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[Embeded-SCM Developembedprotocol

Description: 简明扼要地介绍了uIP TCP/IP协议堆栈的eCOG1端口。文中还描述了一 个应用于简单的web网页服务器的实例。 开放源uIP软件包为在不牺牲互操作性或RFC标准的条件下,为嵌入式位处理器建 立TCP/IP协议堆栈提供了一种解决方法。它为互联网提供了一系列必要的协议。对 代码和数据的内存要求量十分小。-concise introduction of the Application of ulP TCP/IP protocol stack the eCOG1 port. The paper also describes the application of a simple web web server examples. Application of ulP package to open without sacrificing interoperability or RFC standard conditions for the establishment of embedded processor TCP/IP protocol stack provided a solution. It offers a series of the necessary agreement. Right code and data memory requirements were very small.
Platform: | Size: 284672 | Author: 张力 | Hits:

[Web Serverwebserver_sourcecode_218

Description: The web application server for embedded systems The Device Management Framework (DMF) is the powerful way to create device management applications for embedded products. Now with version 2.1, you can deploy your applications as standards-based Web Services – with no additional programming. -The web application server for embedded systems The Device Management Framework (DMF) is the way to create powerful device management applications for embedded products. Now with version 2.1, you can deploy your applications as standards-based Web Services- with no additional programming.
Platform: | Size: 1039360 | Author: 万万 | Hits:


Description: 小型的web服务器源码,可以用于51单片机,版本0.5.1-small web server source code, which can be used 51 microcontroller, version 0.5.2
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 杨可 | Hits:

[WEB CodeCCWeb1

Description: 一个 PHP 代码,实现 了 一个 动态 网站-a PHP code, achieving a dynamic Web site
Platform: | Size: 10659840 | Author: 秦军 | Hits:


Description: intel pxa270重要试验:WEB服务器实验,仅供参考。-important test : Experimental Web server, for reference purposes only.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 肖文 | Hits:


Description: QQ挂机站全部源代码(good) 第一步:新建一sql数据库webQQ,导入SQL数据库备份(在管理器里的还原备份功能,不会找找资料) 在Web.config里修改sa用户密码。 第二步:注册NT后台服务,并在windows服务管理器启动webqq服务 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\installutil C:\改成你的路径\webQQServ.exe 在webQQServ.exe.config修改sa用户密码。 这样就OK了,后台管理admin/admin.aspx 用户名与密码都是admin 自已改吧 ================================== ================================== 系统使用 APE.NET制作(c#) 使用sql数据库(存储过程) 并使用NT服务自动轮询QQ服务器并自动发广告 :) 这种站实际上只适合用NT服务来做,普通的脚本受不了这压力的。 ================================== 发广告是每次轮询只发用户好友列表中指定数字开头的号。 例如第一次发 10 开头的的,第二次就发 11开头的所有号,依次递增。这样会快很多。 -onhook full source code (good), the first step : a new database sql webQQ, import SQL database backup (in the manager's reduction backup, not to find out information) in Web.config reworked sa user passwords. Second step : Create NT background, the windows and service management services for start webqq C : \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v1.1.4322 \ installutil C : \ path into your \ webQQServ.exe webQQServ.exe.config changes in sa user passwords. So OK, management background admin/admin.aspx user name and password are admin own change it ================================ == ================================== system APE.NET production (c#) use sql database ( storage process) and the use of automated polling service NT server and automatically QQ made advertising :) such stat
Platform: | Size: 540672 | Author: 王元 | Hits:


Description: csdn登录的web服务,这个web service可以用来学习用-csdn Login web services, the web service can be used to study!
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 孙亮 | Hits:

[Search Engine20041122221716

Description: 仿YAHOO酷站之家的网址站整站程序 解压密码:www.hackvip.com-fake Yahoo Kuzhan House Web site at stations throughout decompression Password : www.hackvip.com
Platform: | Size: 236544 | Author: 卡卡 | Hits:


Description: 在.NET环境下用C#语言开发的网络应用小程序,Calendar控件应用举例——网络日历.-In. NET environment using C# Language developed by a small web application procedures, Calendar control applications, for example- Network calendar.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: wgf | Hits:


Description: 书的内容: 第一章 面向对象编程 1.1 什么是对象 1.2 修改元件名称 1.3 对象作用域问题 1.4 类成员的可见性 1.5 对象的相互赋至 1.6 自己创建一个对象 1.7 VCL的结构 1.8 TObjiect 1.9 TPersistent 1.10 TComponet 1.11 TComponent 1.11 TControl 1.12 TWinControl 1.13 TGraphicControl 1.14 TCustom Control 第二章 组件对象模型 2.1 几个基本概念 2.2 客户和服务器 2.3 认识GUID。CLSID。IID 2.4 引用技术 2.5 什么是IUnknown接口 2.6 Dll形式的COM服务器 2.7 接口 2.8 调度接口 2.9 双重接口 2.10 对接口的应用 第3章 ActiveX 第4章 Type Libraty 第5章 创建ActiveX控件 第6章 OLE自动化 第7章 使用WinSock 第8章 使用FTP控件 第9章 使用UDP控件 第10章 使用HTTP控件 第11章 使用HTML控件 第12章 使用SMTP控件 第13章 使用POP控件 第14章 使用NNTP控件 第15章 创建Web服务器应用程序 第16章 Web服务器的细节 //从第3章我就不详细写了~-the contents : the first chapter of object-oriented programming 1.1 1.2 What is the object name change components targeted 1.3 Scope 1.4 category visibility of the target of 1.5 to 1.6 mutual given themselves a target to create VCL 1.7 the structure TObjiect 1.9 1.8 TComponet TPersistent 1.10 1.11 1.11 TComponent TWinControl TControl 1.12 1.14 1.13 TGraphicControl TCustom Control II Component Object Model 2.1 2.2 few basic concepts and customers awareness Server 2.3 GUID. CLSID. Bloch cited technical 2.4 2.5 What is the IUnknown interface 2.6 Dll form of COM server interface 2.8 2.7 2.9 Scheduling Interface Interface 2.10 pair of double Application Interface Chapter 3 Chapter 4 ActiveX Type Libraty create Chapter 5 ActiveX Chapter 6 OLE Automation to use Chapter 7 Chapter 8 WinSock use FTP
Platform: | Size: 1909760 | Author: 龙杨 | Hits:

