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Description: 使用NDK编译好的openCV库打开图片进行canny边缘检测再保存的Android程序代码-OpenCV library compiled using the NDK pictures canny edge detection to open and then save the Android code
Platform: | Size: 6616064 | Author: 陈旭 | Hits:


Description: 使用Eclipse来开发Android源码-Android source code using Eclipse to develop
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: zhong | Hits:


Description: mars-droid老师的视频教程附带的源码,至新到2011年3月2号,目前未有第一季12章后部分-mars-droid video tutorials with the teacher' s source code, to New March 2, 2011, there are no part of the first quarter after Chapter 12
Platform: | Size: 2253824 | Author: 大漠 | Hits:


Description: android一个网络编程实例,还有android编程常用的代码集合-android instance of a network programming, as well as a collection of commonly used code android programming
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: 黎维娟 | Hits:


Description: Android 震动示例--心跳效果,内有文档解释说明,还附带程序源码。 附件: Android 震动示例--心跳效果.doc 资源在中国手机开发者联盟中整理而来 TestViberation.rar-Android vibration Example- heartbeat effect, an explanation within the document, but also with program source code. Annex: Android vibration Example- heartbeat effects. Doc TestViberation.rar source get from cmd100
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: | Hits:


Description: android客户端和服务端源代码,mysql数据库。-android client and server source code, mysql database.
Platform: | Size: 798720 | Author: 李强 | Hits:


Description: android webservice 及一些常用的代码例子很好-android webservice and some very good examples of commonly used code
Platform: | Size: 2158592 | Author: 泱泱 | Hits:


Description: android图片浏览源代码,开发环境为JAVA-android photo browsing source code, development environment for JAVA
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 顾兴庆 | Hits:


Description: android开发的图片浏览器代码,采用华丽界面-android code developed Picture Viewer
Platform: | Size: 1019904 | Author: litao | Hits:


Description: 关于datatime、imageviewer、draw、mediaplayer的开发 从Google.Android程序设计指南源码截取-About datatime, imageviewer, draw, mediaplayer development source code from the interception of Google.Android Programming Guide
Platform: | Size: 13533184 | Author: 刘晓蒙 | Hits:


Description: 本书由国内Android知名专业开发团队eoeMobile团队倾心撰写。eoeMoblie团队国内最早一批专注于Android开发的专业团队,目前团队已经在Google Market上有超过5款的作品,-Written by well-known domestic Android development team eoeMobile professional team focused writing. eoeMoblie team to focus on the earliest batch of Android development team, the current team has the Google Market on the works of more than 5,
Platform: | Size: 6778880 | Author: lhx | Hits:


Description: android的短信发送全过程源代码分析。分析了android短信发送的每一个步骤。-the whole process of sending SMS android source code analysis. Android analyzed every step of sending text messages.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 卢传恩 | Hits:


Description: Android界面效果汇总,几乎包含所有当前流行的android界面动画效果,包含源代码。-Android interface summary results for almost all current popular android animation interface, including source code.
Platform: | Size: 2574336 | Author: tamphoenix | Hits:


Description: 10个实用Android应用程序源码.rar。很实用哦-10 Practical Applications Android source code. Rar. Oh, very practical. .
Platform: | Size: 3103744 | Author: 范彦伟 | Hits:


Description: Android开发视频教学第一季相关代码-android relevant code
Platform: | Size: 3646464 | Author: qq | Hits:


Description: android上使用ZXing识别条形码和二维码,代码简单易懂,相信能帮助读者迅速掌握相关的开发-the use of android and two-dimensional bar code ZXing identification code, the code easy to understand, that can help readers quickly master the relevant development
Platform: | Size: 1000448 | Author: gary | Hits:


Description: Android 系统架构及其驱动研究()Android 系统架构/Android 代码结构/Android 专用驱动/Linux 设备驱动在Android 上的使用分析)-Android system architecture and its driven research () Android system architecture/Android code structure/Android specific driver/Linux device driver to use on Android analysis)
Platform: | Size: 2557952 | Author: 龚孝波 | Hits:


Description: android音频视频编码解码,里面写的比较详细,给出了一些源代码和实例。-android audio and video codec, which write in more detail, gives some source code and examples.
Platform: | Size: 1355776 | Author: 王勇 | Hits:


Description: Android手机好友列表,实现简单的登陆,获取好友列表的功能-The code for Android mobile friends list, you can try!
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: qqchen | Hits:


Description: 公司用的Android上opengl es实例代码,非常适合android上opengl初学使用。-Opengl es example code on Android, ideal for beginners to use opengl on android
Platform: | Size: 276480 | Author: renboxue | Hits:
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