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Downloads SourceCode Communication-Mobile MMS
Title: MMS Download
 Description: MMS programming agreement achieved in the MIME protocol package, using the code, users can choose to package the picture, the output for the package file
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader wangwuying_77]
 To Search: mms MIME MMS MIME headersl
  • [techspeech-mms] - and@mms-j.jp on the Directory! Hope you
  • [SmilTest] - MMS were sent smil format code.// 1. Cre
  • [MMSPACK] - MMS packing procedures. Rar
  • [MMS_PDF] - On the MMS to develop the package of doc
  • [mmsxx] - MMS (MMS) to send an example, the main a
  • [dial] - This is a use at command in vc++ Environ
  • [Mms] - complete MMS ecplise fat source, the use
  • [WAP] - WAP and MMS on the development of the En
  • [mms_send] - Using GPRS Modem Send MMS source, there
  • [CSharpsendMMS] - CSharp implementation with the function
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