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Description: 这是一篇介绍图像融合算法的论文,采用经典的小波算法和IHS算法结合,在性能上,有很大的提高!-This is an image fusion algorithm Introduction thesis, using the classical wavelet algorithms and IHS algorithm combining the performance, have greatly improved!
Platform: | Size: 734208 | Author: 洪波 | Hits:


Description: 毕业设计(论文)OFDM通信系统基带数据 电信类的毕业设计及论文下载-Graduation Project (Thesis) OFDM base-band data communication systems telecom design and graduation thesis download
Platform: | Size: 1553408 | Author: 小熊 | Hits:


Description: 我的毕业论文及调研报告:《大模数的Rabin密码保密通信软件》 本文对Rabin密码保密通信软件进行了研究。简单介绍了信息安全技术现状及研究意义,讨论了公钥密码系统和Rabin密码系统及其涉及到的算法,包括大整数的实现、蒙格马利快速幂模运算、Miller-Rabin素性检测法、扩展的欧几里德算法。着重讨论了Rabin密码系统的方案设计以及Winsock通信技术。最后讲解了Rabin密码系统在保密通信中的应用,初步完成了大模数Rabin密码保密通信软件的设计。-My thesis and research report: Great modulus Rabin password secure communication software In this paper, Rabin password confidential communication software were studied. A brief introduction of the information security technology and research significance of the status quo, to discuss public-key cryptosystem and Rabin cryptosystem and involved in the algorithm, including the realization of large integers, Montgomery rapid computing power mode, Miller-Rabin primality test, Extended Euclidean algorithm. Focused on the Rabin cryptosystem Winsock program design and communication technologies. Finally on the Rabin cryptosystem secure communication applications, the initial completion of a large modulus Rabin password confidential communication software design.
Platform: | Size: 883712 | Author: 周金月 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4H264

Description: 论文翻译,主要介绍缓存的设计对H.264解码器的性能优化-Thesis translation, mainly introduces the design of the cache on the H.264 decoder performance optimization
Platform: | Size: 271360 | Author: rongrongxia | Hits:


Description: 基于路由器的网络技术+毕业论文:本论文首先介绍了路由器的基本概念和分类方法。在此基础上,重点对Ipv6技术、提高路由器吞吐量的技术、可编程ASIC技术、VPN技术、QoS技术、MPLS技术、多播技术、网管技术等八种与路由器相关的新技术进行了全面的分析,对这些技术的发展作了高度的概括和总结。-Router-based network technology+ Thesis: This paper introduces the basic concepts of routers and classification methods. On this basis, the emphasis on Ipv6 technology to improve the router throughput technology, programmable ASIC technology, VPN technology, QoS technology, MPLS technologies, multicast technology, network management technology with the router eight related new technology to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the development of these technologies were made by a high degree of generalization and summing up.
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: 季节 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个较为完整的tr方式uwb接收机的M文件,里面有理论和仿真结果~是一个师兄的毕业论文程序-This is a more comprehensive way tr UWB receiver M documents, there are theoretical and simulation results ~ is a senior thesis process
Platform: | Size: 11054080 | Author: 王野 | Hits:

[Windows Developthe_research_of_Web_information_classifation_and_s

Description: 这是一篇博士论文,主要描述Web挖掘中涉及对一些经典问题的看法,是写得比较细的论文.-This is a doctoral thesis, the main description of Web mining involves a number of classic issues, is written in relatively thin paper.
Platform: | Size: 1008640 | Author: 张明 | Hits:


Description: Cloud_ALC_描述逻辑ALC的不确定扩展.pdf,是不错的 云计算论文。-Cloud_ALC_ description logic ALC extended uncertainty. Pdf, cloud computing is a good thesis.
Platform: | Size: 353280 | Author: 徐佳正 | Hits:

[matlabImplementation of a WiMAX simulator in Simulink.zi

Description: The aim of this diploma thesis is to implement all compulsory features of the WiMAX OFDM physical layer specified in IEEE 802.16-2004 in Matlab Simulink.
Platform: | Size: 1885184 | Author: sato | Hits:

