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Title: CT-API Download
 Description: This little Program allows you to send commands to the CardReader (CT-BCS) or to the Card itself.First you will be ask to what Port the Reader is connected (0 = COM1, 1 = COM2). Then the Class-Byte ( CLA), Instruction-Byte (INS), Parameter 1 (P1), Parameter 2 (P2). If wou don crave want to send Parameter 3 (P3) press Ctrl-d (^ d). If you enter a number then you have to the Bytes of the Datafield. After the last Byte of the Datafield is entered the whole APDU is send the replay is displayed. After that you can send the next APDU.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader joechen0623]
 To Search: apdu CT-A ct a reader
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