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[Search Enginegooglsearthdemo

Description: 使用Google Web APIs service 进行搜索的示例代码,数据交换基于SOAP与WSDL标准。-use Google Web APIs service for searching the sample code, data exchange, based on the SOAP and WSDL standards.
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: | Hits:

[Web Serverwebservice_CSock

Description: 一个WEB服务的SERVICES程序,可在NT后台运行-a Web services SERVICES procedures, in the background NT
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: | Hits:

[Web Serversimple-http-server

Description: 该工程实现了一个简单的http服务器,如果您想编写一个自己的web服务器,可以参考本程序。-the project to achieve a simple http server, if you want to prepare their own web server, the reference to the procedures.
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 日出东方 | Hits:


Description: < J2EE应用开发详解>>一书全部的源代码. 本书基于J2EE 1.4平台,从基本开发实例入手,以实用为目标,以实践为指导,深入浅出地讲解了 J2EEl.4平台的各种技术;同时,本书以当今流行的Eclipse作为开发工具,详细介绍了使用Eclipse开发 JSP、Servlet、EJB、Web服务的各个细节;JSP 2.0的发布,使得非Java程序员都能编写JSP,本书将介 绍怎么让非Java程序员使用表达式语言和标准标签库编写JSP;EJB 2.1技术同样做了许多改动,如增加 了定时器功能、EJB-QL增强功能、直接发布成Web服务,本书将详细介绍这些新技术,并且提供具体实 例;JAX-RPC是J2EE1.4平台Web服务的核心技术,书中用详细实例深入剖析了它。随书光盘内容为书 中范例源文件。 本书适合于专业J2EE应用开发人员和准专业的开发人员,对于要了解J2EE1.4最新技术的系统构架人员,本书也可以作为其参考。 -err
Platform: | Size: 20264960 | Author: 罗冬 | Hits:

[Web Serverproduct

Description: 这是一个关于进销存的产品管理系统,是基于web服务的系统,采用的技术是spring!-Invoicing of the product management system, a web-based service system, the technology is spring!
Platform: | Size: 7071744 | Author: 杨金龙 | Hits:


Description: delphi与WEB开发相关的知识,技巧-related to the development of knowledge, skills
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: eee | Hits:


Description: javascript5手册其内容是js脚本的详细说明,对web开发人员有所帮助!-javascript5 its manual js script is a detailed description of the web developers to help!
Platform: | Size: 514048 | Author: zt | Hits:

[WEB Code0510141559

Description: PHPCMS 是一个基于PHP+MYSQL的全站生成html的PHP的网站管理系统,是一个经过完善设计并适用于各种服务器环境(如UNIX、LINUX、WINDOWS等)的高效、全新、快速、优秀的网站解决方案,特别适合政府、学校、企业以及其他各种新闻资讯类网站使用。-PHPCMS is based on PHP and MYSQL one of the station's generating html PHP Web site management system, is a perfection in the design and application of various server environment (such as UNIX, Linux, Windows, etc.) efficient, a new, fast, excellent website solutions, particularly for the government, schools, enterprises and various other categories of news and information sites.
Platform: | Size: 2523136 | Author: 胡宾 | Hits:

[Windows Developvb_fax

Description: VB写的发传真软件,通过web service.发传真.-VB wrote in a fax software, web service. Fax.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 王景 | Hits:


Description: 这个小程序实现了Web Server 的功能,只是最简单的作为Web Server。内附JB9 的工程文件,大家可以根据自己所好进一步修改。-this small program Web Server functions, only the most simple Web Server. Enclosing JB9 works documents, we can according to their preferences further revision.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 涛涛 | Hits:

[Web ServerWebServices2006

Description: web server demo-web server demo
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: 达同华 | Hits:

[Browser ClientHPMenu

Description: 实现打印区域隐藏或显示,方便你用WEB系统开发时实现客户需要。-regional print or hidden, you used to facilitate the development of Web systems achieve customer needs.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王怀念 | Hits:


