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[Special Effectsprewittsobel

Description: 用Prewitt算子和sobel算子共同对图像进行处理,得到较好的边缘检测图-Using Prewitt operator and sobel operator common image processing, get a better edge detection map
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李进 | Hits:

[Special EffectsDigitalImageProcessing_v1

Description: 本程序主要是一些学习影像处理时会用到的程序,其中包括: color to gray , segement RGB,、mean filter、median filter、user defined thresholding、otsu、Histogram equalization、Sobel edge detection、Prewitt edge detection,并可将边缘侦测所得到的信息以彩色线条贴至原图-This procedure is mainly learning image processing procedures will be used, including: color to gray, segement RGB,, mean filter, median filter, user defined thresholding, otsu, Histogram equalization, Sobel edge detection, Prewitt edge detection, and Edge detection can be the message to paste the image color lines
Platform: | Size: 1389568 | Author: Johnson Huang | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage

Description: 车牌图像定位程序 本程序关键点为:用模版匹配法寻找车牌位置,截取出车牌图像。 图像处理内容包括:直方图统计,图像灰度化,图像均衡化,图像二值化,Sobel算子边缘检测,模板匹配。-License plate image locator key point of this procedure as follows: using the template matching method to find license plate location, the interception of a license plate image. Image processing include: histogram statistics, image, image equalization, image binarization, Sobel operator edge detection, template matching.
Platform: | Size: 2216960 | Author: 韦略 | Hits:

[Special EffectsEdgeDetect_matlabcode

Description: 读入图像TestImage1.jpg,并转换为灰度图像gray_im;使用Sobel算法对灰度图像gray_im进行边缘检测;结果图像保存为out_im.jpg。-Read into the image TestImage1.jpg, and converted to gray image gray_im using Sobel algorithm for gray image gray_im edge detection the results of the image saved as out_im.jpg.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: Ashtray | Hits:


Description: 几个边缘检测算子代码:Roberts Sobel Prewitt Kirsh和Gauss-Laplace Hough变换:平行直线检测-Several edge detection operator code: Roberts Sobel Prewitt Kirsh and Gauss-LaplaceHough transform: parallel line detection
Platform: | Size: 885760 | Author: dlf | Hits:

[Special Effectssobeledge

Description: sobel算法的源码,应用2个3x3的掩模中心像素(mask)检测图像的边缘。一个是检测水平边沿的 ;另一个是检测垂直平边沿的。可以自己测试和修改参数,从而得到最佳的算法值。-sobel algorithm source code, the application of two 3x3 pixel mask center (mask) image edge detection. One is the detection level of the edge the other is the detection of vertical edges of the ping. Able to test and modify the parameters of the algorithm in order to get the best value.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: rex2042 | Hits:

[Special EffectsImageShow

Description: 基于OpenCV和VC环境开发的彩色图像边缘提取程序,包括laplace,canny,sobel等常用算子,可自动调整阈值。-OpenCV and VC-based environment for the development of color image edge extraction procedures, including laplace, canny, sobel operator, such as commonly used, can automatically adjust the threshold.
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: aclon | Hits:

[Special Effectsnewnew

Description: 本人亲手用C++builder编写的一个图像处理小程序,包含可执行文件和所有源码,在BCB6.0上调试通过。功能有图像灰度化、缩放、Sobel算子及prewitt算子实现边缘检测,还能根据颜色将图片的前景和背景分离。是学习图像处理编程的好东东。-I personally use C++ Builder to prepare an image processing applet that contains an executable file and all source code, adopted in BCB6.0 debugging. Function of image, zooming, Sobel operator and Prewitt operator realize edge detection, but also in accordance with the prospect of color pictures and background separation. Image processing is to learn good programming Dongdong.
Platform: | Size: 765952 | Author: gung66 | Hits:

[Special EffectsEdgeContour

Description: VC++的边缘与轮廓处理程序,包括边缘检测(五个算子,robert,sobel,prewitt,kirsch,gauss-laplase),hough变换(平行直线检测),轮廓提取,种子填充(两个算法),和轮廓跟踪。-VC++ The edge with the outline of treatment procedures, including edge detection (five operator, robert, sobel, prewitt, kirsch, gauss-laplase), hough transform (parallel-line detection), contour extraction, seed filling (two algorithms ), and contour tracking.
Platform: | Size: 2132992 | Author: ZL | Hits:

