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[Software Engineering基于DEDS派送调度问题的研究

Description: 太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 派送调度问题是物流管理领域中一个重要的课题,是大型 超市集团、大型零售连锁店、物流派送中心及工业生产企业共 同存在的问题。随着跨地区、跨地域的经济活动日益加强,迫 切要求解决物资流通当中合理调度运输工具的问题来有效实现 企业生产计划、减少物资库存,从而提高工商企业的生产效率。 目前对于派送调度问题的研究主要集中在对运输工具的配置和 静态调度领域,这些研究工作已经取得了丰富的成果,并且研 究结果也主要应用于决策和管理方面。但是对于运输工具运行 情况变化和派送任务动态产生和调整关注较少,同时,在线派 送调度的计算机系统产品也较少-Taiyuan University of Technology master's degree thesis Abstract delivery scheduling problem is the logistics management field an important issue, is a large supermarket groups, large retail chains, logistics distribution centers and industrial production enterprises to the problems that exist. With trans-regional and cross-boundary economic activities increasing, it is urgent to address the flow of goods among them reasonable means of scheduling problems to the effective realization of production plans to reduce material inventory, thereby improving business productivity. Current scheduling problems for the delivery of concentrated mainly in the transport and distribution of static scheduling fields, these studies have achieved rich results and findings of the study are mainly used in
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: 西风飘雪 | Hits:

[Software Engineering基于web的企业内部信息网络平台的开发

Description: 太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 随着Internet/Intranet 建设的飞速发展,Web 服务作为当 前Internet 上最热门的一种服务,得到了广泛的应用。Web 技术 发展到今天,人们已经可以把数据库技术引入到Web 系统中。将 Web 与数据库结合起来,不仅把Web 与数据库的所有优点集中在 一起,而且充分利用了大量已有的数据库信息资源,可以使用户 在Web 浏览器上方便地检索和浏览数据库的内容,Web 数据库技 术为传统的信息系统应用模式转轨到新的应用模式提供了具体 解决方案,也为解决信息孤岛问题提供了思路。-Taiyuan University of Technology with a master's degree thesis Abstract Internet/Intranet construction of the rapid development of Web services as the current most popular on the Internet as a service, a wide range of applications. Web technology into today, people can turn the technology into the database to the Web system. Web and Database will combine not only the Web and database together all the advantages, but also made full use of the existing large database of information resources, allowing customers to the Web browser to facilitate the retrieval and browsing the contents of the database, Web database technology to the traditional information system applications model transition to the new model of application specific solutions, but also to address the issue of isolated isl
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 西风飘雪 | Hits:

[Software Engineering基于Web的在线考试系统

Description: 太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 基于Web 的在线考试系统 Online Testing System Based on Web-Taiyuan University of Technology master's degree thesis Web-based online examination system Online Testing System Based on Web
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: 西风飘雪 | Hits:

[OtherCategorization of Image Databases for Efficient Re

Description: Categorization of Image Databases for Efficient Retrival是有关图形处理的国外专家论文,对于本行业的研究有指导价值。-Categorization of Image Databases for Efficient Retrival the graphics processing of foreign experts thesis for the industry value of the study guide.
Platform: | Size: 480256 | Author: 石锋 | Hits:

[Windows Develop学籍管理系统(ACCESS)(源程序+论文+可执行文件)

Description: VB的学生成绩管理系统,带整套的论文,对毕业设计有很高的参考价值。-VB student performance management system, with the whole thesis of graduate design a high reference value.
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 冰河 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop基于TCPIP协议的嵌入式Internet技术的应用与研究

Description: 关于TCP/IP的一份硕士论文,打开需要使用CAJView。--A Master degree thesis about TCP/IP. You need to use CAJView to open it.
Platform: | Size: 3691520 | Author: 谢先博 | Hits:


Description: 毕业论文中关于小型宾馆管理系统的详细设计毕 业论文中关于小型宾馆管理系统的详细设计-thesis on small guesthouses management system for the detailed design thesis on small guesthouses management s ystem for the detailed design
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Description: svm预测论文,基于粗糙理论的,感兴趣可以查一下,还不错-svm forecast thesis on the theory of rough, interested can check out, quite good! !
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 山药蛋 | Hits:


Description: 基于神经网络的纹理图像分割的好博硕论文-based on neural network texture image segmentation good Doctor and Master thesis! !
Platform: | Size: 1960960 | Author: 山药蛋 | Hits:


