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Documents File Format

File Format List Page 10

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[File FormatC++

Description: List all folders and files in the specified directory with CC++
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 菜鸟先飞11 | Hits:

[File Formatvp_marmousi-ii.segy

Description: Marmousi vp_marmousi-ii.segy.gz (1725 KB)
Platform: | Size: 1765376 | Author: msuo | Hits:

[File Formatnc_allget

Description: Batch read NC format file
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 朱朱虾 | Hits:

[File Format机床电气部分数控化改造

Description: There is not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical case analysis on NC transformation of machine tool electrical parts.
Platform: | Size: 6730752 | Author: HEAD | Hits:

[File FormatNouveau WinRAR ZIP archive

Description: The paper deals with the application of the Extended Kalman Filter and the Extended Luenberger Observer algorithms for the stator and rotor fault detection of the induction motor fed by PWM inverter. The induction motor
Platform: | Size: 1107968 | Author: marwan_123 | Hits:

[File Format1N4148

Description: in4148 enhance fast recovery diode and the datasheet describe specification and voltage and amp
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: zezo | Hits:

[File Format数字信号处理

Description: Principles and tutorials of digital signal processing
Platform: | Size: 2365440 | Author: shiruohua | Hits:

[File FormatZoneServerUD_x64

Description: this strs for zoneserver
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: bgt | Hits:

[File Formatuntitled-1

Description: Latex document template to be used for writing IEEE style reports
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: Maddyy | Hits:

[File FormatRS-274X

Description: RS-274X is the extension of RS-274D, the file (general suffix GBX, GBR) is a kind of script file, it is used to indicate the light painting machine for various drawing shape or movement. The file describes the RS-274X fi
Platform: | Size: 571392 | Author: 月食 | Hits:

[File Formathow to write in latex

Description: The document describes the preparation of latex file detailed steps, as well as some of the complex functions introduced. For beginners to write latex files to help researchers.
Platform: | Size: 916480 | Author: mengss | Hits:

[File Formatvlisp函数

Description: Some very useful VLISP functions
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 莫莫莫莫 | Hits:
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