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Description: c++ 原代码,输出文件中的最小路径以及费用-C++ source code,print out the shortest path and the lowest fee
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: johnson | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemshoulouguanli

Description: VB版的房地产售楼管理系统,采用Access数据库,使用了Printgrid控件,源码包中已包含控件安装程序,调试程序前需要先将其安装。可以完成房产管理、客户管理、收费管理、售楼管理、系统维护等常规功能。-VB version of the real estate sales management system using Access database, use the Printgrid control, source control package has been included in the installation process, the debugger needs first before the installation. To complete real estate management, customer management, fee management, sales management, system maintenance and other routine functions.
Platform: | Size: 1790976 | Author: 553 | Hits:

[transportation applicationscpsr

Description: 收费员车牌输入速度测试软件,适合于四川省高速公路。-Members registration fee input speed testing software, suitable for the highway, Sichuan Province.
Platform: | Size: 967680 | Author: 李好 | Hits:

[SQL Serversss

Description: 一个完整的毕业设计--学校收费管理系统,包括有论文、开题报告、任务书、程序和数据库。要毕业的赶紧下。-Graduated from a complete design- school fee management system, including the thesis, the title of the report, the task book, procedures and databases. To graduate under quickly.
Platform: | Size: 2871296 | Author: 罗小刚 | Hits:


Description: mc9s08lg32单片机初始化 时钟频率8MHZ FEI MODEL AND 8MHZ FEE MODEL -mcu initialization mc9s08lg32
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zzsb | Hits:

[Data structsc

Description: 题目:停车场管理问题 【问题描述】: 设有一个可以停放n辆汽车的狭长停车场,它只有一个大门可以供车辆进出。车辆按到达停车场时间的早晚依次从停车场最里面向大门口处停放(最先到达的第一辆车放在停车场的最里面)。如果停车场已放满n辆车,则后来的车辆只能在停车场大门外的便道上等待,一旦停车场内有车开走,则排在便道上的第一辆车就进入停车场。停车场内如有某辆车要开走,在它之后进入停车场的车都必须先退出停车场为它让路,待其开出停车场后,这些车辆再依原来的次序进场。每辆车在离开停车场时,都应根据它在停车场内停留的时间长短交费。如果停留在便道上的车未进停车场就要离去,允许其离去,不收停车费,并且仍然保持在便道上等待的车辆的次序。编制程序模拟该停车场的管理。 -Title: parking management issues 【Description of the problem: N has a parking strip of parking cars, it can be only one door for vehicular access. Vehicles to reach the car park by the time sooner or later followed by the most from the car park inside the main door to the big park (the first arrival of the first car on the parking lot of the inside). If the car park has been full of cars n, then the vehicle was only in the parking lot outside the gate waiting for the road, once the car park a car drive away, then came in on the sidewalk on the first car into the garage. If there is a car park vehicles to drive away, after it entered the parking lot of the cars have to be first out of the car park to make way for it, wait out the car park, these vehicles according to the order of the original approach. Vehicle leaving the parking lot when it is in the parking lot should be in accordance with the length of stay fee. If you stay on the sidewalk into the parking lot of the cars did not
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: pmy | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsfn

Description: 这是一个用vC写的费诺编程序,是在大二时的课程设计,信息论的课程设计-This is a fee to use Connaught vC for written procedures, when in the sophomore curriculum design, information theory of curriculum design
Platform: | Size: 965632 | Author: limo | Hits:

[Windows Developjiaofeixitong6

Description: 用vc++开发的小型交费系统,但内容很全面,包括数据库文件,源码和报告等-Vc++ development with a small fee system, but the content is very comprehensive, including database files, source code and reports
Platform: | Size: 708608 | Author: qj | Hits:

[source in ebook14160_12255903045dhF

Description: 银行代收电话费管理系统1.0功能叙述 1、使用文件管理整个收费信息,内容有:客户姓名C16,电话号码N11,市话费F7.2,长途费F7.2,信息费F7.2,ADSL费F7.2,费用合计F8.2,对应年月N6,收费状态C(0――未收,1――已收),收费日期D,银行帐号N20,收费人编姓名 2、提供的功能:(注:所有输出送显示器) A按月统计总的收费情况; B收费、退费的处理及相应单据的输出; C提供按姓名和电话号码查询收费状况及费用明细,要求对姓名按顺序插入排序(稳定排序),对电话号码按折半插入排序 -Bank Management System collection calls 1.0 features described 1, using the document management information of the charges, which include: customer name C16, telephone number N11, the city charges F7.2, long distance F7.2, information costs F7.2, ADSL fee F7.2, the total cost of F8.2, the corresponding years N6, charges the state of C (0- no land, 1- have been received), charges the date of D, the bank accounts of N20, charging people for the names of 2, features provided by: (Note: All output sent to the display) A monthly statistics on the total fees B charges, refund of the processing and the output of the corresponding documents C to provide the name and telephone number in accordance with the fees and charges and the cost breakdown , asked for the names by order of insertion sort (stable sort), for telephone numbers by half Insertion Sort
Platform: | Size: 239616 | Author: 欧阳锋 | Hits:

[VOIP programfee

Description: 一个电话计费程序,能够计算跨日通话费用的计算,并可以为一天设置三个时间段,他们的计时费用可异-A telephone billing program, is able to calculate the cost of跨日call basis, and can be set to three time a day, their cost may be different time
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 钟毓秀 | Hits:

