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[SourceCodeandroid源码下载工具for windows

Description: 使用本工具要先安装windows版本git,可到以下下载: http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list 选择Git- 1,启动程序后。 2,设置git的安装路径,及源代码保存目录 3,先初始化。 4,初始化成功后,选择android版本,及linux内核版本,按 开始更新下载 ,中途如果网络出错导致下出错,程序可自动从中断处重试下载,如果下 载长时卡住可按Ctrl+c(出现'y/n'选'y')中断,然后重新 按 开始更新 下载,程序会检测重新从中断处开始下载。 5,下载完成后,选择linux内核版本号后按切换,可提取相应linux内核版 本的源码 为了加快下载,只下载相应选择的android版本源码。linux内核则全拉 下来,自已选择linux内核版本号后按切换,可提取相应linux内核版本的 源码,按3步骤操作。源码保存目录内,有initdir目录是下载时初始化数据 ,下载完后,如果不再使用本工具管理源代码,可删除。 clone_result.log为下载记录文件可删除。
Platform: | Size: 1285967 | Author: wytwdhd | Hits:

[Communication-Mobileandroid code

Description: 安卓实例代码
Platform: | Size: 6479096 | Author: dssz_qhg | Hits:


Description: google新推出的手机开发平台的中文文献,打包了汉化之后的学习资料-google s new mobile phone development platform Chinese literature, packing after the Chinese learning materials
Platform: | Size: 386048 | Author: 张飞 | Hits:

[VOIP programBuildAndRoidDevelopenv

Description: this document illstrate HOW TO build a android develop envirounment.The android is a goole leading open smartphone Project
Platform: | Size: 238592 | Author: lin | Hits:


Description: android 例子中的SkeletonApp。很有代表意义,有空下来看看。-android examples SkeletonApp. Very representative of the significance of down time to look at.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developsrc

Description: Android Source Code. An gallary program.
Platform: | Size: 356352 | Author: yyf | Hits:


Description: Android平台上即时通讯聊天工具源代码。 支持手机聊天。-Android platform on instant messaging chat tools source code. Supported mobile chat.
Platform: | Size: 327680 | Author: 侯晓峰 | Hits:


Description: 反编译后的android平台, android 是当今google的正在推出的手机平台,本源码是经过反编译后的android平台,有很强的参考价值-After decompile android platform, android is being launched today, the google phone platform, the source code is compiled after the anti-android platform, has a strong reference value
Platform: | Size: 4485120 | Author: panenlei | Hits:


Description: Code to delete all Contacts on Android
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: suku | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAndroid_code_structure

Description: 描述了Android手机系统的代码结构,文件格式为.odt-the code structure of android system
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: ren jiaying | Hits:


Description: Android 编程宝典,教你如何在Android平台上进行开发这个是连连看源码-Android programming book, teach you how to the development of Android platform source code that is Lianliankan
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 黎明 | Hits:


Description: android 平台上的用来做网络监测,网络下载,以及网络识别的程序-Android network app.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: liu zhi | Hits:


Description: An Android Translator based on Google Translate API. The file contains source code and executable file for Android-based mobile phone.
Platform: | Size: 955392 | Author: quanghao | Hits:


Description: android开发入门与实战,近来很多朋友想在网上找相关的代码资料,我就买了此书并上传相关代码资料,希望我们多学习。-Getting Started with the actual combat android development, recently many of my friends want to find the relevant code for online information, I bought the book and upload the relevant code information, would like us to learn more.
Platform: | Size: 3135488 | Author: tony | Hits:

[Special Effectsbordcasd

Description: 转用于3G手机应用开发的android代码,示例是如何使用广播-Turn the development of applications for 3G mobile phones android code example is how to use the radio
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: sunfeng | Hits:


Description: android各种布局文件的源代码,包含了基本的布局格式和巧妙的运行方法-android source code for a variety of layout files, containing the basic layout of the format and method clever run
Platform: | Size: 2884608 | Author: sunfeng | Hits:


Description: Android开发入门与实战一书的源码,很实用的代码,包含了Android技术的各个方面。-Android development of the book Getting Started with the actual source code, very useful code, including all aspects of the Android technology.
Platform: | Size: 6478848 | Author: 辛瑞超 | Hits:

[source in ebookcode

Description: Android入门开发与实战原书代码,主要介绍android开发中的一些实战问题-Introduction to Android development and combat of the original book source
Platform: | Size: 6478848 | Author: vincent | Hits:


Description: Hangul keyboard source code for android platform.
Platform: | Size: 572416 | Author: Super pine | Hits:


Description: Today information app source code for android ,Today information app source code for android.
Platform: | Size: 7079936 | Author: anjule | Hits:
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