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SourceCode Communication-Mobile USB develop

USB develop List Page 1

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[USB developusbip_windows_v0.2.0.0_signed

Description: USBIP hardware emulation (Virtual USB device)
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: abcde1234 | Hits:

[USB developUSB reading

Description: USB communication based on STM32F407 MCU to realize data program of reading and writing U disk
Platform: | Size: 1477632 | Author: 111_11 | Hits:

[USB developvb hid(go on)

Description: The VB USB HID host computer that has been verified to be available for communication with the HID device made by the STM32. The HID device transfers to I2C or SPI and DUT communication.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: molusihui | Hits:

[USB developQtCameraDemoWidget

Description: QT captures UVC cameras, enumerates camera devices, previews display images, photographs, etc.
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 吐着水泡的猫 | Hits:

[USB developUSB3.0协议规范(英文完整版)

Description: USB3.0 protocol specification Chinese full version
Platform: | Size: 3436544 | Author: ninedays | Hits:

[USB developlibusb

Description: Usblib complete library, including examples
Platform: | Size: 1589248 | Author: AIR890323 | Hits:

[USB developcyfxuvc_an75779

Description: The downloadable firmware program for USB UVC video transmission protocol, in the format of uyvy
Platform: | Size: 523264 | Author: wangyue1234565 | Hits:

[USB developUSB4 Specification

Description: USB 4.0 latest protocol content
Platform: | Size: 8296448 | Author: 光临寒舍 | Hits:

[USB developusbip-win-master

Description: USB/IP emulator for windows 10 x64
Platform: | Size: 390144 | Author: Illay999Devel | Hits:

[USB developusb-monitor

Description: USB monitoring tool can detect USB communication data, which is convenient and easy to use
Platform: | Size: 2471936 | Author: 开州 | Hits:

[USB developUSB Network Gate v8.0.1828 Final Ml_Rus

Description: USB Network Gate v8.0.1828 Final Ml_Rus
Platform: | Size: 5597184 | Author: Fored | Hits:

[USB developUSB_HID_上位机程序

Description: This is USB_ HID is the complete version of the upper computer program. Users can experience USB-HID link and data transmission and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 2528256 | Author: kui1972 | Hits:
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