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Description: 这是一个用C++写的电话费记费和管理系统,统计各个时段的业务量(即通话总时数)和话费收入。 对各个时段的通话业务进行排序。 打印简单的用户话费清单。 对不同的时间段拨打电话能够进行自动计费,同时考虑跨时间段的情况。其中,用户信息有用户姓名、电话号码、国内长途通话时间、市内电话通话时间、通话时段、月租费、当月费用。 考虑非周末的节假日的话费半价,应对程序进行如何处理,编写此功能的代码-This is a C write the telephone charged fees and management system, Statistics for all time slots volume of business (that is the total number of calls) and 2009. All sessions of the call sequencing operations. Print simple user calls list. The different time of the call for automatic billing, taking into account the time-of the situation. Among them, the user's information is the user's name, telephone number, domestic long-distance calls, local telephone calls, call sessions, the monthly fee, month cost. Consider the non-holiday weekend half of the cost of calls, response procedures for the handling and preparation of this function code
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: fgdfgdfg | Hits:


Description: 用Visio 2000制作收费流程图 在日常工作中如果采用图示的方法来说明问题,不仅省事,而且清晰明了,一目了然。比如本人所在的单位有一项收费的工作,过程为收费部门印制收费单给收费员,由收费员作核对,如果没问题收费员就寄发收费通知单与客户联系,并向他们收费后开立收据,回来缴交清册给收费部门,并交现金给财务部门做账。由于收费员流动很频繁,因此就想到制作一张收费流程图,使每个新来的收费员能更快熟悉这项工作。 -with Visio 2000 production flowchart charges in their daily work if the icon to illustrate the method asked and that is not only easy, but clarity stress. For example, the unit to which I have a fee, the process of charging departments for printing billing charges, Members from the fees for checking if no problem charging fees Rapporteur on the notice sent to clients. to charge them after opening receipts, inventory to pay back fees sector, and pay cash to the financial sector do account. As the charges are very frequent movement of staff, thought produced a flow chart of fees, each new member to the charges faster familiar with the work.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: ash | Hits:

[VOIP programipcfg

Description: ip电话记费系统 很好的记费系统 我喜欢 不知道到了没有-ip telephone billing system in the entry fee good system like I do not know that without the
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 何东方 | Hits:


Description: 这是网吧记费系统的客户端。为了调试方便,我设了10秒钟扣费一次。以下是该系统的数据库 是用JDBC连接的 -This is the fee charged cafes system client. To facilitate debugging, I set up a deducting 10 seconds. Following is the system's database is connected with JDBC
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: long | Hits:


Description: 这是网吧记费系统的客户端。为了调试方便,我设了10秒钟扣费一次。以下是该系统的数据库 是用JDBC连接的 -This is the fee charged cafes system client. To facilitate debugging, I set up a deducting 10 seconds. Following is the system's database is connected with JDBC
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: long | Hits:

[Menu control2006_06_19_222431_pxdrSXbEps

Description: 这是网吧记费系统的客户端。为了调试方便,我设了10秒钟扣费一次。以下是该系统的数据库 是用JDBC连接的 -This is the fee charged cafes system client. To facilitate debugging, I set up a deducting 10 seconds. Following is the system's database is connected with JDBC
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: long | Hits:


Description: 这是网吧记费系统的客户端。为了调试方便,我设了10秒钟扣费一次。以下是该系统的数据库 是用JDBC连接的 -This is the fee charged cafes system client. To facilitate debugging, I set up a deducting 10 seconds. Following is the system's database is connected with JDBC
Platform: | Size: 2189312 | Author: long | Hits:


Description: 利用QQ的特性,制作了一个可以查询对方 QQ是否在线的小东西 由于截面简单,就不让费空间了,大家下在过去看看吧 -use QQ characteristics, production of a QQ can find each other online whether the small things as simple cross-section, would not allow room for a fee, where in the past we see it
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: manjialin | Hits:


Description: 这是一非常棒的网络教学软件,解压安装后,每次启动可费使用12分钟。-This is a wonderful network of educational software, extracting After installation, each fee can start using 12 minutes.
Platform: | Size: 7392256 | Author: 罗丹 | Hits:


Description: java医院应用包含门诊挂号收费住院等应用比较好用-java hospital outpatient registration fee includes hospital comparison handy
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: 杨宁 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个自来水收费计费管理软件,数据库是MSSQL-This is a water fee billing management software, the database is MSSQL
Platform: | Size: 2661376 | Author: huang | Hits:


