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Description: JXTA技术手册源码~~P2P入门书籍-JXTA technical manual source ~ ~ P2P entry books
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: 张琳 | Hits:


Description: turbobt.src.04.01.18.rar 一个BT客户端的源代码-turbobt.src.04.01.18 a source code of a bittorrent client
Platform: | Size: 236544 | Author: 小费 | Hits:

[WEB CodeJava Version

Description: 对等网络编程书的源码,用java编写的P2P程序-of network programming such as the source, using java procedures for the preparation of the P2P
Platform: | Size: 3065856 | Author: 李丹 | Hits:


Description: eMule-0.44d-VeryCD1129现在非常流行的p2p网上下载软件的源代码,-quad-0.44d- VeryCD1129 now very popular peer-to-peer downloading software source code,
Platform: | Size: 1790976 | Author: 张丹 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLP2PBlockSock

Description: 一个delphi的p2p控件的源代码,可惜没有例子-a p2p control of the source code, but no examples
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: 龙哲 | Hits:


Description: Btclientbt客户端源代码.rar 他们共同作用来实现分布式的功能:语音,视频,文件等功能 P2P实现,非常强大。-Btclientbt client source code. Rar them together to achieve distributed functions : voice, video, documents, etc. functional P2P, very strong.
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: 吴认识 | Hits:


Description: PP点点通是基于P2P技术的中文文件交换和通讯软件。非常好的一款源码,大用用处-little peer-to-peer technology is based on the Chinese document exchange and communication software. One very good source, Dayong useless!
Platform: | Size: 1141760 | Author: 赵好 | Hits:


Description: 一个基于GNU的多线程P2P下载软件的源码,非常好用!-one based on GNU multithreading P2P software to download the source code and very handy!
Platform: | Size: 4726784 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 北大的mazeP2P下载软件的源代码,功能非常齐全,喜欢P2P技术的可以学习下-The source code of p2p software Maze which has very complete functions.The one who is fond of p2p might study the code.
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 郝小柱 | Hits:

[Windows Developtrunk

Description: 一款非常流行的IPTV软件源码,利用P2P技术,在线播放,类似PPstream,pplive等软件。-one very popular source of IPTV software, the use of peer-to-peer technology, online players, similar PPstream, pplive software.
Platform: | Size: 1259520 | Author: 陆红 | Hits:


Description: linux下电骡,P2P软件源代码。安装使用make工具,编译器gcc,具体步骤按README所示。--- Mule, P2P software source code. Make installation tools, compiler gcc, specific steps indicated by the README.
Platform: | Size: 2114560 | Author: 王微微 | Hits:


Description: 本源码用DELPHI开发,使用UDP协议进行P2P文件传输-source with the Delphi development, use UDP for peer-to-peer file transfer
Platform: | Size: 1107968 | Author: ww | Hits:


Description: 是一个p2p在linux上的仿真,实现了P2P协议中的kademlia,chord的仿真.并可以通过对协议的扩展,实现更多的P2P协议的仿真,并证明其性能-a p2p simulation on Linux which can simulate kademlia , chord for P2P, and can simulate more P2P protocols by extending protocols and verify their functionaliteis.
Platform: | Size: 504832 | Author: 阿虎 | Hits:


Description: icq源码,类qq的p2p通讯源码,包括服务器端和客户端。采用vc开发,定义了即时通讯协议,分析其源代码,并进行修改完善,对于网络编程入门者,这是提高水平的一个有效途径-icq source, category qq source of peer-to-peer communications, including server and the client. Using vc development, the definition of instant communications protocols, analysis of its source code, and revised and improved network programming for beginners, this is the one to raise the level of effective ways
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: 李文雄 | Hits:


Description: 基于P2P的多媒体广播源代码,类似ppstream和pplive,非常有参考价值-P2P multimedia broadcasting source code, and similar ppstream pplive, very valuable reference
Platform: | Size: 1192960 | Author: 杨安国 | Hits:


Description: 一个开放源码的免费的P2P客户端软件,用于文件交流,支持中文搜索。它和Neo-Modus公司的Direct Connect使用同一个通讯协议,但比它功能更加强大,可以同时登陆很多服务器。开放源码,绿色软件,也没有广告条。DC是分散服务器型的,服务器端也是免费的,因此适合同一个地域内的用户飞速交换文件。目前全世界有上万个服务器,通过DC共享的资料超过5,000,000GB。-a free open-source peer-to-peer client software for document exchange, support Chinese search. It Neo-Modus Direct Connect companies use the same communication protocol, but higher than its more powerful, while landing many servers. Open source software green, nor of the advertising. DC is decentralized server-based, server-side is also free, making it suitable to the region with a rapid exchange of user documentation. There are now more than 10,000 items of servers, DC by sharing information over 5,000,000 GB.
Platform: | Size: 1991680 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 电驴emule的源代码,VC编写。 个人认为代码质量非常高,适合深入研究。 虽然不是自己的,但还是希望大家喜欢。-eDonkey EMule the source code, VC prepared. Individuals that code quality is very high, suitable for in-depth study. Even if they are not, but still hope that everyone likes.
Platform: | Size: 2742272 | Author: 天使 | Hits:


Description: 最新的TCP/IP开发包源代码,做P2P,Sniper必备的软件包哦!-the latest TCP/IP Development Kit source code, so P2P, Sniper essential package Oh!
Platform: | Size: 921600 | Author: | Hits:

[GUI Developse00-030401

Description: 对等网络编程书的源码,用java编写的P2P程序-of network programming such as the source, using java procedures for the preparation of the P2P
Platform: | Size: 304128 | Author: 吕建欣 | Hits:


Description: 很实用的点对点通讯程序,通过UDP打洞穿透NAT网关实现P2P连接,该源码实现了一个网络地址转换系统,分3个部分:1)路由器 2)TCP映象 3)UDP映象-very practical point-to-point communications procedures through UDP burrows penetrate NAT Gateway peer-to-peer connectivity, the source implementation of a network address translation system, in three parts : 1) Router 2) TCP Mapping 3) UDP mapping
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 李大卫 | Hits:
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