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SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms Crypt_Decrypt algrithms

Crypt_Decrypt algrithms List Page 1

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[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsSHA算法

Description: SHA算法的实现,密钥的产生,二进制字符串
Platform: | Size: 115235 | Author: fukua19940318 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsBCH编解码源程序

Description: 51/63BCH编解码,解码采用循环码译码的一般方法,可纠正一个到两个错误
Platform: | Size: 3538 | Author: 769801634@qq.com | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsLDPC-simulation

Description: 对LDPC校验矩阵进行构造,并实现编译码仿真,以及ber图像对比。可以作为LDPC编码参考。
Platform: | Size: 26188 | Author: wf395962475 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsG.729a(C源码)

Description: G.729的全名Code Excited Linear Prediction Model (CELP) and Conjugate-Structure Algebraic CELP (CS-ACELP). 共轭结构-代数码激励线性预测编码. G.729家族一共包括三个版本G.729, G.729A,G.729B,G.729AB: G.729 是G.729的第一个版本, G.729A 相对于G.729简化了算法. G.729B 给G.72
Platform: | Size: 298963 | Author: dmwang1982@163.com | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsRTCM3.X编码解码

Description: RTCM3版本数据编码与解码,对三版本中所涉及的所有的电文类型的编码算法详细的实现
Platform: | Size: 11882 | Author: shubao2604090209@163.com | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsCVSD编解码

Description: 16kbps CVSD 话音编解码算法,含算法和算法系数,可清晰还原话音。
Platform: | Size: 1609 | Author: dongzg1968 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsRSA算法

Description: iOS平台的RSA加密,适合跟钱有关的接口调用校验
Platform: | Size: 4648 | Author: weikaishi | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmssha-3 C语言源码

Description: sha-3哈希杂凑算法,基于c语言编程的源码
Platform: | Size: 33033 | Author: wby23225 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmscaesar cryptography algorithm

Description: This is a program that can encrypt and decrypt text.
Platform: | Size: 568575 | Author: uber83 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsBCJR算法

Description: 通信中信道编译码的BCJR译码算法的C语言实现。
Platform: | Size: 2789 | Author: 823391165@qq.com | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsLDPC译码工具箱

Description: LDPC译码工具箱,常用LDPC译码工具合集
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: wsaddasw1989 | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithmsDigital image encryption algorithm

Description: Digital image encryption using chaos
Platform: | Size: 2100 | Author: akashgujjar1992@gmail.com | Hits:
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