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[Other resourcetoolbox

Description: 用于移动机器人SLAM的仿真工具箱(CAS Robot Navigation Toolbox)。由Kai Arras编写。可迅速构建移动机器人仿真平台。
Platform: | Size: 7638906 | Author: 任春明 | Hits:

[Other resourcetoolbox

Description: Mastering MATLAB Toolbox Reference version 6.0 是英文的,不错的,希望对大家有帮助
Platform: | Size: 117563 | Author: 刘雪 | Hits:

[Other resourceMATLAB-TOOLBOX

Description: MATLAB语言工具箱-TOOLBOX实用指南 涉及科学算法,自动控制,信号处理,神经网络等多科学领域。
Platform: | Size: 9033861 | Author: 020 | Hits:


Description: mimo toolbox pdf reference. this file wish you so goo work!
Platform: | Size: 289111 | Author: sato | Hits:


Description: labwindow 编程的toolbox例程。
Platform: | Size: 74385 | Author: 蔡尧钟 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinewaveform toolbox

Description: 语音波形matlab工具箱。 Add toolbox folder to MATLAB s path Type main in the command window-Wave form tool kit for MATLAB. Add toolbox folder to MATLAB s path Type main in the command window
Platform: | Size: 83865 | Author: ljf | Hits:

[Other resourcepso toolbox

Description: 基于MATLAB的微粒群工具箱,算法模型中引入收缩因子,收敛速度有所提高,但对高维函数的优化效果仍然不理想。-based on MATLAB Toolbox PSO algorithm model introduced shrinkage factor, convergence rate increase, but for high-dimensional optimization function effects are still not ideal.
Platform: | Size: 60242 | Author: 陈超 | Hits:

[Other resourceLMS toolbox

Description: LMS toolbox LMS的工具箱。 内有多个有关LMS和RLS的m文件!-the toolbox. There are a number of LMS and RLS m documents!
Platform: | Size: 15148 | Author: 高永博 | Hits:

[Other resourcetoolbox

Description: 一个用MATLAB编写的优化控制工具箱,非常实用-a prepared using MATLAB Toolbox optimal control, very practical
Platform: | Size: 507192 | Author: 辛菁 | Hits:

[matlabIntroduction to Statistics Toolbox(demo)

Description: Introduction to Statistics Toolbox 很棒的demo和介绍,示例 demo/M-Files: closeDTool.m Force close DFITTOOL (without confirmation dialog) createCarDatabase.m Creates dataset array from Excel file and converts appropriate variables to categorical arrays FuelEconomyAnalysis.m Main analysis script for publishing loadData.m Load all data in directory and create a single dataset modelMPG.m Creates model for MPG based on filter parameters myDistFit.m Distribution fit for MPG (auto-generated, not used in demo) myPlot.m Custom plot for plotting model MPG vs. actual MPG simMPG.m Simulate the model with parameters demo/Excel (.xls) Files: 00dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2000 01dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2001 02dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2002 03dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2003 04dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2004 05dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2005 0607dat.xls Fuel economy data for the year 2006 and 2007
Platform: | Size: 1514205 | Author: flashpku | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms计量经济软件包 MFE——Toolbox

Description: 计量经济软件包 MFE——Toolbox
Platform: | Size: 319633 | Author: gzmabe@hotmail.com | Hits:

[DocumentsAn Open Source Power System Analysis Toolbox

Description: An Open Source Power System Analysis Toolbox
Platform: | Size: 599909 | Author: nernaiat | Hits:

[matlabSurveyor Toolbox v4.2

Description: matlab环境下控制srv-1型机器人的运动与图像返回,解压后放于toolbox下,java文件夹放入matlab的bin中
Platform: | Size: 10918 | Author: bad_habit@sina.com | Hits:

[Booksrobot toolbox使用说明

Description: 要建立PUMA560的机器人对象,首先我们要了解PUMA560的D-H参数,之后我们可以利用Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的link和robot函数来建立PUMA560的机器人对象。
Platform: | Size: 42496 | Author: lijing6614 | Hits:

[Program docNeural Network Toolbox User's Guide

Description: Neural Network Toolbox User's Guide MATLAB神经网络工具箱用户手册
Platform: | Size: 2076812 | Author: hughdove | Hits:

[Software Engineering冈萨雷斯数字图像处理matlab版源码V1.1.3

Description: README file for the DIPUM Toolbox. These MATLAB functions were created for the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB (DIPUM), by R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S.L. Eddins, Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN 0130085197. The functions supplement and extend the image processing functionality of MATLAB and the Image Processing Toolbox, both offered by The MathWorks.
Platform: | Size: 276065 | Author: massacreformash | Hits:

[Windows Develophosa_d

Description: matlab高阶统计量分析工具箱-Matlab higher-order statistics Analysis Toolbox
Platform: | Size: 3022848 | Author: 里阿瑟 | Hits:

[matlabmatlab numerical integral toolbox

Description: matlab 数值积分工具包-Matlab numerical integration tool kit
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 刘博 | Hits:


Description: 隐马尔科夫模型工具箱windows可执行版本,可以广泛应用于识别等领域-HMM Toolbox windows executable version can be widely applied in areas such as identification
Platform: | Size: 2296832 | Author: 李乔 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinerebuilt.voicebox

Description: 语音工具箱,经典,考到matlab toolbox下使用-speech processing toolbox, copy it into matlab toolbox.
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: 王舒翀 | Hits:
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