 | Hits:

[Other resourcep2p(UDPpassNAT)

Description: P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)。用源代码来说明UDP穿越NAT的原理。这是一个不错的用于研究P2P原理程序。 -P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation (source code). With the source code to illustrate the UDP Through NAT principle. This is a good principle for the study of P2P procedures.
Platform: | Size: 31456 | Author: Arnold | Hits:

[Other resourceJXTAinaNutshell

Description: p2p 源代码,不错的哦,快来下啊JXTA in a Nutshell附书源码-p2p source code, yes, um, ah Come under JXTA in a Nutshell book-source
Platform: | Size: 81494 | Author: jack | Hits:


Description: 通过linux操作系统限制P2P的流量的源代码-Linux operating system through restricted the flow of P2P Source Code
Platform: | Size: 26709 | Author: 林智建 | Hits:

[Other resourceABC-win32-v3.1

Description: ABC P2P 源码,不可不看。 全新的BT客户端ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client>,开一个可以下载多个BT,相信很多人已经找了好久,但是一直没有满意的吧?ABC是一个非常棒的单窗口BT客户端。稳定,占内存非常小,速度快!新版修正一个Shad0w内核代码上的bug,修复一个字面上的错误,修复2个未翻译的单词,图标已经修复。-ABC P2P source, can not see. BT's new client ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client
Platform: | Size: 308326 | Author: jay | Hits:


Description: NAT打洞,原理和源代码 P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)-NAT burrows, and the principle and source code P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation (source code)
Platform: | Size: 289434 | Author: guhq | Hits:

[Other resourceemule0.08a-source

Description: emule0.08源代码,使学习VC++ 编程和P2P原理的理想源码
Platform: | Size: 145556 | Author: liuna | Hits:

[Other resourceemule0.1a-source

Description: emule0.1是emule中功能近乎详尽的第一个版本,加入了P2P的详细功能
Platform: | Size: 154865 | Author: liuna | Hits:


Description: pastry的java实现的2.0b版,微软研究院提出的p2p,dht方案
Platform: | Size: 4918026 | Author: ssy | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkP2P c#

Description: 一个p2p的c#版源码 -a peer-to-peer version of the c # source
Platform: | Size: 158519 | Author: 戴祺 | Hits:

[Multimedia programvlc-p2p.bz2

Description: 非常好的多媒体播放器源码。-a very good source multimedia player
Platform: | Size: 11147601 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 即时通讯P2P聊天软件(全部源码)Delphi ] 安装方法: 1、解压source.rar 2、打开Sql Server的企业管理器,附加数据库源文件:Server\\Data\\SysDB_Data.MDF 3、打开Server\\Server.ini文件,找到如下文字: [SQL Server] ServerName=(local) DataBase=Server UserName=sa PassWord= 在此处设置数据库服务器地址,数据库名称(Server),及用户名和密码。 [ServerInfo] ServerPort=7855 在此处设置服务器监听的端口号 4、运行Server.exe。看是否提示“服务器已启动”字样。
Platform: | Size: 47725939 | Author: lavenw | Hits:
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