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[OtherChaos Toolbox Ver.2.0

Description: C-C方法计算时间延迟和嵌入维数计算Lyapunov指数计算关联维数混沌时间序列预测-The C-C Method is used to calculate the embeded dimension and Lyapunov exponents.It can be used to forcast the time series.
Platform: | Size: 684032 | Author: 曹州 | Hits:


Description: classification_matlab_toolbox分类方法工具箱,有界面很直观。-classification_matlab_toolbox classification toolbox, a very intuitive interface.
Platform: | Size: 1567744 | Author: 石磊 | Hits:


Description: 一个支持向量机的matlab工具箱,具有分类、拟合等功能,希望大家下载研学阿!-a Support Vector Machine Matlab toolbox, with classification, fitting features that you download Studies, A!
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: 开拓者 | Hits:

[Windows Developnoseek

Description: VB6的部件工具箱你也可以实现了! (40KB)-One toolbox sample which in VB6 s component toolbox style
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 鲤鱼 | Hits:


Description: 一个用MATLAB编写的优化控制工具箱,非常实用-a prepared using MATLAB Toolbox optimal control, very practical
Platform: | Size: 506880 | Author: xj | Hits:


Description: 指纹识别 这个是TOOLBOX,别人写的。。主要用来识别指纹的处理。。 此文件没有解压密码-Fingerprint Recognition of this is TOOLBOX, written by someone else. . Mainly used to identify fingerprint processing. . This document does not extract passwords
Platform: | Size: 1950720 | Author: luke | Hits:


Description: 利用c语言编写,编译成动态链接库而成的matlab整数规划工具箱,包含c语言源程序,-use of language, compiled DLL from the Matlab Integer Programming Toolbox contains language source c,
Platform: | Size: 306176 | Author: 郑成勇 | Hits:

[matlabmatlab - Kalman

Description: 卡尔曼滤波matlab工具箱,还有demo-Kalman filter matlab toolbox with demo
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: | Hits:

[GUI Developsvm_toolbox

Description: 支持向量机工具箱,其中包含MATLAB演示程序和一些基本的函数(计算核函数的函数、支持向量机训练函数和参数选择交叉验证函数等)。-SVM Toolbox, which contains MATLAB demo programs and some of the basic functions (Calculation Kernel function, SVM training function and parameter selection cross-validation functions, etc.).
Platform: | Size: 247808 | Author: 王晓 | Hits:


Description: 一个SVM的MATLAB工具箱,Support Vector Machine toolbox for Matlab Version 2.51-A matlab toolbox of SVM,Support Vector Machine toolbox for Matlab Version 2.51
Platform: | Size: 552960 | Author: 陈爱斌 | Hits:


Description: 《面向matlab工具箱的神经网络理论与应用》配套源程序,非常的不错-"Matlab Toolbox for the neural network theory and application of" complementary source, very good
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: 朱顺兴 | Hits:


Description: contourlet算法作为二阶小波算法的延续,有很强大的应用空间,上传的文件是contourlet算法的工具箱-Contourlet algorithm as a second-order wavelet algorithm for the continuation of a very powerful application space and upload the document is Contourlet algorithm toolbox
Platform: | Size: 450560 | Author: 余张蕾 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsLMS1 toolbox

Description: 一个关于LMS的工具箱,看看是对大家否有用 -A toolbox about LMS,maybe it is useful for you
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 张小路 | Hits:

[matlabFuzzy Relational Calculus Toolbox

Description: 《Fuzzy Relational Calculus Toolbox, Rel.1.01》The toolbox provides functions and original algorithms for solving direct and inverse problems. Author: Yordan Kyosev & Ketty Peeva-"Fuzzy Relational Calculus Toolbox, Rel.1.01" The toolbox provides functions and original algorithms for solving direct and inverse problems. Author : Yordan Kyosev Ketty Peeva
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: 李岩 | Hits:


Description: Matlab工具箱实现多变量回归模型的参数估计与特征值-Matlab Toolbox multivariable regression model parameter estimation and eigenvalue
Platform: | Size: 240640 | Author: 陈丽 | Hits:


Description: 一种很实用的SVM工具箱,具有较快的运算速度,有详细的使用说明和例子!-a very practical SVM Toolbox is faster computing speed, a detailed description and examples of use!
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: yb | Hits:


Description: matlab高级统计工具箱,做统计很方便,也很实用-Matlab Toolbox, do the statistics very convenient and practical
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 杨卫中 | Hits:


Description: 最全的ASR工具集合,网上流传的语音工具箱只是其中的一部分。-the most comprehensive set of tools ASR, spreading online voice Toolbox is only one part.
Platform: | Size: 3364864 | Author: 赵博 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个很好的标定工具箱,通过他的学习,可以掌握着一部分-This is a very good Calibration Toolbox, through his study, can hold part
Platform: | Size: 3463168 | Author: 贾立好 | Hits:


Description: matlab的数据库工具箱说明书,200多页的详尽说明-Matlab toolbox database brochures, more than 200 pages of detailed information
Platform: | Size: 923648 | Author: 刘昆宏 | Hits:
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