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Title: tielu Download
 Description: The railway network via issues This part of the Shanghai Railway Bureau, the line is still in use package consignment software internal algorithm. The subject real data to the end of 1995, China s railway transportation network programming and run validation. Rail transport network, the railway line and the train station are two main concepts, such as: the 1st railway line, said the Beijing-Guangzhou line, railway lines, the Beijing-Shanghai line. Railway line objects, including a railway line number, the name of the railway line, starting station number, terminal number and the length of the railway line, traffic signs (00B passenger and freight forbidden line 01B freight traffic hotline 10B passenger traffic hotline 11B passenger and freight traffic) . Train station object belongs railway line number, station code, station name, station referred stops away from the starting point of the railway line and the terminus away. Requirements: (1) query railway line a station belong
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