Description: 这是我费了九牛四虎之九才整出来的啊,其中有什么不合理之处,还望大家多指教。-This is my fee of nine cattle Sihu, only 9 out of the whole ah, what is unreasonable, we also hope that more exhibitions.
Platform: | Size: 5450752 | Author: guobao | Hits:


Description: Visual C++ 一个汽车收费站的收费系统 该系统可以根据不同的汽车收费 打印票据 和统计车流量-a vehicle fee stations on the system of the system under a different vehicle charges Print votes According to the statistics of traffic volume and
Platform: | Size: 270336 | Author: 陈俊 | Hits:


Description: 用vc实现了费诺编码,香农编码等,在同一个窗口中实现了不同的编码-vc used to achieve the fee Connaught coding, coding Shannon, in a window with the realization of the different coding
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: | Hits:

[Software Engineering200472220482837774

Description: 门诊收费系统的详细设计通过对门诊收费系统的手工业务处理流程的调查、分析,得到了门诊收费系统的数据处理流程图,见图MZ_1。沿数据流程图回朔,得到门诊收费系统的层次方框图,见图MZ-2。一、功能概述门诊收费系统数据流程图6) 打印收费日结表涉及处理模块 按条件统计模块 产生记帐凭证模块 打印收费日报表模块使用数据表: 收费明细表 费用统计表 计帐凭证表-outpatient charges the detailed design of the charges for out-patient manual handling of the investigation process, analyze, been out-patient charges system data processing flow chart, Chart MZ_1. DFG along retrospective, out-patient charges system-level block diagram, see figure MZ-2. 1. summary of the charges for out-patient data flow chart 6) Print states Table fees involved in the handling of statistics module by module conditions have in mind Print vouchers module charges Day statements module uses data tables : tables fee schedule cost billing documents Table
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 陈顺锋 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringxinxilunbianma

Description: 香农编码,费诺编码,霍夫曼编码,这是一个演示软件(原工程)-Shannon coding, Connaught fee coding, Huffman coding, this is a demo software (original works)
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: | Hits:

[Game Programjavag_edit

Description: 这是一个彩铃开发的一个后台记费系统,功能可能不是很完善-CRBT This a background of the development of a fee system in mind, the function may not be perfect
Platform: | Size: 1355776 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 该代码基于VC开发平台,能演示三中编码方法:香农,霍夫曼,费诺编码,经过测试,运行稳定!-code based on the VC development platform, which can display three coding method : Shannon, Hoffman, Connaught fee coding, After testing, operation stability!
Platform: | Size: 115712 | Author: 陈天 | Hits:

[Data structskthtree

Description: kthtree问题 给定一棵有向树T,树T 中每个顶点u都有一个权w(u);树的每条边(u,v)也都有一个 非负边长d(u,v)。有向树T的每个顶点u 可以看作客户,其服务需求量为w(u)。每条边(u,v)的边长d(u,v) 可以看作运输费用。如果在顶点u 处未设置服务机构,则将顶点u 处的服务需求沿有向树的边(u,v)转移到顶点v 处服务机构需付出的服务转移费用为w(u)*d(u,v)。 树根处已设置了服务机构,现在要在树T中增设k处服务机构,使得整棵树T 的服务转移费用最小-kthtree problems to be fixed to a tree T, T trees each vertex u have a right to w (u); Tree edges (u, v) also have a non-negative side length d (u, v). T to a tree each vertex u can be seen as customers, the demand for its services w (u). Edges (u, v) of length d (u, v) can be considered as transportation costs. If the vertex u Department had not set up the service agencies, will be the culmination u demand for services to a tree along the edge (u, v) v transferred to Vertex's services agencies are required to pay a service fee for the transfer of w (u)* d (u, v). Christopher has set up a service sector, is now in the tree to add k T's services agencies, T entire tree makes the shift to the smallest cost
Platform: | Size: 218112 | Author: wu | Hits:


Description: 星级酒店管理系统,提供所有星级酒店管理中的客房管理, 房态管理,客史管理,客人资料管理,帐务管理,报表管理,餐饮收费管理 菜谱管理,夜审处理,数据库备份等功能.所有功能皆可以运行,(但有一些BUG未处理) 此代码完全可以完成星级酒店上述管理功能. -Star hotel management system, provide all the stars in hotel management in the hotel management, availability management, customer history management, customers data management, account management, reporting management, catering management recipe fee management, night-trial processing, database backup function. all the features of both can run, (but there are some BUG untreated) This code is entirely possible to complete the above-mentioned management functions-star hotel.
Platform: | Size: 535552 | Author: zahao | Hits:
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