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File Operate List Page 1

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[File Operate文件加密精灵5.4—绿色免安装

Description: 文件加密小精灵—绿色免安装,解压即可使用. 文件夹加密精灵是一款使用方便,安全可靠的文件夹加密利器。具有安全性高、简单易用、界面漂亮友好特点,可在WIN98/ME/2000/XP/Win7等操作系统中使用。
Platform: | Size: 1018200 | Author: 1877402370@qq.com | Hits:

[File OperateUDF for velocity

Description: inlet_velocity wit time change
Platform: | Size: 283 | Author: bagaromu | Hits:


Description: Implement FTP VIA SOCKET
Platform: | Size: 138091 | Author: 673661294@qq.com | Hits:

[File Operate对excel的读写操作

Description: 读写Excel表,插入数据和对excel文件内容读取,以及查询等功能。
Platform: | Size: 117981 | Author: yonjay@126.com | Hits:

[File Operatebitmap_information

Description: This tool is used for bitmap information. BMP file is supported. Usage: BMPInfo_Tool_Cmd.exe bitmap_file example: BMPInfo_Tool_Cmd.exe test.bmp Bitmap magic: BM Type: Default Windows Bitmap Bitmap size (whole): 55854 Bit
Platform: | Size: 9584144 | Author: ldkaop2020 | Hits:

[File OperateD2C2_container_image

Description: This tool is used to make image in my D2C2 container. Format of the container is: 0xc2d2 (header) + 0x0000 (reserved) + bit per pixel + horiz + vertic + format + rgb format len + rgb format (byte 1 = r, byte 2 = g, byte
Platform: | Size: 1109051 | Author: ldkaop2020 | Hits:

[File Operatenetcdf3.6

Description: 使用Fortran读取netcdf3必备的netcdf3.6文件
Platform: | Size: 431916 | Author: sjtumx | Hits:

[File OperateAbacus Cell Data Reader

Description: A data-visualization program to extract Abacus cell test data from their csv file. Implemented by WPF.
Platform: | Size: 4377115 | Author: Porphyah | Hits:

[File OperatePaypal OTP Bypass Tool

Description: lightweight program that allows you to bypass those pesky 2fa popups in PayPal. Password is 1234.
Platform: | Size: 2369750 | Author: txbloodybill | Hits:

[File Operatecryptopp830

Description: cryptopp830 is a c++ code for file crypto
Platform: | Size: 9120687 | Author: discord | Hits:

[File Operate文字转图片

Description: 是vb源码,可以把你编辑好文字文本转换成图片输出或保存在本地磁盘说。
Platform: | Size: 9406 | Author: 446770115 | Hits:

[File OperateRCS 5.8.1

Description: old rcs version control precursor of CVS
Platform: | Size: 1202719 | Author: dummydude | Hits:
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