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[Web Serverminiweb-0[1].6.0

Description: 这是个有关嵌入式web server有关的程序 ,是6.0版。-This is the embedded web server of the process, version 6.0.
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: 华华 | Hits:


Description: 关于WEB的报表打印程序,大家可以参考一下-statements on the Web Print procedures, we can take a look
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: mac | Hits:

[Windows Developwebdatabase

Description: web数据库的开发(DHTML的创建及应用)-web database development (DHTML the creation and application)
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: gcc | Hits:

[WEB Codebiandianzhan

Description: 《基于web的变电站信息管理系统》是一个基于ASP.NET开发的Web变电站信息管理系统。作为B/S结构的web数据库管理系统,本系统具有所有B/S结果系统的优点,同时又具有ASP.NET的高效的优势。 从技术上说,本系统采用了C#编写,充分利用ASP.NET强大的组件DATAGRID,结合ADO.NET对任务书中的变电站信息的ACCESS数据库db1.mdb进行管理。通过本系统可以对数据库执行添加、删除、修改、查询等全面的操作。系统支持分页功能,能支持大量数据的存储。我利用具有高安全性的session作为安全校验的依据,对用户的权限进行审核,提供系统的安全保障。 -err
Platform: | Size: 916480 | Author: 周勇 | Hits:

[Other systemsxitong

Description: 科研及设备管理系统是一个基于WEB的网络管理信息系统-research and Equipment Management System is a Web-based network management information system
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: yanglei | Hits:


Description: CSS就是Cascading Style Sheets,中文翻译为“层叠样式表”,简称样式表,它是一种制作网页的新技术。 网页设计最初是用HTML标记来定义页面文档及格式,例如标题<h1>、段落<p>、表格<table>、链接<a>等,但这些标记不能满足更多的文档样式需求,为了解决这个问题,在1997年W3C(The World Wide Web Consortium)颁布HTML4标准的同时也公布了有关样式表的第一个标准CSS1, 自CSS1的版本之后,又在1998年5月发布了CSS2版本,样式表得到了更多的充实。W3C把DHTML(Dynamic HTML)分为三个部分来实现:脚本语言(包括JavaScript、Vbscript等)、支持动态效果的浏览器(包括Internet Explorer、Netscape Navigator等)和CSS样式表。 -CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. the Chinese translation for "cascading style sheet," which is abbreviated style sheet, it is a website production of new technologies. Web page design was first used to define HTML tags and page document formats, such as title
Platform: | Size: 326656 | Author: 李强 | Hits:

[OtherWeb 开发与技术设计Web图像

Description: Web 开发与技术设计Web图像,为i幻灯片格式。-Web development and design Web images, as i slide format.
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: 秦志亮 | Hits:


Description: java web 开发工具,主要由于工作流的开发-java web development tools, mainly due to the development work flow
Platform: | Size: 494592 | Author: 崔华俊 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingsvgnet_doc

Description: web,svg相关的文档资源,希望对初学者有所帮助。-web, svg documents related resources, and I hope to help beginners.
Platform: | Size: 312320 | Author: adad | Hits:


Description: 一个小型 web服务器, 当然 不是 我写 得, 麻雀 虽小, 五脏俱全,实现 了SSH 安全 连接功能 -a small web server, I did not write, sparrows small, perfectly formed. to achieve the SSH security connectivity
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: wangning | Hits:

[WAP developjavamoiblecodes

Description: J2ME核心类及MIDlet类 MIDP用户界面对象 图形处理及低级事件处理 多线程编程 I/O及网络编程 数据库RMS编程 浮点数编程 多媒体及GAME API编程 安全、加密及代码优化 扩展类库及供应商提供的API 与服务端联合搭建移动应用 XML 及Web Service编程 短信编程 各种移动平台的应用开发-J2ME MIDlet core categories and category MIDP graphical user interface object handling and processing low-level incidents multithreaded programming I/O and network programming RMS database programming and multimedia programming float API programming Security GAME CHAIRMAN, encrypted code optimization and expansion of library and the suppliers to provide API and joint-service structure for mobile applications and XML Web Programming Programming Service SMS mobile application development platform
Platform: | Size: 3959808 | Author: 殷丞 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringlinux_server

Description: Web Server for Embedded Systems. 嵌入式Linux上的Web Server设计,实现了TCP/IP协议的移植以及在LINUX上的实现。-Web Server for Embedded Systems. Embedded Linux on the Web Server design, Implementation of TCP/IP protocol and the transplant LINUX on the achievement.
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: aeron | Hits:


Description: .NET下Web服务程序设计入门指导 _NET Web服务程序设计配套代码 -. NET under the Web services programming guide entry _NET Web services programming matching code
Platform: | Size: 1055744 | Author: 启超育 | Hits:

