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File Format List Page 5

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Description: The help document of ABAQUS software, the script part.
Platform: | Size: 9730048 | Author: iulove | Hits:

[File Format归档

Description: Read netcdf file parameters, suitable for satellite altimeter, jason3 satellites
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zuiai1900 | Hits:

[File Formatjunyunxianzheng

Description: The LMS algorithm and the RLS algorithm are compared with the performance of the Matlab software simulation.
Platform: | Size: 425984 | Author: 紫歆 | Hits:


Description: OMRON PLC hostlink Reference manual
Platform: | Size: 2424832 | Author: kwkwkwkw | Hits:

[File Format压缩感知若干关键问题研究_姚世红

Description: The research paper of compression perception is good, and there are a lot of places to learn.
Platform: | Size: 6984704 | Author: JL.ing | Hits:

[File FormatTIFF-50

Description: TIFF 5.0 file format spec
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: TMann | Hits:

[File Format2.8寸显示屏

Description: ILI9341V Driver code
Platform: | Size: 3340288 | Author: imagic204 | Hits:

[File FormatSIM800_硬件设计手册_V1.05

Description: SIM800GSM module hardware design guide manual, convenient for everyone to consult the query
Platform: | Size: 3013632 | Author: sliwell | Hits:

[File FormatIEEEtran

Description: %latex format latex formatlatex format.... begin
Platform: | Size: 731136 | Author: yy1206 | Hits:

[File FormatIEEEtran

Description: This program is used for typesetting editing of all kinds of academic periodicals in IEEE papers, with clear content and detailed code explanation.
Platform: | Size: 1726464 | Author: ,,,=啊 | Hits:

[File FormatSTM32F4中文手册

Description: This is a necessary manual for developing STM32F series.
Platform: | Size: 12652544 | Author: 宋捷 | Hits:

[File Formatdos

Description: (Under DOS beep.bat Test board buzzer.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 莞尔莞尔一笑 | Hits:
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