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[Multimedia programdirect x flight simulator

Description: direct x flight simulator
Platform: | Size: 276839 | Author: wellformed | Hits:

[Otherwsn simulator

Description: wireless sensor network simulator
Platform: | Size: 438713 | Author: cccleisure | Hits:

[Communication-Mobilemodbus simulator

Description: 用c++编写的MODBUS Serial RTU Simulator,效果很不错-MODBUS Serial RTU Simulator ,code is c++!
Platform: | Size: 784384 | Author: 李瑶 | Hits:

[OS Developlift-simulator

Description: it s a lift simulator, use operating system concept call mutex to implenment a lift. I do it prefectly.-it sa lift simulator, use operating system concept call mutex to implenment a lift. I do it prefectly.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: jinghe | Hits:


Description: 可移植的MicroChip的PIC全系列单片机软件仿真器-portable MicroChip full range of PIC microcontroller software simulator
Platform: | Size: 902144 | Author: CAI | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxgps-simulator-1.0.0.src

Description: 国外的一个开源gps模拟器源代码,eclipse 环境下使用-Abroad, an open source gps simulator source code, eclipse environment
Platform: | Size: 694272 | Author: hh | Hits:

[GPS developsimulator

Description: GPS simulator 仿真器,很实用-GPS simulator simulator, it is practical
Platform: | Size: 1084416 | Author: Zhenhua | Hits:

[assembly languageSimulator

Description: 一个可以模拟MIPS汇编语言在硬件上运行的模拟器。 该模拟器对于43条最常用的指令进行了实现。而且实现了端口通信,输入和输出中断。 对于数据传输的延时也进行了考虑。 为了让读者更好理解程序功能,附带了使用说明。-One can simulate the MIPS assembly language running on the hardware simulator. The simulator for the 43 most commonly used instructions to achieve. And achieved a port communication, input and output disruptions. Delay for data transmission have also been considered. In order to give readers a better understanding of program features, comes with instructions.
Platform: | Size: 335872 | Author: int | Hits:


Description: a simulator for 802.11a
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: Chen S.M. | Hits:

[File FormatOFDMMATLAB-simulator

Description: 本文对OFDM技术进行了MATLAB仿真-about OFDM-matlab simulator
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 朱燕 | Hits:


Description: 用MATLAB实现OFDM的系统仿真程序-about ofdm matlab simulator
Platform: | Size: 143360 | Author: 朱燕 | Hits:

[OS programsimulator

Description: It is a cache simulator for L1 and L2
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Hassan | Hits:


Description: 开源的基于SystemC的模拟器,可以模拟ARM CPU, Cache, DDR,NOR, NAND, 时序和功耗均可以正确模拟。-This simulator is a cycle-accurate system-level energy and timing simulator. Developed by Embedded Low-Power Laboratory, Seoul National University. The simulator’s underlying kernel is OSCI SystemC 2.2.0. All of the hardware modules satisfies the OSCI standards. The simulator is composed of a CPU, cache, and memory components including DDR SDRAM, MLC NOR Flash, MLC NAND Flash, SRAM. Each memory components have it’s own memory model, which enables cycle-accurate power consumption estimation of the devices. Master and slave SystemC IPs are connected through AMBA AHB CLI (Cycle-Level Interface). You will get energy trace files for each memory devices. You will get cycle-accurate performance evaluation results CPU cycle counts information, and cache hit/miss ratio on console. Also, you can get trace files for memory devices. The simulator exhibits performance over 500 K instructions/sec, which is fairly high for a cycle-accurate system-level simulator. The simulator’s source co
Platform: | Size: 4886528 | Author: Archie | Hits:


Description: Impronto Simulator Emulador diseñ ado por la empresa Rococosoft Distribuido de forma gratuita Basta con enviar correo con datos y motivos Envian licencia y acceso a descarga simulator-install.jar Para instalar se requiere jre para ejecutar .jar, doble click y listo. Para compilar ejemplos se requiere jdk 1.5 o superior-Impronto Simulator Emulador diseñ ado por la empresa Rococosoft Distribuido de forma gratuita Basta con enviar correo con datos y motivos Envian licencia y acceso a descarga simulator-install.jar Para instalar se requiere jre para ejecutar .jar, doble click y listo. Para compilar ejemplos se requiere jdk 1.5 o superior
Platform: | Size: 11769856 | Author: Richard Carlos | Hits:


Description: a java code for router simulator.,
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Sumit | Hits:


Description: 生成android sdk 并搭建模拟器-And set up the simulator generated android sdk
Platform: | Size: 294912 | Author: 邓子斌 | Hits:


Description: 高动态GPS中频信号模拟器的关键技术研究,包括从信号的构成到信号模型的搭建,用matlab仿真出来。-The high dynamic GPS intermediate frequency signal simulator s key technologies research, including from the signal constitution to the signal model s build, comes out with the matlab simulation.
Platform: | Size: 165888 | Author: 黎山 | Hits:


Description: 长期演进链路级仿真:采取更低复杂度的算法,而且它是基于长期演进系统级仿真的基础上发展起来。-LTE abstracts the Physical layer for lower complexity and is based on the experience built on the LTE System Level simulator.
Platform: | Size: 403456 | Author: 付艳柳 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsimulator

Description: MTK simulator for PC -MTK simulator for PC
Platform: | Size: 2763776 | Author: 袁微 | Hits:

[OpenGL programflight-simulator

Description: 【摘要】 飞行模拟训练系统是由多种技术所构成的大型综合集成环境,视景仿真是其最重要的体现形式。本论文在研究和制造我国首台用于任务训练系统的大型飞机模拟器的过程中,对飞行模拟器的体系结构和视景仿真系统进行了详细的设计,对相关的关键技术做了深入的研究,解决了该模拟器研制的一系列技术难题。该课题通过了专家组的鉴定,并在实际应用中得到了广泛的好评。完成的主要工作和创新点可概括如下: 首先,在大型综合集成环境模拟器的结构设计中,以突出多机对抗的模拟器体系结构为特色,提出了基于HLA体系结构的模拟器引擎概念,完成了庞杂的技术设计和系统的软件层次、硬件结构的设计。在此基础上,根据模拟器的实际需求,实施了六通道视景仿真系统实像球幕投影方案,并完善了具体技术细节。方案中球幕投影的水平视角180o,垂直视角可达到130o,其下视角达到了90o,如此超大下视场角的实像球幕投影,为国内首创。其次,深入研究了实像球幕投影显示系统的关键技术。其一是球幕实像投影的非线性失真校正问题。以图形空间变换为基础,推导了投影机球心安装、离轴安装等情况下的非线性失真公式,并首次提出了投影机离轴安装时,球面投影非线性失真校正的预失真算法,... 更多还原-【Abstract】 Aero simulator is a large-scale comprehensive system integrated with many technologies. The most important embodiment of the system is scene simulation. In the process of research and development of the first large flight simulator for task training system in China, the architecture and the scene simulating system of aero simulator are projected, and the correlated key technologies are explored and the technical puzzles are solved. The project is completed and passed the assessment of the expert
Platform: | Size: 12431360 | Author: 飞行者 | Hits:
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