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Description: 一个简单的秒表,可帮助了解全屏,字体等UI方面的知识.(供初学者参考)-a simple stopwatch, may help understand the full screen, such as UI font of knowledge. (Reference for beginners)
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: wzs | Hits:


Description: 本示例阐释 Stopwatch 类及其使用。 要求 您的桌面计算机上必须安装 .NET Compact Framework,该软件可以使用 Program Files 下的 Microsft.NET 或 Visual Studio 8 下的 \SDK\v2.0\CompactFramework\ 文件夹中的 netcfsetupv2.msi 文件来安装。 -This example to explain their use Stopwatch category. Requirements of your desktop computer must be installed. NET Compact Framework, the software can use the Program Files under Microsft.NET or Visual Studio 8 under SDK 2.0CompactFramework folder netcfsetupv2.msi file to install.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 王子 | Hits:

[OS programStopwatch

Description: This sample illustrates the Stopwatch class and some uses for it.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: winzheng | Hits:


Description: 电子秒表,可以显示0.01S到59’59”99.带有开始、暂停、复位于一键的控制功能。-Electronic stopwatch, can display 0.01S to 59 59 99. With a moratorium, rehabilitation located in a key control functions.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jacky | Hits:

[Windows Developstopwatch

Description: 一个关于秒表的小程序,用VB和c#写的,可以练习以下基本程序写法-A small stopwatch program, using VB and c# Written, you can practice the following basic procedures for writing
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: freed | Hits:


Description: 秒表可计时,用VHDL编译的源代码,从0.1到60秒计时,解压后直接用Quartus打开project即可-Stopwatch timer can be used to compile the VHDL source code, from 0.1 to 60 seconds from time, after extracting the direct use of Quartus can open the project
Platform: | Size: 577536 | Author: xie | Hits:


Description: VHDL语言设计的秒表,实现计时功能,实现报时功能,并且通过硬件实验。-VHDL language design stopwatch, timer function of the realization, the realization of time functions, and through hardware experiments.
Platform: | Size: 1647616 | Author: 王蕊 | Hits:


Description: 用brew 实现的stopwatch功能。用softkey控制时间的开始和停止。也实现了lap功能-Achieved with stopwatch function brew. Softkey control with start and stop time. Also achieved a lap function
Platform: | Size: 382976 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是一个用VC++编写的秒表的应用程序,鼠标左键一点击视图,启动秒表,重新计时,视图左上角就会以文本形式显示计时结果,鼠标右键单击停止计时。-This is a VC++ to prepare to use the stopwatch application, click the left mouse button a view to start the stopwatch, to re-time, view the text in the upper left corner will display the results of time, right-click stop the clock.
Platform: | Size: 1950720 | Author: 陈平 | Hits:


Description: 利用Quarteus II 6.0 设计一个秒表,通过7段数码管显示,以及开关控制秒表的启停。-Quarteus II 6.0 design using a stopwatch, digital tube through 7 show, as well as the switch control of the start and stop the stopwatch.
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: 范兴容 | Hits:


Description: 一个 Java 秒表计时器,两种计时模式,可切换皮肤和语言。-A stopwatch in Java. There are two timing modes and the language and look can be changed.
Platform: | Size: 3162112 | Author: shuangwhywhy | Hits:


Description: Quartus II工程压缩文件,是一个典型的基于FPGA的秒表工程项目,有50MHz分频、计数、译码等模块。采用VHDL语言编写。-Quartus II project files, is a typical FPGA-based project of the stopwatch, a 50MHz frequency, counting, decoding modules. Using VHDL language.
Platform: | Size: 464896 | Author: kg21kg | Hits:


Description: 用C#写的跑表,用于学习Timer控件和C#下的stopwatch类,在VS.net 2005下运行通过.-Using C# to write the stopwatch for the study and Timer controls and C# under the stopwatch class, VS.net 2005 in the run through.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: weixin | Hits:


Description: Verilog 编写的 秒表程序,在数码管上显示,带有清0和暂停键-Stopwatch Implemented by Verilog hdl
Platform: | Size: 584704 | Author: 洪磊 | Hits:


Description: The program is written in verilog to accomplish functions of a stopwatch. It can be implemented in Xilinx FPGA spartan 3 board.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: flyingwings | Hits:


Description: 由flash编写,Actionscript2.0. 模拟物理实验的秒表。-Stopwatch
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: hustckm | Hits:


Description: 利用新华龙公司C8051F020单片机及12232LCD制作的秒表计时程序可实现一次记录多个采样数据并可查询由LCD显示-Hualong company to take advantage of new C8051F020 MCU and the stopwatch time 12232LCD production process can be a record number of sampling data from the LCD display and query
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Turing | Hits:


Description: 基于Xilinx Spartan3E的秒表,能实现计时两次的功能-Based on the Xilinx Spartan3E stopwatch, time to achieve the functions of the two
Platform: | Size: 935936 | Author: darkblue | Hits:


Description: 基于vhdl的数字秒表,计时精度为1/100秒,最长计时时间为59分59.59秒;设有复位开关、起停开关;验证可用。-On vhdl digital stopwatch, timing accuracy of 1/100 seconds, the longest time time of 59 minutes 59.59 seconds with reset switch, start-stop switches validation is available.
Platform: | Size: 266240 | Author: ly | Hits:


Description: 51单片机与1602字符液晶构成的秒表,对初学者很有帮助的程序-51 character LCD MCU and 1602 constituted stopwatch
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 许柏宏 | Hits:
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