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[Data structszjuonlinejudge(1)

Description: 浙大acm在线评判系统zju online judge上面的题目解答源码(1),对于想要提高自己编程能力的同学来说是极好的资料,网上一般不会把这些源代码贴出,本人此次奉献出,也是想为广大编程爱好者做点贡献。-Zheda acm online evaluation system zju online judge the subject to answer the above source (1), for the programming you want to improve their own ability to students is excellent information, the Internet is generally not the source code of these posted, I am the dedicated, but also for the general programming enthusiasts would like to做点贡献.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 888 | Hits:


Description: 实例包括在线投票系统,在线书店,小游戏的制作,BBS论坛,聊天室等-Examples include the online voting system, on-line bookstore, game production, BBS forums, chat rooms, etc.
Platform: | Size: 12965888 | Author: ziqiaoling | Hits:

[WEB Codewog3_utf8

Description: 太空戰士 online web game (中文utf8)-Final Fantasy online web game (Chinese utf8)
Platform: | Size: 217088 | Author: ziyun | Hits:

[Education soft systemexam

Description: 一个在线考试系统,感觉还不错,发上来大家参考一下.-An online examination system, feeling pretty good, the U.S. table reference.
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 张杰 | Hits:


Description: 航空定票系统:户端功能模块:用户登录模块,用户注册模块,航班查询模块,客户订票模块,服务器端功能模块:添加航班计划模块,删除航班计划模块,添加飞机机型模块,删除飞机机型模块, 统计在线用户信息模块,统计注册用户信息模块 统计订票信息模块 加载机型信息模块 系统维护模-Airline tickets system: households client functional modules: User Login Module, the user registration module, flight query module, customers booking module, server-side functional modules: Module to add flight plans, flight plan to delete module, add the aircraft models module, delete the aircraft model module, statistics module online user
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: lwhsyit | Hits:

[WEB Codedivison-net-exam

Description: 在线考试系统,在毕业之际作为论文作品而 独立开发制作,享有版权,受中华人民共和国法律保护。该软件为免费软件,所以您可 以放心使用、传播,但严禁私自更改版权。 -Online examination system in a time when as a graduate thesis work and independent development of production, the enjoyment of copyright, by the People
Platform: | Size: 271360 | Author: xh | Hits:


Description: 在线教育平台: 从小学,初中到高中的各个阶段,设计了不同的科目:语文,数学,英语,政治等。 具有答疑功能,格式象新浪的知道栏目。 有卡号自动自成功能,卡号检测功能。 使用Eclipse开发,数据库是MySQL-Online education platform: from the elementary, junior high to high school at all stages of the design of the different subjects: Language, Mathematics, English, politics. With Q
Platform: | Size: 1781760 | Author: 赵端阳 | Hits:


Description: 乱online登陆器易语言源代码乱online登陆器易语言源代码-Chaos online landers easy language source code chaos online landers easy language source code
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: adetion | Hits:

[Graph Recognizemobanpipei

Description: 联机手写汉字识别代码 对大家会有帮助的 很使用 大家下了看就知道了-Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition code for everyone will be very helpful to use a look everyone will know
Platform: | Size: 113664 | Author: haha | Hits:

[Graph Recognizehanshi

Description: 联机手写汉字识别代码 对大家会有帮助的 很使用 大家下了看就知道了-Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition code for everyone will be very helpful to use a look everyone will know
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: haha | Hits:


Description: 一个Struts写的网上购物系统,是一个不错的实例.-Struts to write an online shopping system, is a good example.
Platform: | Size: 463872 | Author: caoshenjia | Hits:


Description: JAVA项目开发实践-网上范例:网上购物系统的JSP实现 第一步:将cart.jsp复制到C:\Apache Tomcat 4.0\webapps\ROOT下。 第二步:将cart目录(包含*.class文件及*.java文件)复制到C:\Apache Tomcat 4.0\common\classes目录中。 第三步:将cart.mdb复制到C:\下。 第四步:配制ODBC数据源,在系统DNS中添加cart.mdb,并命名为cart。 然后在浏览器中输入http://localhost:8080/cart.jsp测试,如果看到如图6-2所示的画面,则证明安装成功。 -JAVA project development practice- Web Example: JSP online shopping system to achieve the first step: The cart.jsp copied to C: Apache Tomcat 4.0webappsROOT under. Step two: the cart directory (contains the*. class files and*. java files) are copied to C: Apache Tomcat 4.0commonclasses directory. The third step: cart.mdb will be copied to C: under. The fourth step: the preparation of ODBC data sources, add in the DNS system cart.mdb, and named for the cart. And then enter in your browser http://localhost:8080/cart.jsp test, If you see the screen shown in Figure 6-2, it proved a successful installation.
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 董小园 | Hits:

[WEB Codebookstore

Description: asp.net的网上书店开发,采用vb.net开发语言,数据库为sql server2000,内含源代码和数据库,可以配置好后直接运行,注意:必须是vs.net2003平台。-asp.net development of the online bookstore, using vb.net development language, database sql server2000, containing source code and database can be configured to run directly after, Note: must be vs.net2003 platform.
Platform: | Size: 2881536 | Author: 陈金中 | Hits:


Description: 在线考试!完全网站系统,asp.net+SQLSERVER 版本的已经包括会员系统,文章系统,下载系统等等 -Online exam! Complete website system, asp.net+ SQLSERVER version has been included in membership system, article system, download the system, etc.
Platform: | Size: 1018880 | Author: | Hits:

[Software EngineeringInformix

Description: 一个网上订票系统的简介,对网上订票系统的开发有一定帮助-An on-line booking system of profiles, online booking system has a certain extent, help
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: 朱建 | Hits:

[SQL Serverofficeonline

Description: 在线办公系统: 采用C#和asp编写-Online office system: the use of C# And asp prepared
Platform: | Size: 401408 | Author: 包军权 | Hits:

[Software Engineering11CHAPTER11

Description: 网上书店项目规划与设计文档,对一个网上书店需要写的文档有详细的介绍.-Online bookstore project planning and design documents, online bookstore for a document need to write a detailed introduction.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 张杰 | Hits:


Description: Java项目: banking online 高质量代码,学习Struts的例子,值得借鉴-Java projects: banking online high-quality code, learn from examples of Struts, it is worth drawing
Platform: | Size: 2129920 | Author: yiting_s | Hits:


Description: J2ME俄罗斯方块小游戏代码网上很常见的-J2ME Tetris game code online is very common
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 赖博 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsPOJ

Description: 北京大学ACM在线评测系统 OnlineJudge-ACM Online Evaluation System, Peking University OnlineJudge
Platform: | Size: 13505536 | Author: 崔四 | Hits:
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