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SourceCode Database system SQL Server

SQL Server List Page 1

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[SQL Server学生成绩管理系统

Description: Student score query system, including experimental reports, technical reports and student score management system instructions and database files, code can run, using eclipse.
Platform: | Size: 4145152 | Author: llzywq | Hits:

[SQL ServerGetData from DB

Description: C snippet to get data from MSSQL DB
Platform: | Size: 2590 | Author: f.recla | Hits:

[SQL ServerSQLQuerynew.sql

Description: The realization of simple student apartment system
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Wzzzzzzzz | Hits:

[SQL ServerBook management system0626

Description: Book management (user and administrator module, support to register account, borrow books, return books, deliver fines, freeze account, record query)
Platform: | Size: 1376256 | Author: 思罔殆 | Hits:

[SQL ServerPatient Count

Description: patient Count is calculate the no of patient visit in Hospital / Clinic
Platform: | Size: 539063 | Author: programmer@alabeermedicalgroup.com | Hits:

[SQL ServerEmployee DB

Description: Provide Details about sql assignment.
Platform: | Size: 2638 | Author: Peenal | Hits:

[SQL ServerDelete Log File

Description: SQL For Delete Log file In Sql Server.
Platform: | Size: 1250 | Author: Peenal | Hits:

[SQL ServerTable Lock and User Lock SQL

Description: Table lock and user lock SQL In SQL server. In this describe how to kill session of locked user.
Platform: | Size: 732 | Author: Peenal | Hits:

[SQL ServerEmployee, deparmet, CostCenter and Salary level

Description: 1. Using the above table structure: a. Write a script to create the Employees table. b. Write a script to alter the Employees table to increase the length of the [lastName] field from 50 - 60 characters c. Create a store
Platform: | Size: 3162 | Author: poonamsp83@gmail.com | Hits:

[SQL ServerDatabase Luna

Description: Luna Online Database
Platform: | Size: 10304723 | Author: AlipayLogin_2088442748773622 | Hits:

[SQL Server微厦在线学习系统

Description: 企业内训、职业技能培训、中小学培训、新媒体培训、成人教育、事业单位、医院、部队等等。产品功能比较齐全,性价比高,可以私有化部署,买断试用,也提供源码可以二次开发。不管是自己用,还是买回去OEM一下卖给其他客户,都值得一试
Platform: | Size: 28864568 | Author: 1846069146 | Hits:

[SQL Server吞食天地伺服端

Description: 完整任務系統 完整對戰系統 完整全地圖
Platform: | Size: 6172020 | Author: pce37285 | Hits:
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