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Title: seawater Download
 Description: SW_ADTG Adiabatic temperature gradient SW_ALPHA Thermal expansion coefficient (alpha) SW_AONB Calculate alpha/beta (a on b) SW_BETA Saline contraction coefficient (beta) SW_BFRQ Brunt-Vaisala Frequency Squared (N^2) SW_COPY Copyright and Licence file SW_CP Heat Capacity (Cp) of Sea Water SW_DENS Density of sea water SW_DENS0 Denisty of sea water at atmospheric pressure SW_DIST Distance between two lat, lon coordinates SW_DPTH Depth from pressure SW_F Coriolis factor "f" SW_FP Freezing Point of sea water SW_G Gravitational acceleration SW_GPAN Geopotential anomaly SW_GVEL Geostrophic velocity SW_INFO Information on the SEAWATER library. SW_PDEN Potential Density SW_PRES Pressure from depth SW_PTMP Potential temperature SW_SALS Salinity of sea water
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