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Description: android安卓相机源代码,功能比较完整,用于学习-android camera code.
Platform: | Size: 1593344 | Author: o1o2o3o4o5 | Hits:


Description: android的开发源码实例,不多见,供大家学习学习,我看了后学了不少,故分享出来。-the android open source instance, rare for them to learn to learn, I learned after reading a lot, so share it.
Platform: | Size: 19849216 | Author: xwenfeng | Hits:


Description: 这些源代码可以直接导入到Eclipse里面看,也可以直接编成APK扔到手机里面跑,只要你不觉得丑-The source code can be directly imported into the Eclipse inside view, you can throw cell phones APK directly compiled to run as long as you do not feel ugly ...
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: eric | Hits:


Description: 7个Android应用程序源代码,包含MusicPlayer,MobileMap,TodayDate等-7 Android applications source code
Platform: | Size: 898048 | Author: sophie song | Hits:


Description:  当然在最后不能不提WordPress的Android应用了,这是WordPress官方开发团队提供的一个项目。从代码中可以学习到XMLRPC调用(当然还有更多的优秀内容)。-Of course, in the end can not fail to mention the WordPress Android application, which is the WordPress official development team of a project. Can learn from the code XMLRPC call (of course there are many more excellent content).
Platform: | Size: 5521408 | Author: 范荣琦 | Hits:


Description: 安卓游戏源码,贪吃蛇,扫雷游戏源码(基于myeclipse的安卓平台游戏开发)-android code
Platform: | Size: 7245824 | Author: backer | Hits:


Description: ANdroid GPS source code
Platform: | Size: 5240832 | Author: doulost777 | Hits:


Description: 一个很好的加广告源码,只供学习,有代码有资料。-A good advertising source for learning the code and data.
Platform: | Size: 1289216 | Author: 平凡 | Hits:


Description: Android程序源代码,运行后显示My Android,是《Android程序开发》这本书的源代码-Android code My Android
Platform: | Size: 496640 | Author: nikuan | Hits:


Description: MARS里面的源代码,有大量安卓的应用范例-MARS inside the source code, there are examples of the application of a large number of Andrews
Platform: | Size: 18522112 | Author: | Hits:


Description: android 游戏开发大全7-11章源代码,原来文件太大,分次上传-android game developers Daquan 7-11 Chapter source code, the original file is too large, sub-upload
Platform: | Size: 14766080 | Author: 丛日昊 | Hits:


Description: 大名鼎鼎的开源多媒体编程,原来用于xbox,后移植到各大平台,这是Android的,代码巨大,超百万,没有功夫和耐力的切勿下载。-The famous open source multimedia programming, original for xbox, after transplantation into a major platform, which is the Android code huge, super-million effort and endurance Never download.
Platform: | Size: 65342464 | Author: czd | Hits:


Description: android编程的各种小例子,可以用来学习之用-android programming small example, can be used for learning
Platform: | Size: 6385664 | Author: 李帅 | Hits:


Description: Android 应用开发代码示例,详细说明了Android开发的各个细节-Android application development code examples, detailed description of the various details of the Android Developer
Platform: | Size: 29389824 | Author: 蒋群林 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringandroid-code-analysis

Description: android一些机制的原理分析和关键代码分析相关文章-android some mechanisms of code analysis theory analysis and critical articles
Platform: | Size: 401408 | Author: lisemi | Hits:


Description: android code imples pulling down the screen to refresh
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: Wang Yue | Hits:


Description: android源码下载,android音乐播放器,完整无错误-android code download,music player for android
Platform: | Size: 3533824 | Author: 水哥 | Hits:


Description: 多种统计图源码,一个学习android进行统计的代码-A variety of charts source, a statistical learning android code
Platform: | Size: 299008 | Author: wp | Hits:

[Game ProgramAndroid-Audio

Description: Android code sound in java
Platform: | Size: 158720 | Author: daleu | Hits:


Description: android4.0 SDK 源码,很有用的学习Android的代码-Android4.0 SDK source code, very useful learning Android code
Platform: | Size: 10186752 | Author: httruly | Hits:
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