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Description: FTKernelAPI 是基于标准的BitTorrent协议开发网络内核库.你可以在BitZam的基础上在很短的时间内开发出通用的BitTorrent下载程序或者 自己专用的禁止其他人的BitTorrent软件下载的程序. 你不必再关心BitTorrent协议 的细节, 这些都已经被封装在了内核库中. 对于商业性程序, 你只需要支付少量的 费用,就可以获取到本内核库的商业使用权, 同时也是对本内核库进一步发展的一种 支持. 体现了您的一份爱心和善心. -FTKernelAPI is standards-based BitTorrent agreement for the development of core network . You can BitZam on the basis of a very short period of time developed a common BitTorrent Download procedure, or the exclusive use of its own to prohibit other people's BitTorrent software download process. you no longer concern B. itTorrent details of the agreement, which has been encapsulated in the kernel library. For commercial processes, You only need to pay a small fee, they can get to the core of the commercial use, It is also the core of the further development of a support. reflects your love and mercy.
Platform: | Size: 460800 | Author: 周龙亭 | Hits:


Description: 根据输入的概率完成对各个概率值的编码,是对本网站下载的一个费诺编码程序的改进,本网站的费诺编码程序的输入值得检验作的不好,当输入码的个数超过概率的输入的个数时,编码实际上是错误的,本段代码可以避免上述情况的出现,使得程序更加完美。-imported under the probability of completion of all probability value of the coding, This site is a download fee Connaught coding process improvements, This site is the cost of Connaught coding process is worth the admission test for the poor. When the input code number over the importation of probability when the number coding is actually wrong. of the code to avoid the above situation, and make the procedures more perfect.
Platform: | Size: 1974272 | Author: 王顺 | Hits:


Description: 编码方式的解码示范uuencode and uudecode are in the public domain. dos2unix and unix2dos are hereby placed in the public domain. They may be shared or copied as long as NO fee is charged for their distribution or use. -the encoding and decoding demonstration uuencode uudecode are in the public domain. dos2unix and unix2dos are hereb y placed in the public domain. They may be shared or copied as long as NO fee is charged for their di stribution or use.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 欢欢 | Hits:


Description: 环亚美容美发受费系统是一个采用accse数据库的delphi系统,界面美观,实用.-Plaza Beauty Salon by the fee system is a delphi using accse database system, the interface appearance and practical.
Platform: | Size: 8439808 | Author: 13215 | Hits:


Description: 本程序主要实现了费若算法在信息论及编码中的应用-This procedure mainly realize the fee if the algorithm discussed in the Information Coding
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: luhui | Hits:

[Com Portat_sms

Description: 2005-7-13 10:03 前几天要做一个短信收发的小软件,于是按照习惯Box寻找例程和控件,可惜没有找到! 于是,大幅翁、Google!!!终于找到了好几个,不是要收费就是不能用!气愤!! 这又不是什么高新尖端科技,俺们不是做不出来,俺们只是秉承RAD的精神而已! 于是这个短消息控件诞生了!虽然还很简陋,起码胳膊腿都有了,剩下就看它怎么跑了! 使用标准AT指令 现在只能支持PDU模式(Text模式太简陋)! 支持7_Bit 和 UCS2 编码 集成了串口(spcomm) 只需要简单的配置几个参数就可以收发短信了-2005-7-13 10:03 A few days ago to be a small message to send and receive software, then in accordance with the customary Box search routines and controls, but did not find! Thus, a substantial Weng, Google!!! Finally found a few, not a fee is not! Angry! ! This is not a high-tech state of the art technology, not俺们not able to,俺们only uphold the spirit of just RAD! So the short message control was born! Although very simple, at least arm leg with the rest look on how it ran! Using standard AT commands can now only support PDU mode (Text model is too simple)! Support the UCS2 coding 7_Bit and integrated serial port (spcomm) only need a few simple parameters can be configured to send and receive a message
Platform: | Size: 306176 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个让我费了很大工夫的铁电存储器的程序.FM25040为所用芯片!-Let me fee a great work of the ferroelectric memory of the procedure. FM25040 chip for use!
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: yun | Hits:


Description: .net 实现的上网收费管理程序.用于管理学生上网缴费情况-. net realized上网fee management process.上网students pay for the management of the situation
Platform: | Size: 261120 | Author: luzyw | Hits:


Description: 这是一个功能相对完善的关于学校收费管理系统的一个例子-This is a function relatively well on the school fee management system an example of
Platform: | Size: 1267712 | Author: hucq | Hits:


Description: 班级管理系统,能管班级所有的事,班级学生的考勤,班费管理,学生成绩管理-Class management system, ability to administer all classes, and class attendance, class fee management, management of student achievement
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: 徐陆 | Hits:


