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Description: 基于自适应在线遗传算法整定的PID控制,每个采样时间分别对PD参数进行整定-based on adaptive online genetic algorithm tuning PID control, sampling each time the PD parameters tuning
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: liaihua | Hits:

[Goverment applicationqqsever

Description: QQ在线客服程序,有功能强大后台管理。还有数种风格。-QQ online customer service procedures, powerful management background. There are a few kinds of styles.
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: 张伟 | Hits:

[WEB CodeonlinetestASP

Description: 一个关于在线考试的web系统,具有试卷生成功能的ASP+SQL Server源码-an examination of online web system, Generating function papers with the ASP SQL Server source code
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 陈梅梅 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMy-eBookStorebaogao

Description: 网上书店My-eBookStore的设计数据流程图、系统模块划分、模块功能简述、管理员控制板面详细设计以及部分PDL语言总体框架描述-online bookstore- eBookStore flowchart design data, the system modules, Module functions briefly administrator control panel face of the detailed design and PDL language to describe the overall framework
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 张舒 | Hits:


Description: 在线电子表格\SpreadSheet \在线电子表格\SpreadSheet-online electronic forms \ SpreadSheet \ online electronic forms \ SpreadSheet
Platform: | Size: 1164288 | Author: 屈振兴 | Hits:

[Education soft systemTestOnlineSystem

Description: 在线考试系统,B/S结构可以使用此框架开发类似的考试系统-online examination system, B/S structure can use this framework to develop similar examination system
Platform: | Size: 920576 | Author: chenshufang | Hits:


Description: 利用JDBC,JSP技术实现简单的网上书店程序设计,程序具有图书展示(三本书),加入购物车,购物篮展示,移出商品,继续购物,交银台,结账单等功能。-use JDBC, JSP technology to achieve simple online bookstore programming, procedures to display books (three books), a shopping cars, shopping basket display and outflow of goods, continue to be offered Silver Terrace, Regulations alone, and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: 陈正昌 | Hits:

[WEB Codeonlinesupermarket

Description: PHP开发的网上购物系统,结合MYSQL数据库,包括用户注册与登陆模块,商品显示、查询、购买,订单生成及查询等功能-PHP development of the online shopping system, combining MYSQL database, including user registration and landing module, Trade shows, inquiry, purchase orders and inquiries generated function
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: liuqing | Hits:


Description: ISGNN是对SGNN(self-generated neural network)的一种改进,是一种在线学习的算法.-ISGNN of discrete (self-generated neural netw EFCs) an improvement, an online learning algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 5359616 | Author: 邱大山 | Hits:

[WEB Codeemployonline

Description: 此为在线招聘管理系统,具体操作里面有详细的word文档说明,管理员帐户为admin,密码为1234。-for this online recruitment management system, the specific operation with a detailed note of the word document, Administrator account for the admin password to 1234.
Platform: | Size: 655360 | Author: ricky | Hits:

[Education soft systemexam_net

Description: 基于JSP的网上考试系统,采用Browser/Server模式。后台数据库采用SQL Server 2-JSP-based online examination system, using Browser/Server model. Background database using SQL Server 2
Platform: | Size: 276480 | Author: 王劲涛 | Hits:


Description: 本软件需求规格说明书按照CMM2级标准编写,由项目经理孙昱拟制。项目全称为:SARS病人网络管理系统,项目代号为NK001。预期读者为参与SARS病人网络管理系统设计、开发、实施、维护各阶段任务的人员。包括项目组人员、部门经理、客户代表、与项目相关的其他小组负责人等。 本软件需求规格说明书包括正文和附录部分。正文包括概述、系统用例分析、报告参与人员、需求说明、在线帮助需求、设计约束、组件购买、接口、许可需求、法律和版权条款、应用标准。附录包括参考书目、索引、术语表、版本号。 关键词:SARS病人 设计约束 组件购买 -the software requirements specification manuals in accordance with SW-class standards prepared by the project manager Yu Sun fiction. Project name : SARS patients Network Management System, the project code-named NK001. Expect readers to participate in SARS patients network management system design, development, implementation, maintenance of the various stages of the mission staff. Including the project team, department managers, customer representatives and other items related to the group, and so on. The software requirements specification manuals include some text and appendices. Including an overview of the body, the system use cases, the staff report, demand, online help demand, design constraints, the purchase of components, interfaces, permit requirements, legal and copyright provi
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: wq57 | Hits:

[Education soft systemon-lineexamination

Description: 针对目前传统考试方式的不足,介绍一个在Web 环境下,利用JSP/ STRUTS 技术开发基于Brower/ Server 模式的在线考试系统的总体方案、主要功能模块及其相关实现技术。该系统实现了真正的无纸化在线考试,大大减轻了教师的工作量,也保证了考试的公正性和合理性。系统功能齐全、界面友好,具有推广使用价值。-traditional view of the current shortage of examination, introduced in a Web environment, Using JSP/STRUTS technology development based on Brower/Server model of online examination system The overall program, the main modules and related technology. The system realizes the true paperless online examinations, greatly reduce the workload of teachers. also guaranteed a fair examination of rationality. Function of the system is complete, with a friendly interface, with the promotion of value.
Platform: | Size: 459776 | Author: 窦磊 | Hits:

[Shop supermarket software systemECommerce

Description: 本系统用java实现网上商店的一般功能,主要有用户注册,购物车,用户订单的相关处理。包括查询商品,商品分类,显示商品列表,如何发布商品信息。-java with the system to achieve the general online store functions, the main user registration, shopping cart, Users of processing orders. Including inquiries commodities, commodity classification, showing the value of links, how to release commodity information.
Platform: | Size: 456704 | Author: zhubin | Hits:

[Graph Recognizesignature

Description: 在线签名鉴定包括AR实现算法、DTW算法,人脸定位实例-online signature verification algorithm include AR, DTW, face positioning example
Platform: | Size: 2294784 | Author: 孟蕊 | Hits:


Description: 一套简单的投票系统,可以对网站进行投票,用户可以在线进行信息的添加-a simple voting system, the site can vote online for users to add information
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 楼全 | Hits:


Description: 在线购物系统.rar 包括文档和代码 JSP开发的 可以当做毕业设计-online shopping system. Rar include documentation and code of JSP development can be designed as a graduation
Platform: | Size: 4102144 | Author: 李顺 | Hits:

[Game Server Simulatorstendhal-FULL-0.59

Description: Arianne is a multiplayer online engine to develop turn based and real time games providing a simple way of creating the game server rules and clients like Stendhal. Marauroa, our server, uses Java and MySQL for hosting hundreds of players on a solo host. -Arianne is a multiplayer online engine to d evelop turn based and real time games providing a simple way of creating the game server rules an d clients like ringtones. Marauroa. our server. uses Java and MySQL for hosting hundreds of play ers on a solo host.
Platform: | Size: 7611392 | Author: suidl | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeDTW-method

Description: 在线签名鉴定:DTW实现算法,用C语言编写,有一定的参考价值!-online signature verification : DTW algorithm, using C language, which is the reference value!
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 罗敏 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringjiaoxuepingguxitong

Description: 一个在线教学评估系统,功能:学生在线完成对老师的评教,架构设计完整.-an online teaching evaluation system, functions : online students complete the assessment of teachers in education, architecture design integrity.
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: Dong yuqing | Hits:
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