[Special Effectstracking_with_multi_object

Description: 有关多目标跟踪算法及其实现的博士论文一篇,供参考-Related to multi-target tracking algorithm and its realization of a doctoral thesis, for reference
Platform: | Size: 4545536 | Author: 钢子 | Hits:


Description: 模式识别的书,介绍的论文模式识别的书,介绍的论文-Pattern Recognition book on pattern recognition paper book, the thesis introduction
Platform: | Size: 1338368 | Author: dwqdo | Hits:


Description: 通信仿真,调制解调实例,含原代码。内含一篇关于通信仿真的毕业论文。感觉不错-Communication simulation, modulation and demodulation example, containing the original code. Contains a thesis on communication simulation. Feeling good
Platform: | Size: 447488 | Author: xu,xiaofeng | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeAdaboost

Description: 人脸识别论文:《采用Adaboost算法进行面部表情识别》《动态权值预划分实值Adaboost人脸检测算法》《改进的AdaBoost分类器在视频中的体育场景检测》-Face recognition thesis: the use of Adaboost algorithm to identify facial expressions, dynamic weight pre-classified real Adaboost face detection algorithm, Improved AdaBoost classifier of sports in the video scene detection
Platform: | Size: 520192 | Author: 王云 | Hits:

[Program docDesign_of_915MHz_RFID_Reader

Description: Design of 915MHz RFID Reader 915MHz RFID读卡器设计----硕士学位论文-Design of 915MHz RFID Reader915MHz RFID reader design---- a master s degree thesis
Platform: | Size: 3078144 | Author: woo | Hits:

[Graph programThesis

Description: 椭球体的碰撞检测。在以人形为主的场景内椭球体的碰撞精度比球体、AABB、OBB都要高,同时速度也很快-Ellipsoid collision detection. Human-oriented in the scene of the collision within the ellipsoid accuracy than the sphere, AABB, OBB higher speed quickly at the same time
Platform: | Size: 378880 | Author: sking | Hits:


Description: 是关于系统辨识的一篇论文和本人对文中所提论文方法的Matlab程序验证-System identification on a paper and my thesis on the methods mentioned in the text of the Matlab program to verify
Platform: | Size: 1415168 | Author: gaofei | Hits:


Description: 无线网状网是一种高速率、高容量的多点对多点网络,可把它看成是Ad Hoc网络的简化版本。正如Ad Ho。网络一样,无线网状网中的路由是它的一项关键技术。基于此,本论文对无线网状网的路由协议进行研究。 文中首先介绍了无线网状网的结构,特点以及其发展与现状 其次,分析了Ad hoc网络中各种路由协议的优劣 再次,重点研究了其中的一种动态源路由协议(DSR)的具体实现过程 在DSR的基础上,对其进行改进,提出了一种均衡流量动态源路由协议,对它进行性能分析和仿真。-Wireless Mesh Network is a high-speed, high-capacity multi-point-to-multipoint network, it could be seen as Ad Hoc networks, a simplified version. As the Ad Ho. Networks, wireless mesh routing is a key technology. Based on this, the thesis of the wireless mesh routing protocol research. First, wireless mesh networks, introduced the structure, characteristics and status of its development and secondly, an analysis of Ad hoc network routing protocols in a variety of advantages and disadvantages again, focused on one of the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) concrete realization of the process in DSR based on its improvement, a balanced flow of dynamic source routing protocol, its performance analysis and simulation.
Platform: | Size: 1958912 | Author: 诗圣 | Hits:


Description: pso优化bp神经网络的程序,是师兄论文里的程序,希望对大家有用!-PSO bp neural network optimization procedure is the senior thesis in the process, I hope useful for all of us!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: liyan | Hits:


Description: 科研论文写作20步,外文论文,详细介绍科研论文写作步骤及技巧-20 step-by-step research and thesis writing, foreign language papers, detailing the steps of scientific research and thesis writing skills
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: liuliu | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeResearchonAlgorithmofAutoma

Description: 做毕业设计的首选,指纹识别系统的毕业论文,大家可以参考着用下-Do the design of choice for graduates, the graduation thesis Fingerprint Identification System, we can refer to use under
Platform: | Size: 1127424 | Author: hengdaoc | Hits:
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