Description: This manual describes how to run the Matlab® Artificial Immune Systems tutorial presentation developed by Leandro de Castro and Fernando Von Zuben. The program files can be downloaded from the following FTP address: ftp://ftp.dca.fee.unicamp.br/pub/docs/vonzuben/lnunes/demo.zip The tour is self-guided and can be performed in any order. To run the presentation, first uncompress the zipped archive and store it in an appropriate directory. Run the Matlab® , enter the selected directory, and type “tutorial” in the prompt. -This manual describes how to run the Matlab ? Artificial Immune Systems tutorial presentation developed by Leandro de Castro and Fernando Von Zuben. The program files can be downloaded from the following FTP address: ftp://ftp.dca.fee.unicamp.br/ pub/docs/vonzuben/lnunes/demo.zipThe tour is self-guided and can be performed in any order.To run the presentation, first uncompress the zipped archive and store it in an appropriate directory. Run the Matlab ?, enter the selected directory, and type tutorial in the prompt.
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: zhoeng | Hits:

[Education soft systemjiaocaiguanlixitong

Description: 系统管理 系统管理、操作员的增、删、改 院系信息的增、删、改 班级信息的增、删、改 使用部门信息的增、删、改 密码的修改 书费管理 交纳书费 退回多余的书费 出入库 学生领书 院系领书 教材入库 综合查询 书费查询 领书查询 库存查询 设置 设置“顶部工具栏”是否显示 设置“系统标志”是否显示 设置“左侧工具栏”是否显示,以及左侧工具栏的“显示样式” 设置“背景图片”的有无,以及使用哪个背景图片,还可以自定义背景图片 -System Management System management by operators, censored and replaced by faculties of information, deleted and replaced by Class information, deleted and replaced by the use of departmental information, delete, change password management changes to book charges to pay the book fee refund excess book costs of warehousing students receive written materials from the book faculties integrated inbound inquiries from books written inquiries inquiries inquiries set inventory settings at the top toolbar is display settings system symbol whether display settings, the left side of the toolbar is displayed , as well as the left side of the toolbar Show Style Settings background picture of the availability of, and the use of which the background images, can also customize the background picture
Platform: | Size: 1849344 | Author: 吕东 | Hits:


Description: DNA序列数据挖掘技术,非常非常费非常推荐-DNA sequence data mining technology, very, very highly recommended fee
Platform: | Size: 1216512 | Author: yulei | Hits:


Description: 一个网吧的记费软件 喜欢的可以拿去-An Internet cafe software like the entry fee can be taken
Platform: | Size: 474112 | Author: | Hits:

[Database systemFee

Description: 县级供电企业电费核算源码, 在客户处正常运行8年以上, Delphi 5开发,数据库为Interbase/Firebird, 深入使用Procedure和Trigger等, 对入门者具有很好的参考价值.-County-level accounting source electricity power supply enterprises, in the normal operation of clients for more than 8 years, Delphi 5 development, database Interbase/Firebird, in depth, such as the use of Procedure and Trigger for beginners with a very good reference value.
Platform: | Size: 3088384 | Author: 蒋跃明 | Hits:


Description: 网吧的计费系统,通过改系统可以简单的为网吧的收费提供方便-Internet cafe billing system, the system can be changed through a simple fee for Internet cafes provide convenient
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: 陈键 | Hits:

[Education soft systemxxsfglxt

Description: 使用学校收费管理系统可以大大地提高高校收费工作的工作效率,减少工作中可能出现的错误,为学生提供更好的服务,是提高学校自动化水平的重要组成部分。 后台数据库使用SQL Server,前台开发工具使用Visual C++。 本系统采用目前比较流行的ADO数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,从而成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势-Use of the school fee management system can greatly enhance the work of colleges and universities charging efficiency, reduce the work of possible errors, in order to provide a better service to students is to improve the automation level of the school an important part. Back-end database using SQL Server, the prospects of development tools using Visual C++. This system is currently more popular ADO data access technology, and each database table fields and operation of packages to the class, which succeeded in the object-oriented program design thinking applied to database application design. This is also the system characteristics and advantages
Platform: | Size: 6677504 | Author: guochao | Hits:

[Education soft systemxuexiaoshoufeiguanlivc++

Description: VC++做的学校收费管理系统,很有参考价值,附上源码与说明文档.-VC++ Make school fee management system, a good reference, I attach the source code and documentation.
Platform: | Size: 7372800 | Author: guoxp | Hits:


Description: 综合缴费管理系统.完成各缴费项目的录入,查询,维护等功能.-Comprehensive payment management system. The completion of the project entry fee, inquiry, maintenance and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 7180288 | Author: 孙永简 | Hits:


Description: 基于VHDL语言的出租车计费系统设计,在muxplus上开发实现。实现基本的出租车记费器开发-Based on the VHDL language taxi billing system design, developed in muxplus realize. Realize the basic entry fee taxi Developer
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: 空军 | Hits:
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