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Description: p2p的DHT的实现,如chord CAN-the p2p DHT example, the chord CAN etc.
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: anda | Hits:


Description: P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)。用源代码来说明UDP穿越NAT的原理。这是一个不错的用于研究P2P原理程序。 -P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation (source code). With the source code to illustrate the UDP Through NAT principle. This is a good principle for the study of P2P procedures.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: Arnold | Hits:


Description: p2p 源代码,不错的哦,快来下啊JXTA in a Nutshell附书源码-p2p source code, yes, um, ah Come under JXTA in a Nutshell book-source
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: jack | Hits:


Description: 通过linux操作系统限制P2P的流量的源代码-Linux operating system through restricted the flow of P2P Source Code
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 林智建 | Hits:


Description: Title: simple P2P Gnutella code Description: This is a simple P2P Gnutella code. This code connects to the Gnutella network and prints all queries it will receive This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=7620&lngWId=3 The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL. -Title : Gnutella P2P simple code Description : This is a simple P2P Gnutella code. This code con nects to the Gnutella network and prints all que ries it will receive This file came from Planet- Source-Code.com home ... the millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at : http :// www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ ShowCode.asp txtCodeId = 7620
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: aleagu | Hits:


Description: P2P电视频道(V1.5_060930) 本程序为免费程序,您可以用来做单独的网站或者是网站的频道。-P2P television channels (V1.5_060930) the procedure for free procedure, You can do individually to the website or web site channels.
Platform: | Size: 315392 | Author: xxxxxxxx | Hits:


Description: NAT打洞,原理和源代码 P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)-NAT burrows, and the principle and source code P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation (source code)
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: | Hits:


Description: emule0.08源代码,使学习VC++ 编程和P2P原理的理想源码-emule0.08 source code, so that learning VC++ programming and P2P principle of the ideal source
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: liuna | Hits:


Description: emule0.1是emule中功能近乎详尽的第一个版本,加入了P2P的详细功能-emule functional emule0.1 is almost full the first version, by adding a P2P detailed functional
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: liuna | Hits:


Description: msn p2p即时通信源码,参照jml,原文sourceforge.net-instant messaging msn p2p source, in the light of jml, Original sourceforge.net
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: 徐剑 | Hits:


Description: Java实现的点对点短消息发送协议(smpp)开发包源码-Java realize point-to-point short messaging protocol (smpp) development kit source code
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: Ma Tao | Hits:

[File FormatJXTA-P2P

Description: 通过之前将近一个月对于JXTA技术的研究,终于大致了解了P2P网络JXTA技术的JAVA语言实现过程,特整理出来,以供大家交流讨论。其实,关于概念和该技术的介绍,也可以找到一些资料,在此我就不再介绍,我直接通过代码来描述一个P2P网络在JXTA技术下用JAVA语言实现的过程-For nearly a month prior to the adoption of JXTA technology, finally a general understanding of the P2P network of JXTA technology realize JAVA language course, special finishing up for discussion the exchange of everyone. In fact, on the concept and introduction of the technology, nor can I find some information, I will no longer introduction, I am directly through the code to describe a P2P network using JXTA technology realize the process of JAVA language
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: lisheng9 | Hits:


Description: 聊天系统的经,典的源码希望大,家可以看看,谢谢发表评论。-After a chat system, the source code hope that the family can look at, thank you for comment.
Platform: | Size: 795648 | Author: hehey | Hits:


Description: 非常好的,P2P源码,大家可以研究一下.-Very good, P2P source, we can look at.
Platform: | Size: 1085440 | Author: 刘绍全 | Hits:


Description: pastry的java实现的2.0b版,微软研究院提出的p2p,dht方案-pastry realized the java version 2.0b, Microsoft Research made by p2p, dht program
Platform: | Size: 4917248 | Author: ssy | Hits:

[Web ServerP2P-nat-UDP

Description: 是个非常简单的网路程序,只是演示如何进行UDP的内网穿透而已。本人所作的修改 主要是在测试UDP穿透不同的NAT时为了方便使用而已。因此改动也不大,加了一个函数和几参数, 多打印了原来没有的一些信息,如此而已。看源码吧-Is a very simple network procedures, only demonstrate how to conduct UDP penetrating the inner network only. I made changes to mainly UDP in testing different NAT penetration in order to facilitate the use of only. So not much changes, the addition of a function and several parameters of the original print no more than some of the information, that. Look at source code you
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: lzp | Hits:


Description: P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)-P2P penetrate NAT of UDP Principle and realize (with source code)
Platform: | Size: 4198400 | Author: c_xinhui | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: yulei | Hits:

[Multimedia programvlc-p2p.bz2

Description: 非常好的多媒体播放器源码。-a very good source multimedia player-Very good source multimedia player.-a very good source multimedia player
Platform: | Size: 11147264 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 适合学P2P的人学习 主要介绍了DHT的四种算法。 初学者应该看的东东。-P2P suitable places to learn the main introduction of the four types of DHT algorithm. Beginners should look at the NEE.
Platform: | Size: 249856 | Author: 关中过客 | Hits:
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