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Description: 网上电子投票系统中服务器端的实现-online electronic voting system, the server-achieving Yesterday morning, Liu Qi
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: | Hits:

[Game Server SimulatorKALSvr

Description: 完整版的骑士online的游戏服务端源代码,里面还附带了开发资料,本服务端采用的是C++语言编写,有兴趣的可以看看.-complete online version of the Cleveland game server source code, which also accompanied by the development of information the server-side use of the C language, are interested can look at.
Platform: | Size: 48373760 | Author: LSW555 | Hits:


Description: 神经网络在线训练和控制仿真程序,控制一个二关节机器人。-online training neural network simulation and control procedures, controls a two joint robot.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 唐斌 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringzxks

Description: 在线考试系统设计与关键技术研究.论述了在线考试系统的目标、体系结构与功能,探讨了在线考试系统中部分关键技术的实现方法-online examination system design and key technology research. Exposition of the online examination system, Architecture and features on the online examination system part of the key technologies to achieve the method
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: zhen_gege | Hits:

[Other Gamesturbomagic-alpha

Description: Turbo Magic Online is a client-server internet multiplayer game in which people play games of Magic: the Gathering against each other. -Turbo Magic Online is a client-server INTE campus multiplayer game in which people play game s of Magic : the Gathering against each other.
Platform: | Size: 436224 | Author: slowlysea | Hits:


Description: 欢迎使用网页设计 在线学习系统ver1.0 本系统主要特点如下: 1.本系统采用学号加密码登录,可接受外部注册。 2.教学内容模块可由教师后台管理。 3.保存学生学习进度。 4.多种交互方式。 5.提供在线考试模块,同时能够进行补考,成绩查询等功能。 6.网页设计教学内容部分精心挑选,并进行了较好的分类。 -welcomed the use of web design online learning system ver1.0 main features of this system are as follows : 1. The school system uses its password login, external registration acceptable. 2. Teaching modules can be teachers management background. 3. Keep students learning progress. 4. A variety of interactive manner. 5. Provides an online test module, it can be for the make-up exam, the results query. 6. Web design teaching content of carefully selected, and a better classification.
Platform: | Size: 286720 | Author: whgh | Hits:


Description: 一种在线SVM的实现,通过样本的取舍,我们可以将SVM运用动态建模当中(得有SVM工具箱的支持),该源码中包含有SVM工具箱和在线SVM的源程序-an online SVM achieved through the choice samples, SVM we will be able to use dynamic modeling them (SVM in a toolbox support) The source code contains SVM toolbox and online source SVM
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: 生月 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringROKit

Description: RO kit for ragnarok online
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: j9ck | Hits:


Description: 网上考试系统的好多的论文 关于研究与实现的 大家快安看-online examination system has many papers on the study and implementation of security you see fast
Platform: | Size: 1031168 | Author: 235235235 | Hits:

[Other Databasesonline-book-sale

Description: 在线图书销售系统,基于VB+ACCESS平台开发,可用作在线图书销售。-online book sales system, based on VB ACCESS platform and can be used as online book sales.
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: | Hits:

[Other Databasesonline-education-system

Description: 在线教育系统,基于VB+ACCESS平台开发,可以用于在线教育。-online education system, based on VB ACCESS platform development, can be used for online education.
Platform: | Size: 1205248 | Author: | Hits:

[Other Databasesonline-medicament-sale

Description: 在线医药销售系统,基于VB+ACCESS平台开发,可用于在线医药销售。-online medicine sales system, based on VB ACCESS platform can be used for online medicine sales.
Platform: | Size: 1875968 | Author: | Hits:

[Other Databasesonline-order-system

Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineonLineRadio

Description: 可以在线听广播电台的C#源码,只要提供地址就可以了,可以是本地或网络地址。-online radio station C# source code, as long as we can provide addresses, may be local or network addresses.
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: gfdsg | Hits:

