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[Search Engineaspseek

Description: ASPSeek是一个C++编写的互联网搜索引擎,并使用了STL库。它主要包括一个检索机器人,一个搜索守护程序,和一个搜索前端(CGI或者是Apache模块)。它大概可以检索几百万个URLs,来查找给定的短语和单词,并使用通配符,进行布尔搜索。搜索结果可以限定在给定的时间或站点,站点空间,并按照相关性或者时间进行排序(这里面使用了一些非常酷的技术)。ASPSeek可以应用于很多语言和编码中(甚至包括多字节语言如中文)。它为多个站点做了优化。(多线程检索,同步DNS查询, 按站点将结果分组, Web集合等),同时它也可以用于单个站点的搜索。其他特性包括支持stopwords和ispell, 字符集和语言的预测, 搜索结果的HTML模板,引用和查询词高亮度显示。并且它有详细的文档可以利用。-ASPSeek C is prepared in an Internet search engine and the use of the STL library. It mainly includes a retrieval robot, a guardian search procedures and a search front end (CGI or Apache module). It probably can search millions of URLs to the search for phrases and words, and the use of wildcards for Boolean search. Search results can be limited to the time or site, site space in accordance with the relevant time or rank (which is used by some very cool technology). ASPSeek can be used in many languages and coding (including multi-byte languages such as Chinese). It has done a number of site optimization. (Multi-threaded searching, synchronous DNS inquiries, according to results of a site, Web pools, etc.) It also can be used to search a single site. Other features include support stopwor
Platform: | Size: 1157120 | Author: qiu | Hits:


Description: 一个基于WEB的编程源码。用于开发WEB网页。-a Web-based programming source. For the development of Web homepage.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: maomao | Hits:

[Web ServerWebServer(VC6.0)

Description: 该程序可以提供Web服务器功能,用VC++编译通过。-the procedures can provide functional Web server, with VC compile.
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: Michael Lee | Hits:

[CA authopenssl

Description: web中安装证书 在web页面上生成证书请求 调用CreatePKCS10接口 调用openssl接口生成请求 -web certificates installed on the web pages generated certificate request then called CreatePKCS10 I call openssl request Generation Interface
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zgr | Hits:


Description: Visual C# .NET 是一套综合工具集,用于为 Microsoft Windows® 和 Web 创建 XML Web 服务和基建下一代软件提供了现代化的语言和环境-Visual C#.NET is a set of integrated tools, for Microsoft Windows
Platform: | Size: 544768 | Author: 冰峰 | Hits:

[Web ServerselfWebServer(java)

Description: 个人WEB服务器,能实现对静态网页的发布,能同时支持10上以上的并发访问,可扩展功能较强,有CGI接口-personal Web server, able to static Web publishing, will be able to support more than 10 on the concurrent access, which can be expanded more powerful, CGI
Platform: | Size: 2236416 | Author: 刘冰 | Hits:


Description: web.config中文详细说明及注解 -sed detailed description and explanation sed detailed descriptions and Chinese Notes
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 三木 | Hits:

[Email Servertiny_webmail_server

Description: 这是一个小型的Web Mail服务器,再VC++ 6。0下开发,适合初学者学习和研究。-This is a small Web Mail Server, and Visual C++ 6. 0 under development, for beginners learning and research.
Platform: | Size: 324608 | Author: binbin | Hits:

[Windows Developwebviewer

Description: 这是一个简单的WEB浏览器,它首先获取并处理输入的网址,将其转化为URL,然后利用EditorPane显示出来,其功能与WINDOWS的Internet Explorer类似-This is a simple Web browser, it is first imported and access to the website. into its URL, and then use EditorPane show up its function with Windows Internet Explorer similar
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 李冬梅 | Hits:

[Web Server141_WebServer1

Description: 简单的多线程WEB服务器,借鉴了<自顶向下方法_计算机网络>里的程序.用java写的.-simple multi-threaded Web server, a reference
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 赵燕 | Hits:

[WEB Codeapachephpmysql

Description: 想在windows系统中部署基于apache+php+mysql+gd环境的免安装web服务器吗? 本程序集成该环境,解压运行.bat文件就可以了-to the windows-based system deployment apache php mysql gd-free environment the installation of the web server? integrate the environment, decompression operation. bat document can
Platform: | Size: 5276672 | Author: lisa | Hits:

[WEB CodeMyThreadWebServer

Description: 编写简单的WEB服务器,根据客户请求显示信息,处理多客户请求.-prepare simple Web server, based on customer request to display information, handle customer requests.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘建新 | Hits:

[Web Serverxmlwebservices

Description: XML webservice的例子,对学web 服务很有帮助-XML webservice example, the school web services helpful
Platform: | Size: 672768 | Author: 吴敏 | Hits:


Description: 一本介绍java web开发的书,书中有大量的例子-a java web developers introduced the book to a large number of examples
Platform: | Size: 11743232 | Author: 李晓峰 | Hits:

[Web ServerSimpleWS

Description: web service 例子 详细规范参考《Programming Web Services for Weblogic Server.pdf》 -web service example detailed specifications reference "Programming Web Ser vices for Weblogic Server.pdf "
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: cinderrela | Hits:

[Web ServerSimpleWSClient

Description: web service 客户端 详细规范参考《Programming Web Services for Weblogic Server.pdf》-web service client detailed specifications reference "Programming Web Se GO for Weblogic Server.pdf "
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: cinderrela | Hits:

[WEB CodeWebService22

Description: Web Service事例 通过本例可以大概了解Web Service的基本开发-Web Service through stories about the cases can understand the basic Web Service Development
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: aq982 | Hits:


Description: 1.能够在支持 ASP.NET 的 Web 服务器上通过友好的 Web 界面方便地 压缩/解压存放在服务器上的文档。 2.通用性极强,只要服务器支持 ASP.NET,就可以正常运行。 -1. In support of ASP.NET Web server through friendly Web interface to facilitate the pressure reduction/decompression stored on the server documentation. 2. GM impressive, as long as ASP.NET server support, it can operate normally.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: 刘真 | Hits:


Description: 非常好的图表控件源码,支持WinForm和WEB,内有源码与例程-very good source control charts, and Web WinForm support, a source within the routines and
Platform: | Size: 871424 | Author: wanghb | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developminiweb-0[1].7.5

Description: 这是一个minweb原程序,是有关嵌入式web server的-minweb original program is the embedded web server of the
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 华华 | Hits:
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