Description: 教师论文管理系统。目前教师个人信息日益复杂化,市场上的软件各有针对性,却缺少专门针对教师需要设计的综合性信息管理软件,为了方便老师对个人信息资料的综合管理,特编写“教师个人资料辅助管理系统”软件。在整个系统中,我编写的模块是“论文管理”,目的是有效的查找、编辑、修改和综合管理老师的科研论文,所带本科生的毕业设计论文,所带硕士、博士的各类论文,并且有效的实现与其它模块的互动。-teachers paper management system. Currently teachers increasingly complex personal information, software on the market have targeted, but the lack of specialized teachers need to design a comprehensive information management software, in order to facilitate teachers to the personal information management, the preparation of special "teachers assisted personal information management system" software. Throughout the system, I prepare the module is the "paper management", is an effective search, edit, modify, and comprehensive management of the teacher's scientific papers, brought the number of undergraduate design graduate thesis, it divulges master's and doctoral degrees in various papers, and to achieve effective and other interactive modules.
Platform: | Size: 389120 | Author: 阳志 | Hits:


Description: 《高智能变形病毒原理与防治》哈尔滨工业大学 崔翔 硕士论文本文在变形病毒防治领域有比较深入的研究,对广大病毒爱好者有一定指导意义.-"intelligent virus Principle and deformation control," Harbin Industrial University Ying master's thesis in this area of deformation Virus Prevention have more in-depth studies, to the virus enthusiasts have guiding significance.
Platform: | Size: 3443712 | Author: 朱伯晨 | Hits:


Description: 一个医疗管理系统的介绍,使一篇论文,没有源程序,但是介绍的相当清晰。有需要者可以查看一下,但是请不要原版照抄。涉及vb,sql-a medical management system, so that a thesis, no source, but on the very explicit. Those who need to check it, but please do not copy the original. Vb involved, sql
Platform: | Size: 449536 | Author: 孔的 | Hits:

[DSP program数字滤波的滑动平均法和低通滤波法

Description: 数字滤波的滑动平均法和低通滤波法.rar 浙江大学研究生论文中摘录-digital filtering sliding average and low-pass filter. Rar Zhejiang University graduate thesis extract
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 绿冬 | Hits:


Description: 找的一些基於MATLAB的遺傳算法的東東。。及其將其應用於圖像分割的一些程序和文件 (畢業論文)-find some of MATLAB-based Genetic Algorithm saucepan. . And its application for image segmentation some of the procedures and documents (Thesis)
Platform: | Size: 309248 | Author: 李英喆 | Hits:

[Software Engineering基于PCL的工业以太网控制技术实现

Description: 本论文提出的“基于PLC的工业以太网控制的实现”,是通过研究工业以太网与西门子S7-300系列PLC,最终实现交通灯信号控制。安装有STEP7软件的上位机通过以太网与CPU315-2DP的以太网部件连接,在CPU315之间实现硬件组态。并在计算机中利用STEP7软件编写程序。利用计时器、比较指令等方法模拟交通灯控制,并将此模拟程序下载到PLC的CPU中,实现基于PLC的工业以太网控制交通灯信号。-the thesis of "PLC-based control of industrial Ethernet achieve," through research on industrial Ethernet and Siemens S7-300 Series PLC, the ultimate realization of traffic signal control. Installation of the software is STEP7 PC via Ethernet and CPU315- 2DP Ethernet connectivity components, CPU315 between hardware configuration. And in the computer software used STEP7 programming. Use timers, compare instructions simulation methods such as traffic lights control, this simulation program will be downloaded to the PLC CPU, PLC-based control of industrial Ethernet traffic light signals.
Platform: | Size: 607232 | Author: 成才 | Hits:

[File FormatGSM手机应用层软件的设计和实现

Description: 一篇研究生的毕业设计论文,关于GSM的手机开发,欢迎讨论-a postgraduate design graduate thesis on the development of GSM phones, welcomed the discussion
Platform: | Size: 2502656 | Author: 成才 | Hits:

[Education soft system正文

Description: 这是个毕业论文的正文文件,大家看看,具体功能看了就知道-This is the text of thesis paper, we look at the specific functions to read on to know
Platform: | Size: 287744 | Author: 左毅 | Hits:

[Picture Viewer基于遗传算法的汽车式移动机器人路

Description: 一篇好论文,有助于大家学习-a good thesis helpful learning!
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 林全 | Hits:


Description: 计算机学院的毕业设计论文:人力资源管理!算是我给正愁写毕业论文的兄弟们一点点帮助-graduated from the College of Computer Design thesis : Human resources management! I suppose I have to be only too happy to write the thesis brothers a little help
Platform: | Size: 228352 | Author: pdb | Hits:


Description: 大学选修论文:浅谈积极的环境观!希望大家能用得开心-college thesis : On a positive environment concept! Hope everyone can be much happier
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: pdb | Hits:
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