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[DSP programEdgeCounterSobel

Description: 基于ti dsp图象处理专用芯片dm642上的sobel边缘检测算法,通过仿真器调试成功,保证能用-ti dsp-based image processing ASIC dm642 the pixel edge detection algorithm simulation to debug the success of guarantee can use
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: 钟炜 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage-advanced-process-5

Description: 很多高级一点的图形图像处理程序,对图像进行去除彩色处理,加入椒盐噪声,利用Prewitte边缘算子法对图像进行边缘提取,医学伪彩色处理,遥感伪彩色处理,利用Roberts边缘算子法对图像进行边缘提取,利用Sobel边缘算子法对图像进行边缘,对图像进行垂直镜像处理(几何变换),沃尔什变换处理(图像变换),基于C++开发,希望大家能用得着(--)-1:00 graphics image processing procedures, the removal of color image processing, by adding salt and pepper noise, the use of Prewitte Edge Operator law right image edge extraction, the medical pseudo-color processing, remote sensing pseudo-color processing, use Roberts Edge Operator law right image edge extraction, use Sobel Edge Operator law right image edge to the vertical mirror image processing (Geometric), the Walsh transform (Image Transform), based on C++ development, I hope you will worthwhile (--)
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 孙怀勇 | Hits:


Description: 边缘检测是图像处理的基本方法之一,SOBEL算子检测法具有检测准确,抗噪强等优点-Edge detection is the basic image processing method, SOBEL Operator detection method is accurate detection, anti-noise advantage
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林海 | Hits:

[DSP programVideoEdgeCounterSobel

Description: 视频图象边缘检测,基于DM642芯片。算法为SOBEL算子希望对学习DSP的朋友有所帮助-video edge detection, based on the DM642 chip. Algorithm SOBEL Operators hope to learn DSP help of a friend
Platform: | Size: 231424 | Author: | Hits:

[Special EffectsedgeCheck.

Description: 一个通用的边缘提取函数。通过输入不同的参数,能够实现Sobel算子、Prewitt算子、Roberts算子、Marr算子和Canny边缘检测。-a common edge extraction function. By entering different parameters to achieve Sobel operator, Prewitt operator, Roberts operator, Marr Operator and Canny edge detection.
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: 胡雪飞 | Hits:

[2D GraphicBianYuanJianCeDib

Description: 该代码包括了Robert\Sobel\Prewitt的算法-The code includes Robert \ Sobel \ Prewitt algorithm
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 唐年华 | Hits:

[Special EffectsHistDemoA_Sobel

Description: 图象分割类的 sobel算法 可以分割彩色图象 (转换成灰度的)-kind of image segmentation algorithm can be divided pixel color images (conversion to gray)
Platform: | Size: 1650688 | Author: bob | Hits:


Description: sobel边缘检测及拉普拉斯边缘检测算法的matlab实现。-edge detection and segmentation Laplace edge detection algorithm to achieve the Matlab.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: xinxin | Hits:

[Graph programVC-edge-detection-code

Description: 边缘检测各种算法源码VC:canny,sobel-edge detection algorithms source VC : canny, segmentation
Platform: | Size: 1909760 | Author: 姜丽华 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTImageProcess

Description: 一个图像处理集合的VC源代码,包括平滑、锐化、边缘增强、Hough Sobel边缘检测、傅立叶变换、腐蚀、膨胀、边缘提取等等。-a set of image processing VC source code, including smoothing, sharpening, edge enhancement, Hough Sobel edge detection, Fourier transform, corrosion, swelling, edge extraction and so on.
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 赵杰伊 | Hits:

[Special Effectsedgedetectionearl

Description: 用VC++实现的各种经典边缘检测算法——roberts,sobel,prewitt,kirsch,高斯,LOG等。-with VC the classic edge detection algorithm-- roberts, segmentation, prewitt, "and Gaussian, LOG other.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: tanchao | Hits:


Description: 文件给出了matlab语言进行,对二值图像先用sobel 算子找出边缘,再用hough变换找出圆的圆心和半径的程序,并附图像和解释!-documents given Matlab language, the binary image segmentation using the operator to identify the edge then Hough transform to identify the center of a circle and the circle radius of the procedure, with images and explanation!
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: image | Hits:

[Special Effectsdigital_picture_process_method_demo

Description: 数字图像处理方法演示程序:本程序应用了垂直/水平sobel、Prewitt、Robert算子对图像处理的效果演示,并包括图像直方图分析,直方图均衡,中值滤波、自适应滤波等方法,是研究数字图像处理的好工具,本程序提供源代码,可以在其基础上开发。-digital image processing methods Demonstration Program : This procedure is used by the vertical/pixel level. Prewitt, Robert Operator right image processing effects demonstrations, and includes image histogram analysis, histogram equalization, filtering, adaptive filtering method is to examine digital image processing, a good tool, this program provides source code, the basis of its development.
Platform: | Size: 3804160 | Author: Alex | Hits:


Description: 该压缩包中的程序实现对图像的平滑和锐化,其中采用多种方法实现平滑(包括均值滤波,中值滤波,顺序统计滤波)和锐化(包括采用Sobel算子和高通滤波)。-Program realization of the right image sharpening and smoothing. using a variety of methods in which to achieve smooth (including mean filtering, median filtering, Order Statistics filtering) and Sharpening (including Sobel operator and high-pass filter).
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李文 | Hits:

[Menu controltaozifeinew

Description: 简单BMP图像操作(文件属性,反射,二值化,sobel算子……)-simple operations (file attributes, reflection, two value, segmentation Operator ...)
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: Hailang | Hits:

[2D GraphicImageSharpness

Description: 拉普拉斯算子、Sobel算子和Prewitt算子对图像进行边缘、轮廓的检测-Laplace operator, Sobel Operator and Prewitt Operator right image edge contour detection
Platform: | Size: 3762176 | Author: 张德龙 | Hits:

[GUI Developcn700_62452121

Description: 关于sobel算子 逆sobel算子 高斯算子等图像处理算子 和大家共享,谢谢1-on segmentation Operator Operator inverse pixel Gaussian operator of Image Processing Operator and share Thank you, a
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: zhoujian | Hits:

[Graph programEdgeFilter

Description: 自己写的图像边缘抽取,有krish,sobel还一种名字忘了,主要为提取一些类似字的边缘。-himself wrote from the Edge, krish, segmentation also forgot a name, Extracting some of the main characters similar to the brink.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: hcy | Hits:

[Special EffectsproceIV

Description: 图象二直化 ,SOBEL 算法 ....BORLAND C + + BUILDER 编写,非常有趣的程序-images of two straight, SOBEL algorithm .... BORLAND C BUILDER preparation, very interesting process
Platform: | Size: 722944 | Author: ll | Hits:

[Special Effectsimproc

Description: 一个完整的Visual C++程序,包含了图像的RGB调整,傅立叶变换,傅立叶反变换,对比度调整,颜色转换 梯度算子检测,sobel算子检测 均值滤波和中值滤波,程序已经通过调试.-a complete Visual C program includes a RGB image adjustment, Fourier transform, Fourier transform, contrast adjustment, color conversion operator gradient detection, segmentation operator for the mean and median filtering filtering, testing procedures have been adopted.
Platform: | Size: 4400128 | Author: 杨萧 | Hits:
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