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[GUI Develop8方向sobel

Description: 对1帧图像进行8方向的sobel算子提取边缘,原始图像格式是BMP-right image for an eight direction of the pixel edge detection operator, is the original image BMP format
Platform: | Size: 263485 | Author: 婷婷 | Hits:

[GDI-BitmapSobel抽出 空間フィルター

Description: Sobel 算子进行边缘检测,效果还不错.-Sobel operator for edge detection, the results were pretty good.
Platform: | Size: 27622 | Author: 马蓉 | Hits:

[Other resourceSobel--Image_Filter_An_Image_filtering_VHDL

Description: Sobel--Image Filter (I). An Image filtering is made over data loaded into the on board RAM and presented on a VGA monitor.zip-Sobel -- Image Filter (I). An Image filteri Vi is made over the data loaded into RAM on board a nd presented on a VGA monitor.zip
Platform: | Size: 316360 | Author: 严刚 | Hits:

[Graph programsobel

Description: sobel 图像算子算法-image segmentation algorithm Operator
Platform: | Size: 49505 | Author: 梁亮 | Hits:

[Other resourcesobel

Description: 这是本人自己编写的可用于256*256大小的图像进行sobel边缘检测的vhd文件,可在QuartusII或MaxplisII下综合和仿真,并在FPGA上测试过。可以进行修改支持其他大小图像的sobel边缘检测,同时还可以实现其它的图像模块化处理算法,例如高斯滤波,平滑等。-this is my own preparation for the 256 * 256 size of the image segmentation Edge Detection vhd document in the next QuartusII or MaxplisII integrated and simulation, and the FPGA tested. Can be adapted to support other size image segmentation edge detection, It can also achieve other modular image processing algorithms, such as Gaussian filtering, smoothing and so on.
Platform: | Size: 3135 | Author: 刘洋 | Hits:

[Special Effectssobel

Description: VC++调用OPENCV库实现Sobel边缘检测
Platform: | Size: 28775 | Author: 高明 | Hits:

[Other resourcesobel

Description: sobel filter for image in c
Platform: | Size: 10894 | Author: wangyg | Hits:


Description: to detect edge using sobel filter
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: kiran | Hits:

[Special Effectssobel

Description: VC2008下编写的Win32控制台应用程序,实现图像处理中的sobel变换进行边缘检测,其中自带测试图像-VC2008 written under Win32 console application in image processing, realize sobel edge detection of transform, bring their own test images
Platform: | Size: 1424384 | Author: 徐乐 | Hits:


Description: 此程序为用Verilog编写的可实现中值滤波,sobel边沿检测,腐蚀膨胀运算,算法强大。
Platform: | Size: 524721 | Author: mazhonglei_468@163.com | Hits:


Description: sobel is a function that describe edge
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hamed10 | Hits:


Description: sobel fillter for edge detector
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sg1 | Hits:

[Othersobel edge

Description: This use for sobel edge in matlab
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: syaipul | Hits:

[Special Effectssobel

Description: sobel算子图像处理源码,可计算图像亮度的一阶梯度(graph process with sobel edge)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: zzjjbb | Hits:


Description: Sobel-Gx卷积结果,matlab代码(Sobel-Gx Convolution Results)
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 1285106466 | Hits:

[OpenCVOpencv sobel边缘检测源代码

Description: opencv sobel 边缘检测 vs2012+opencv win7(opencv sobel edge detection vs2012+opencv win7)
Platform: | Size: 2458624 | Author: wendy_jsj | Hits:

[Graph programsobel

Description: sobel算子的vhdl实现,顶层用verilog(vhdl implement on sobel)
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 西风吹牛 | Hits:

[Graph program八个方向的sobel边缘检测算法

Description: 利用八方向的sobel边缘检测,实现对图像多梯度的梯度检测,检测出的边缘信息更加平滑连续。(Eight direction Sobel edge detection is used to realize gradient detection of image multi gradient, and the edge information detected is more smooth and continuous.)
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 追梦苦旅 | Hits:


Description: 由Verilog编写在FPGA实现sobel算法应用于图像边缘检测,工程文件可在quartus13.1以上版本打开;工程使用到ram、fifo、pll三种ip核,design文件夹下包含ram、fifo、vga控制以及串口收发和sobel算法模块,sim和doc文件夹下分别包含modelsim的仿真模块和仿真结果;测试时将200*200分辨率的图片用matlab文件夹下的matlab脚本压缩、二值化,再将生成文件中数据用串口发给FPGA,边缘检测结果会通过VGA输出。(Written by Verilog in the FPGA implementation sobel algorithm applied to the edge detection of the image, the project file can be opened in the quartus13.1 or later project use ram, fifo, pll three ip kernel, design folder contains ram, fifo, vga control and Serial port transceiver and sobel algorithm module, sim and doc folder, respectively, include modelsim simulation module and simulation results test will be 200* 200 resolution picture matlab folder under the matlab script compression, binarization, and then generated Data in the file with the serial port to the FPGA, edge detection results will be output through the VGA.)
Platform: | Size: 10222592 | Author: 丶大娱乐家 | Hits:

[Special Effectssobel

Description: sobel算子边缘检测,matlab源程序。(sobel aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: keerpt | Hits:
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