[WEB Codeshch

Description: 《漂亮完全多用户网络商城系统》是一套国内知名,技术领先,能圆你网上创业梦想的电子商务系统。你可以在互联网上开店,拥有自己管理的店铺,强大的后台管理和会员管理店铺的功能,更是在网上建立收费连锁店铺的最好选择。建店功能强大,只需简单设置,5分钟即可以建立一个功能完备的网上商店;具备对所有商家、会员、商品、订单的全套管理功能及快捷的资料查询系统;内置运营商网站,即买即用,无需另行设计运营商站点,安装完成即可开始运营。 商品管理模块,能够进行商品的添加/管理,订单处理,商品参数设置,查看网友对商品的评论,商品的单位/品牌设置; 商城的信息管理模块,有首页新闻添加/管理,专题添加/管理,投票添加/管理,首页公告管理,以及网友的意见反馈; 在线支付模块,支持网上在线支持系统,50多家银行,实时划帐,方便快捷;-"pretty fully multi-user network mall system" is a well-known, technical lead, You can round Internet start-ups dream of e-commerce systems. You can sell at the market on the Internet, with its own management of the shops, a strong management background and Member shop management functions, is a web-based fees chain shops the best choice. Powerful built shops, you can simply set up, five minutes can establish a fully functioning online store; possess all businessmen, Member, merchandise, orders management is the set of functional and efficient data inquiry system; built-in operators website, which is used to buy without any further operator site design, installation can be completed to begin operating. Commodity Management module, a commodity to the Add/management, order proces
Platform: | Size: 2674688 | Author: 姓名 | Hits:

[Special EffectsJpgFile

Description: 网上的jpeg的解码库是对于jpeg文件的解码,输出到bmp文件,本源码修改了库函数,使之接受一个jpeg文件的数据流,然后输出到bmp的点阵,可以直接输出到屏幕。具体的调用方法见源码中的说明。-online jpeg decoder for the document jpeg decoder, the output of bmp documents, The modified source code library functions to make it accept a jpeg document data flow, and then exported to the lattice bmp, can be directly output to a screen. Specific method call see the source note.
Platform: | Size: 1644544 | Author: dhc | Hits:

[Software Engineering10517-080605-0303B04-28

Description: 本“网上考试系统”是为了配合网上教学,实现网络学校一体化而设计的。设计本系统要熟悉掌握数据库的编辑和应用,并能与网络相结合。 本“网上考试系统”是基于微软的FrontPage和Access数据库来实现的。主要采用HTML语言来编写,设计过程中还应用到ASP语言。全文共分为系统分析、系统概述、设计过程、用户说明、 结束语、参考文献。本文详细阐述了系统分析、系统设计的方法及其内容,对如何使用ASP开发本系统作了较为详细的介绍。本系统以网页的方式对数据库进行调用,系统应用简单明了,考生可以轻松查看数据库,操作员也可以对数据库进行添加、删除、修改等操作。 关键词:网上考试系统,数据库,网页语言 -the "online examination system" is in line with the on-line teaching, the network integration of the school design. Design of the system to the mastery of the editing and database applications, and can combine with the network. The "online examination system" is based on Microsoft's FrontPage and Access database to achieve. HTML language used mainly to prepare, the design process is also applied to the ASP language. There transcript analysis, the system outlined, design process, users that conclusion, references. The paper presents a systematic analysis, system design methods and their contents ASP on how to use the system was the development of a more detailed presentation. Of the system to the website of the database call, the system simple and straightforward a
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: 陆雪 | Hits:

[Game Server SimulatorMU_GSDLL

Description: MU奇迹扩展包代码,在线答题,结婚,刺杀,在线加点,在线泡点,扩展仺库!-MU miracle expansion pack code, online answer, marriage, assassinations, plus online, online bubble point, the expansion Chuang!
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: qw | Hits:

[Education soft systemexamsss

Description: struts+hibernate在线考试系统exam-struts hibernate Online Examination System exam
Platform: | Size: 605184 | Author: wangfan | Hits:

[Game Server SimulatorEVEmu-0.2

Description: EVE Online模拟器源码,采用C++编写 编译环境 real linux (not cygwin) gcc 3.3 mysql 4.1 32 bit 相比上个版本服务端增加一些功能,配合对应的数据库,可以架设成功 客户端请使用美版3913客户端-EVE Online simulator source code, C compiler environment to prepare real linux (not cygwin) gcc 3.3 mysql 4.1 32 bit compared to the previous version of the server for additional functions, with the corresponding database, it was built client please use the 3913 version of the U.S. client
Platform: | Size: 1741824 | Author: LSW555 | Hits:
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