[Other resourceopenwebspider-0.5.1

Description: OpenWebSpider is an Open Source multi-threaded Web Spider (robot, crawler) and search engine with a lot of intresting features!
Platform: | Size: 231424 | Author: 龙龙 | Hits:


Description: 网上找来的,通过网页打印自定义报表的例子-brought online, web-Print-defined examples of statements
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 梁生 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxmini_web

Description: 一个相当小的WEB服务器,源码只有400多行,但WEB服务器的功能基本实现。-a very small Web server, the source code only over 400 firms, but the Web server functions basically attained.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 蒋春雨 | Hits:


Description: 基于web service 的Pizza定购系统,采用.net remoting 远程调用技术-Pizza ordering system used. Net Remoting technology called Remote
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: 搜索 | Hits:


Description: 东软内部培训材料(二)xml web service课件-Neusoft internal training materials (2) xml web service Courseware
Platform: | Size: 13180928 | Author: fs | Hits:


Description: 该系统是一个使用Java语言开发,以国内开源Web MVC框架EasyJWeb作系统引擎的Java Web应用系统.系统主要实现的功能有订单录入、打印、销售汇总、原料管理、客户管理、生产配料计算、报表打印、汇总、系统数据管理及维护等功能,是一个使用非常简单的编码方式实现的Web开源应用系统。   系统采用面向对象的设计方法,页面设计及系统逻辑分离,具有较好的扩展性。系统使用数据库中间件技术,支持My SQL、MS SQL Server等多种数据库系统平台。系统涉及到复杂表单数据提交、AJAX无刷新数据提交、WEB打印等常用应用软件中涉及到的技术。   系统在线演示地址:asp.easyjf.com 用户名:test 密码:test 源码下载 安装说明 技术交流   系统开发单位:EasyJF开源团队 系统官方网址:www.easyjf.com -The system is a Java language development, open-source Web domestic MVC framework EasyJWeb system for the engine Java Web applications. The system's main function is to achieve orders entry, printing, sales summary, materials management, customer management, product ingredients, printing, collating , the data management system and maintenance functions, is to use a very simple coding to achieve the open-source Web applications. Using object-oriented systems design, page layout and system logic separation, the better scalability. System database middleware technology, My SQL, and MS SQL Server database system for a variety of platforms. System of the complex form data submitted updated data without AJAX submitted WEB Print popular software applications relating to the technology. The sy
Platform: | Size: 3477504 | Author: signme | Hits:


Description: JAVA程序设计中 J2EE的WEB服务器端开发环境的Struts框架的中文说明-JAVA program design J2EE Web server development environment Struts framework of the Chinese explanation
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: WEB常用图像格式文件(gif,jpg,png)处理源代码-WEB common image format files (gif, jpg, png) handling source code
Platform: | Size: 794624 | Author: 拉帮结 | Hits:


Description: 简易java框架开源订销管理系统 v0.1 该系统是一个使用Java语言开发,以国内开源Web MVC框架EasyJWeb作系统引擎的Java Web应用系统.系统主要实现的功能有订单录入、打印,销售汇总、原料管理、客户管理、生产配料计算、报表打印、汇总、系统数据管理及维护等功能,是一个使用非常简单的编码方式实现的Web开源应用系统。 系统采用面向对象的设计方法,页面设计及系统逻辑分离,具有较好的扩展性。系统使用数据库中间件技术,支持My SQL、MS SQL Server等多种数据库系统平台。系统涉及到复杂表单数据提交、AJAX无刷新数据提交、WEB打印等常用应用软件中涉及到的技术。-simple java open source framework provides sales management system v0.1 of the system is a Java language development, open-source Web domestic MVC framework EasyJWeb system for the engine Java Web applications. The system's main function is to achieve orders entry, printing, sales summary, materials management, customer households management, production ingredients, printing, collating, and data management and maintenance functions, is to use a very simple coding to achieve the open-source Web applications. Using object-oriented systems design, page layout and system logic separation, the better scalability. System database middleware technology, My SQL, and MS SQL Server database system for a variety of platforms. System of the complex form data submitted updated data without AJAX sub
Platform: | Size: 3264512 | Author: 陈承辉 | Hits:

[Web ServerHttp1.0ServerModel

Description: 多线程java的web服务器 希望大家多多支持-multithreaded web server hope we can support
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 刘振坤 | Hits:
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