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Description: Android example source code WeChat smart voice recognition using examples
Platform: | Size: 15788032 | Author: xiaoxiaoc | Hits:


Description: 最近在做android串口的开发,找到一个开源的串口类android-serialport-api,但是下载源码之后发现源码不能直接使用,而且源码结构较为复杂,对此做了简化(Android serial driver source code)
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: dw105 | Hits:


Description: 第一行代码+Android+第2版 android开发指南(The first line of code +Android+ second edition Android Development Guide)
Platform: | Size: 1213440 | Author: ID真难取 | Hits:


Description: open shop code for shopping app
Platform: | Size: 13705216 | Author: Umair123 | Hits:


Description: Android应用源码之android拍摄视频并上传到PHP服务器(Android application source code Android filmed video and uploaded to PHP server)
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: sclink | Hits:

[android第一行代码 Android 第2版

Description: 第一行代码第二版郭霖著,一本很好的入门学习android的资料(The first line of code Guo Lin second edition, a good entry to learn android information)
Platform: | Size: 49965056 | Author: meanwhile | Hits:


Description: Android特效源码,实例源码,多种特效,希望对Android开发的朋友有所帮助(Android special effects source code)
Platform: | Size: 2073600 | Author: flashman | Hits:


Description: 200款优秀Android项目源码(三),包括hotel宾馆系统,ImageView 图片循环跑马灯的效果,手机变成IP Camera,防止内存溢出浅析,高仿多米音乐播放器等(200 excellent project source code (three), including the hotel hotel system, ImageView picture marquee loop effect, mobile phone as IP Camera , to prevent memory overflow of high imitation meters music player etc.)
Platform: | Size: 75627520 | Author: flashman | Hits:

[OtherQt on Android 核心编程源码

Description: Qt on Android 核心编程随书的源代码(The source code of the core programming with the book of Qt on Android.)
Platform: | Size: 2755584 | Author: fishkiss | Hits:

[JSP/JavaAndroid kotq

Description: 天气预报源码,开源,可以学习到接口如何使用。(Weather forecast source code)
Platform: | Size: 3297280 | Author: 荒丶独断万古 | Hits:

[androidAndroid PDF 阅读器源码

Description: 一个Android PDF的源码,主要用于打开PDF,功能齐全界面好看(a resource code from android pdf)
Platform: | Size: 4737024 | Author: 半生少年 | Hits:

[androidAndroid 人脸识别功能使用源码

Description: Android下的人脸识别功能,使用 这个代码需要注意的是图片格式必须是RGB_565,其它就没什么了。(Face recognition function under Android, What this code needs to be aware of is that the picture format must be RGB_565, and the others are nothing.)
Platform: | Size: 1875968 | Author: 少校唐龙 | Hits:


Description: 安卓第一行代码学习 PDF格式 全书 入门学习用(The first line of Android code learning PDF format full Book Introduction)
Platform: | Size: 7590912 | Author: xs_wape | Hits:


Description: Android第一行代码PDF书籍,全电子版(Android first line code PDF books, full electronic version)
Platform: | Size: 8716288 | Author: Yeak | Hits:


Description: 安卓v19源码,存放在安卓SDK/platforms/路径内,然后打开SDKTool-setting-clearCache,重启eclipse或者SDK(Android v19 source code, stored in the Android SDK/platforms/ path, and then open SDKTool-setting-clearCache, restart eclipse or SDK)
Platform: | Size: 60046336 | Author: 刀锋斩 | Hits:


Description: 安卓v21源码,存放在安卓SDK/platforms/路径内,然后打开SDKTool-setting-clearCache,重启eclipse或者SDK(Android v21 source code, stored in the Android SDK/platforms/ path, and then open SDKTool-setting-clearCache, restart eclipse or SDK)
Platform: | Size: 62850048 | Author: 刀锋斩 | Hits:

[androidAndroid Internals 2015-11

Description: Android是一个开源的系统,但是有多少人能真正坐下来整理数百万行java,C,C++和XML,明白它是如何工作的? 《Android Internals::A Confectioner's Cookbook》是世界上最流行的操作系统的内部运作已记录的第一次!在不涉及冗长代码的情况下,它使用详细的说明、详细的注释和动手实验展示了Android的各种组件的逻辑和流程!(Android may be an open source system, but how many people can actually sit down and sift through millions lines of Java, C, C++ and XML, just to figurea out how it works? Android Internals::A Confectioner's Cookbook is the first time the inner workings of the world's most popular operating system have been documented! Without going into the lengthy code, it presents the logic and flow of Android's various components using detailed illustrations, verbose annotations and hands-on experiments! And the companion website - http://NewAndroidBook.com/ - offers a cornucopia of bonus material, in the form of special tools, articles and code samples - all free! Volume I takes the power user's point of view - the utilities and functionality accessible through)
Platform: | Size: 8852480 | Author: TimeGone | Hits:

[androidAndroid 热修复 Tinker 接入及源码浅析

Description: Android 热修复 Tinker 接入及源码浅析(Android Heat repair Tinker access and source code analysis)
Platform: | Size: 707584 | Author: 一起去飞吧 | Hits:

[OtherAndroid 性能监控实现原理

Description: Android 性能监控实现原理 性能监控其实就是hook 代码到项目代码中,从而做到各种监控。常规手段都是在项目中增加代码,但如何做到非侵入式的,即一个sdk即可(Performance monitoring is actually the hook code to the project code, so that all kinds of monitoring are done. The conventional means are to add code to the project, but how to do non - intrusive, that is, a SDK)
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: 一起去飞吧 | Hits:


Description: android app code for quiz app. android app code for quiz app.
Platform: | Size: 1294336 | Author: nakz | Hits:
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