[Special EffectsEdgeDetect

Description: 用sobel、prewitt、robert、marr和canny算子实现边缘检测-By sobel, prewitt, robert, marr and realize canny edge detection operator
Platform: | Size: 359424 | Author: 冯沁红 | Hits:

[Special Effectsgray_image_zhifangtu_junhenghua

Description: 一个灰度图象直方图的均衡化实现.还有SOBEL算子的实现程序.另外含有一篇PPT-A gray-scale image histogram equalization realize. Also realize Sobel operator procedures. In addition to contain a PPT
Platform: | Size: 946176 | Author: 单昊 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeDisplay

Description: 清华大学的一个边缘检测处理实例,有sobel算子还有prewwit算子-Tsinghua University, a deal with examples of edge detection, there are still sobel operator prewwit operator
Platform: | Size: 2435072 | Author: 李丽 | Hits:

[Graph programEdgeContour

Description: 本程序包括所有的边缘检测算法,实现了robert,sobel,prewitt,gauss边缘检测,hough变换检测水平直线,轮廓提取,种子填充等的功能,经典收藏啊!-This procedure includes all of the edge detection algorithm robert, sobel, prewitt, gauss edge detection, hough transform detection of the level of a straight line, contour extraction, seed fill function, classic collections ah!
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 无梦 | Hits:


Description: 自编边缘提取方法,能够准确的提取边缘,编写简单。-Self-edge detection method, able to accurately extract the edge, simple to prepare.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 郑实 | Hits:


Description: 这是一篇被SCI所收录了的基于Sobel细化算法的螺纹边缘检测的博士论文,对于工程设计和学习都具有极高的参考学习价值-This is a SCI were included by the thinning algorithm based on Sobel edge detection thread doctoral thesis, for engineering design and learning have a very high value of the reference study
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: 刘样 | Hits:

[Special EffectsBMPImage

Description: 本程序用MFC实现了灰度图像的处理,功能如下: 几何变换:平移、旋转、缩放; 点处理:线性变换、灰度拉伸、灰度直方图、直方图均衡; 可以给图像产生%3椒盐噪声; 图像的平滑:均值滤波(3X3)、超限中值滤波(3X3); 边缘检测:边缘检测局部算子法,包括Sobel算子、Prewitt算子、拉普拉斯算子; Fourier变换。-This procedure using MFC realize the gray-scale image processing, functions as follows: geometric transformations: translation, rotation, scaling point treatment: linear transformation, gray stretch, histogram, histogram equalization images can produce 3 Salt and Pepper Noise image smoothing: Mean Filter (3X3), transfinite median filter (3X3) Edge Detection: Edge Detection Operators local law, including the Sobel operator, Prewitt operator, Laplacian Fourier Transform.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: 骆志军 | Hits:

[Graph programsobel

Description: 图像边缘检测的VERILOG实现,能准确检测图像边缘-Image Edge Detection of Verilog realize that can accurately detect image edge
Platform: | Size: 589824 | Author: 李永杰 | Hits:

[Special Effectsgraphics

Description: 对图像进行单色处理,并进行Robers算子的处理,Sobel算子处理,二值化,旋转变换,逆反处理,高通滤波,及直方图的建立。-Monochrome image processing, and Robers treatment operator, Sobel operator processing, binarization, rotation transform, inverse treatment, high-pass filtering, and histogram of the establishment.
Platform: | Size: 2006016 | Author: 杜璐 | Hits:

[Graph programFunCarlP

Description: 基于sobel算法的汽车牌照定位 本算法用matlab实现-Sobel algorithm based on the vehicle license positioning realize this algorithm by matlab
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 王强 | Hits:

[Special EffectsEdgeDetection

Description: Edge Detection边缘检测roberts,sobel,prewitt,laplacian-Edge Detection edge detection roberts, sobel, prewitt, laplacian
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: 王旌阳 | Hits:
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