Description: 手机游戏开发明天的计算将进入普及计算时代。各种消费电子产品,包括智能手机,PDA,Web-TV,将来的信息家电等等将实现随时随地的计算。这是一个异常广阔和丰富多彩的领域,其设备极度多样化而且都将在网络中,Java技术的跨平台性和网络功能在这里大有用武之地。这就是J2ME,这一丰富多彩的领域中生机勃勃的技术。 -phone tomorrow's game will enter a universal computing era. A variety of consumer electronic products, including smart phones, PDAs, Web-TV, the future of information appliances, etc., will be achieved anytime, anywhere computing. This is a very broad and varied field, and the facilities are great diversity of the network, Java technology and cross-platform networking capabilities can be fully utilized here. This is J2ME, this colorful area vibrant technology.
Platform: | Size: 3186688 | Author: 魏巍 | Hits:

[WEB CodeCnetnetv1.0.5

Description: 一个基于WEB的用asp编写的留言版-a Web-based asp prepared with the message boards!
Platform: | Size: 697344 | Author: fdsa | Hits:

[Delphi VCLmywebbrowser

Description: 利用delphi做的很简单网页浏览器,代码很少,请大家多多指正。-done using a very simple Web browser, code rarely, please correct lot. Thank you
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: yessober | Hits:


Description: Web界面的计费信息查询程序,后台运行的计费系统程序,负责从ProxyServer日志文件中收集计费信息。使用WinInet,CFtpConnection等。运行平台:WindowsNTProxyServer-Web interface for the billing information procedures, background billing system procedures for log files from ProxyServer collecting billing information. Using WinInet, CFtpConnection so. Platforms : WindowsNTProxyServer
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 小型web服务器,作为研究web服务器是个很好的例子。简单实用-small web server, web server, as research is a very good example. Simple and practical
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 刘斌 | Hits:

[Search EnginePHPWindblog

Description: PHPWind大型多用户高速博客个人主页系统 PHPWind 推出大型多用户博客(BLOG), 该系统以众多个人日志(主页)为内容基础, 为网站内容管理与发布提供了更好的解决方案! (1) 以 .html 为链接模式架设整个网站, 让站点的内容大量出现在各大搜索引擎 (2) 全面支持 二级域名 比如 我的个人主页 http://yuling.phpwind.net (3) 做为一个可独立运行的系统, 同时可选择性的与论坛会员及文章数据进行完美整合! (4) 完全支持 RSS, 与 WAP 手机浏览, 用句广告词就是: 手机也能博客! (5) 强大的系统管理, 能简便地进行系统管理与用户日志管理! (6) 采用多层设计, 根分类 -- 多级子分类 -- 系统团队博客 -- 个人团队博客 -- 个人主页 -- 个人专辑 (7) 采用phpwind负载核心, 具备流畅的速度与高负载能力! (8) 采用phpwind模版设计思想, 与多语言设计思想! 最大程度地进行扩展与设计!-PHPWind large multi-user system blog WEBSITE PHPWind launched a massive multi-user blog (BLOG), the system to many personal log (Home) as a foundation for Web content management with the release provided a better solution! (1). Html to link model planes the whole site is set up so that the contents of a large number of sites in the major search engines (2) full support for two domain names such as my personal home page http://yuling.phpwind.net (3) as an independent operation of the system, while the option of the Forum members and several articles It is perfect for integration! (4) fully supports the RSS, and WAP mobile browser, with the words sentence : phone can blog! (5), a powerful management system, can easily for systems management and user log management! (6) multiple design-classi
Platform: | Size: 291840 | Author: 罗兵 | Hits:

[Windows Develop20040802095433_extWeb

Description: 使用过VC.Net的朋友可能知道,在VC.Net中全新提供了一种基于Web的界面设计方法,不过可能真正用到的人很少,至少我在国内的软件中没有看到过这样的界面设计方法。当初使用VC.net的时候就希望BCB的下个版本可以加入这样灵活的界面设计方法,但是到现在还没有等到,我想也不能一直这样等下去,于是就自己研究其中的实现方法,终于让我研究出来。-used VC.Net friends may know, VC.Net which offers a new Web-based interface design methods, but may be used really very small number of people, at least in my domestic software did not see any such interface design methods. The first use of VC.net BCB hope when the next version can be added to the flexible interface design methods, but until now has not wait until, I think, this has not wait any longer, so their own research on the method, and finally let me come up.
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: 张强 | Hits:

[Static controlwebmessenger

Description: "MSN Web Messenger. Copyright 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: land | Hits:
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