[Windows Develop501_SMS_SPCOMM

Description: 要做一个短信收发的小软件,于是按照习惯Box寻找例程和控件,可惜没有找到! 于是,大幅翁、Google!!!终于找到了好几个,不是要收费就是不能用!气愤!! 这又不是什么高新尖端科技,俺们不是做不出来,俺们只是秉承RAD的精神而已! 于是这个短消息控件诞生了!虽然还很简陋,起码胳膊腿都有了,剩下就看它怎么跑了! 使用标准AT指令 现在只能支持PDU模式(Text模式太简陋)! 支持7_Bit 和 UCS2 编码 集成了串口(spcomm) 只需要简单的配置几个参数就可以收发短信了 主要需要安装Spcomm空间,可以另行下载 然后安装附带的XPMenu.pas,SMSProc.pas控件。-To be a small software to send and receive text messages, so in accordance with the customary routine and control Box to find, but did not find! Thus, a substantial Weng, Google!!! Finally found a few, not a fee is not! Angry! ! This is not a high-tech state of the art technology, rather than not able to俺们,俺们only uphold the spirit of RAD it! So the short message control was born! Although very simple, at least with arms legs, and the rest will depend on how it ran! Using standard AT commands Now can only support PDU mode (Text model is too simple)! 7_Bit and UCS2 encoding support Serial integrated (spcomm) Only need a few simple parameters can be configured to send and receive text messages of the Spcomm need to install the main space, can be downloaded And then install the attached XPMenu.pas, SMSProc.pas control.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: jingshaq | Hits:

[Windows Developfilerw

Description: 文件读写,用read and write,VB基本功能程序,发动发生地发的辅导费-Documents to read and write, and read and write, VB basic functions of the procedures took place to launch fee-fat counseling
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: robin | Hits:


Description: 微软内部的wince培训资料,收费培训班的教材,很全面了讲解分析了整个wince的开发流程,包括从驱动,bps,内核定制到应用开发。-Microsoft' s internal wince training materials, course materials fee, it is a comprehensive analysis of the entire wince of explaining the development process, from driving, bps, the kernel customization to application development.
Platform: | Size: 23861248 | Author: cz | Hits:


Description: 怨言的而厄特瑞特人通过 热突然一天 广发华福挂号费-Complaints rather Eteruite were widely distributed through the heat suddenly one day registration fee Hua
Platform: | Size: 9118720 | Author: 李力 | Hits:


Description: Real - Java floating point library for MIDP devices-Current version: 1.13 Copyright: 2003-2009 Roar Lauritzsen, roarl at users.sourceforge.net Availability: The library is available under the GPL license, or for a fee for commercial use. Develop: See http://sourceforge.net/projects/real-java Feedback: Comments, reports of use, bug reports, bug fixes, improvements, performance tests and comparisons to similar libraries are all welcome. Javadoc: Read the full documentation here. "Real.java" is a self-contained, single file Java floating point emulation library for MIDP devices, such as a Java-enabled cell-phone or PDA. The MIDP/CLDC 1.0 standard does not support the basic floating point types "float" or "double", so when I set out to program a scientific calculator for my cell-phone, I had to reinvent floating point arithmetic from scratch, using only integer basic types. I found it a very interesting and educating challenge. Download For a pure java version, use the following link: http://real-java.sourceforge.net/Real.java. T
Platform: | Size: 116736 | Author: mm | Hits:

[Other Embeded programtaxi

Description: 出租车自动计价器设计 要求: 计一个出租车计价器。 该计价器的计费系统:行程 3公里内,且等待累计时间2分钟内,起步费为10元;3公里外以每公里1.6元计费,等待累计时间2分钟外以每分钟以1.5元计费。 并能显示行驶公里数、等待累计时间、总费用。 -Taxi automatic meter design requirements: 1 meter taxi meter. The meter' s billing system: stroke within 3 km, and the total waiting time of 2 minutes, the starting fee is 10 yuan 3 kilometers away, charging 1.6 yuan per kilometer, waiting outside the aggregate time of 2 minutes to 1.5 yuan per minute billing. And can show the number of road miles, waiting for the accumulated time, the total cost.
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: dws | Hits:

[Windows Developparking

Description: this source code is use to calculate the parking f-this source code is use to calculate the parking fee
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: guang | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithms3524

Description: 详细论述了红外遥控的基本原理并用实例进行了说明。然后,对空调遥控器常用硬件设备LCD和键盘的原理和使用进行了讨论,并对设计中使用的SH6614单片机做了必要说明。在软件设计方案中,文章对软件流程做了详细的解释并阐述了SH66系列单片机软件设计的一般方法。-I m writing to tell you about the discussion on whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Opinions vary from person to person on this issue.
Platform: | Size: 607232 | Author: 张扬 | Hits:


Description: 我写信告诉您关于公园是否要收门票的讨论结果。在这个问题上,意见有分歧。 -I m writing to tell you about the discussion on whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Opinions vary from person to person on this issue.
Platform: | Size: 6599680 | Author: 张扬 | Hits:


Description: 利用pthread,使用者在命令列輸入,程序將產生一個個別行程產生費式數目,置串列為資料型態且被執行緒共享.當執行緒完成執行,由父行程輸出子行程的串列.因為父行程不再一開始就輸出費氏序列,需等待子行程完成 命令列: gcc hw2.c -lpthread-Use pthread, the user at the command line input, the program will produce a resulting fee amount for the individual trip, set serial for the data types which have been threaded to share. When the thread to complete execution, the output sub-trip travel from the parent serial . because the parent is no longer a journey' s beginning sequence of the output charge is required to wait for child process to complete the command line: gcc hw2.c-lpthread
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林俞呈 | Hits:
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