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Description: 诗词数据库,microsoft Windows office access格式,使用快捷方便,收录中国诗词13000首。
Platform: | Size: 2755276 | Author: wuhan4510 | Hits:


Description: Coupling interface between EDEM2.7 and fluent 17
Platform: | Size: 657408 | Author: 摆渡人1 | Hits:


Description: PowerBuilder Store Retail System Development Example Navigation
Platform: | Size: 10263552 | Author: 默丶 | Hits:


Description: ZeosLib 是一组可以在 Delphi和 C++ Builder 中使用的数据库访问组件,支持包括 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, MS SQL, Sybase, Oracle 和 SQLite 在内的数据库系统。此版本支持Delphi D7以上-XE7(不包括D7),带源码
Platform: | Size: 1861558 | Author: HelloHong | Hits:

[ADO-ODBCvb.net 使用Access数据库保存和读取图片文件

Description: Upload the pictures in PictureBox to the access database, and read the pictures from the database to PictureBox.
Platform: | Size: 932864 | Author: yhz0250 | Hits:


Description: VB operates the word document, realizes the access content of the database, and operates the word table
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: cugpd | Hits:

[ADO-ODBC基于python和mysql实现成绩管理系统 .zip

Description: Build a small database score management system, and implement it with Python and MySQL
Platform: | Size: 1137664 | Author: lyx55 | Hits:


Description: STM32F103 PID general algorithm, power charging routine
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: nivk | Hits:


Description: Chrome浏览器抓包工具.zipChrome浏Chrome浏览器抓包工具.zip览器抓包工具.zip
Platform: | Size: 1704092 | Author: zhaozhigang | Hits:


Description: 报价辅助,适用于mt4平台,希望能帮到你,注意风险,盈亏自负。
Platform: | Size: 537250 | Author: 1341243381@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 2台服务器间数据转移,选择主服务器和备服务器地址和数据库名称,对特定数据表进行数据备份和同步
Platform: | Size: 7740112 | Author: 289385246@qq.com | Hits:


Description: 千年之王数据库千年之王数据库千年之王数据库千年之王数据库
Platform: | Size: 2138312 | Author: qinfei333 | Hits:
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