[GIS programopen3dgis_v0.1.tar

Description: Open 3D GIS Project - Version 0.1 (09/17/2005) 1. SUMMARY The Open 3D GIS is a Open Source project (released under GNU GPL) with the main goal to make a simple way to display 3D objects from a Geodatabase on the Web. visit: http:///www.open3dgis.org Join the Open 3D GIS user mailing list online at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/open3dgis Please let us know how you are using the Open 3D GIS. Drop us a note at: uchoa [at] open3dgis.org or mauricio [at] open3dgis.org -Open 3D GIS Project-Version 0.1 (09/17/20 05) 1. SUMMARY The Open 3D GIS is a pro Open Source Campus (released under GNU GPL) with the main goal to make a simple way to display 3D objects from a G eodatabase on the Web. visit : http :///www.open3dgis.org Join the Open 3D GIS user mailing list online at : http :// groups.yahoo.com/group/open3dgis Please let us know how you are using the Open 3D GIS. Drop us a note at : Uchoa [at] open3dgis.org or mauricio [at] open 3dgis.org
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 唐炉亮 | Hits:

[Web Servermfc-aspserver

Description: 支持ASP的WEB服务器源代码,采用MFC编写-support ASP Web server source code, prepared using MFC
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 岳天军 | Hits:


Description: The Java Web Services Tutorial 内容非常详尽的Java Web Services电子书,适于初学者。-The Java Web Services Tutorial very detailed SUNW a Web Services e-books, suitable for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 3641344 | Author: 鄭喬鴻 | Hits:

[GUI Developwindows&web

Description: 当我们使用Windows资源管理器(Exporlor)时,看到左边的视图能够显示所选目标的相关信息,比较好用。 本例是一个简单的Web视图界面示例,不过左边不是一个Web视图,而是一个FormView。-when we use Windows Explorer (Exporlor), see View to the left shows the selected target information, better quality. This case is a simple Web interface View examples, but the left is not a Web View, but a FormView.
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: zhaoyong | Hits:

[Education soft systemjiaoxuefuzhukaoshixitong

Description: 教学辅助考试系统主要是针对高校师生作为使用对象而开发的。本论文介绍了试题库系统的特性、JSP的相关技术及本程序的结构分析和具体功能的实现。作为一个典型的信息管理系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和后台管理、维护以及前台页面的Web设计。对于前者要求建立起的数据库具有完整性和一致性,且具有一定的数据安全性,如用户需要输入密码才能使用等,而对于后者则要求程序界面友好、功能完备、使用户一目了然等特点,经过详细的分析,选用JSP作为开发语言,TOMCAT作为JSP服务器,J2SDK作为其JAVA虚拟机。首先建立系统应用原型,然后对原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的实际可行的系统。-teaching aids test system is mainly aimed at high school teachers and students as the use and development of the object. This paper introduced a test for the characterization, JSP technology and the related procedures for the analysis of the structure and function of specific achievement. As a typical information management systems, including development of its database background to the establishment and management background, maintenance and prospects of the Web page design. For the former require the establishment of a database with integrity and consistency, with certain data security, if the user needs a password can be used, while the latter claims process friendly interface, complete functions, to make clear the characteristics of users, after detailed analysis, as used JSP developm
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: xp | Hits:


Description: Microsoft Active Server Pages 即我们所称的 ASP ,其实是一套微软开发的服务器端脚本环境, ASP 内含于 IIS 3.0 和 4.0 之中 , 通过 ASP 我们可以结合 HTML 网页、 ASP 指令和 ActiveX 元件建立动态、交互且高效的 WEB 服务器应用程序。有了 ASP 你就不必担心客户的浏览器是否能运行你所编写的代码,因为所有的程序都将在服务器端执行,包括所有嵌在普通 HTML 中的脚本程序。当程序执行完毕后,服务器仅将执行的结果返回给客户浏览器,这样也就减轻了客户端浏览器的负担,大大提高了交互的速度。-Microsoft Active Server Pages, which is supported by the ASP, Microsoft is developing a set of server-side scripting environment, ASP intron in IIS 3.0 and 4.0, through that we can combine ASP HTML pages, ASP instructions and ActiveX components to build dynamic, interactive and efficient Web server applications. With ASP You do not have to worry about customers browser can run your prepared by the code, because all the procedures will be implemented on the server side, including all embedded in ordinary HTML scripting. When the procedure has been completed, the server will only implement the results back to the client browser, this will reduce the client browser burden, which has greatly enhanced the speed of interaction.
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows CEMailMan

Description: 这个基于嵌入式平台SMART PHONE电子邮件收发管理系统(MAIL MAN是一个电子邮件客户端软件。它以很小的体积,消耗很少的系统资源,而实现了非常强大的功能。它支持全部的INTERNET 电子邮件功能。该电子邮件客户端软件比WEB MAIL系统(网页邮件系统)提供更全面的功能。使用我们的MAIL MAN统。登陆时不用下载网站页面内容,速度更快;使用本系统收到的和曾经发送过的邮件都保存在自己的SMART PHONE,不用上网就可以对旧邮件进行阅读和管理。在收发邮件时,该系统必须连接到INTERNET。-embedded platform based on the SMART PHONE e-mail management system (MA MAIL N is an e-mail client software. it is a very small volume, consuming less system resources. to achieve a very powerful function. It supports all of the Internet e-mail. the e-mail client software than WEB MAIL system (Web mail system) to provide a more comprehensive function. we use the M-MAIL AN EC. when landing site pages do not have to download content, faster; use of the system has received and sent by mail were kept in their SMART PHONE. no Internet will be able to read old mail and management. in the e-mail, the system must be connected to the Internet.
Platform: | Size: 502784 | Author: 刘钦 | Hits:
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