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Description: 主要功能: 本程序用来查看PE格式文件的剩余空间,并且可以添加新的节区。 语言: MASM32 -main functions : View the procedures used for PE format of the remaining space, and can add a new section of the district. Language : between
Platform: | Size: 12007 | Author: vro0 | Hits:

[Software Engineering[ASM] PE Section Adder

Description: Here's a Source Code of NeuRaL_NoiSE with Executable, which creates, appends and zero pads a new section in the specified file.
Platform: | Size: 11978 | Author: netcat@0815.ru | Hits:


Description: 3种多线程同步方式(Critical Section,Mutex,Event)的小例子-3 multithreading synchronous mode (Critical Section, Mutex, Event) small example
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: PE可执行文件的镶入式程序的编写方法及示例(镶入式后门程序&原程序) 由于Microsoft公司的Windows系统是当前大部分个人电脑所使用的操作系统 主要包括win95,98,me,nt4,2000,xp等,而这些系统所使用的可执行文件的格式基 本上是PE结构的。这里的可执行文件的镶入式程序就是针对PE结构的可执行文件。 这里先简单说一下PE文件框架结构: DOS MZ header DOS stub//在不支持 PE文件格式的操作系统中它将简单显示一个错误提示 PE header//含了许多PE装载器用到的重要信息 Section table//每个Section的信息 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3.... 由于SectionAlignment 块对齐的原因每个Section之间都会产生很多空间, 镶入式程序的代码可以放在Section之间的空位上,比较方便的方法是把代码放在 最后一个Section的末尾,然后更改Misc.VirtualSize和SizeOfRawData这两个位 于Section table的IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER结构数组的成员。如果代码十分的长, 有时候会造成镶入的代码无法被完全加载而产生错误,这时需要更改SizeOfImage 在IMAGE_NT_HEADERS 结构中。 在不同的WINDOWS版本中api调用地址也有不同,为了解决这个问题可以更改引 入表让加载器-PE executable files embedded into the formal process of the preparation methods and examples (Insert-in procedures for the back door
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms黄金分割法

Description: 一个黄金分割法求最优区间-golden section method
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack HackPEEncrypt_v1.0

Description: 这个小软件通过在可执行文件(.exe)的尾部添加一个新节(Section),并且修改PE的入口地址,使可执行文件在运行时,跳出一个输入密码的对话框,从而实现了简单的加密。-small software in executable files (. Exe) to the tail adding a new section (Section), and amend the PE import addresses, so that the executable file is run, jump out of a password dialog box, thus achieving a simple encryption.
Platform: | Size: 413696 | Author: 梁伟 | Hits:


Description: 绘制庞加莱截面图,在相空间中适当(要有利于观察系统的运动特征和变化,如截面不能与轨线相切,更不能包含轨线)选取一截面,在此截面上某一对共轭变量如x1和x.1取固定值,称此截面为Poincare截面,相空间的连续轨迹与Poincare截面的交点成为截点。-mapping Poincare section, in phase space appropriate (observation system should be beneficial to the movement and change, if not with the section line tangent track, rail lines not included) selected a cross section, in this section for a pair of conjugate variables such as x1 and X.1 from fixed value, stating that this section of the Poincare section, phase space for the track and Poincare sections of the intersection as intercept point.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 叶建槐 | Hits:


Description: optimization using golden section search-optimization using search golden section
Platform: | Size: 238592 | Author: Jialin Li | Hits:


Description: 多线程----介绍3种多线程同步方式(Critical Section,Mutex,Event)例子-introduced three kinds of multithreaded synchronization mode (Critical Section, Mutex, Event) example
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: popandsmtp | Hits:


Description: 主要功能: 本程序用来查看PE格式文件的剩余空间,并且可以添加新的节区。 语言: MASM32 -main functions : View the procedures used for PE format of the remaining space, and can add a new section of the district. Language : between
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: vro0 | Hits:


Description: 黄金分割法,二分法,Fibonacci法求多项式函数最值-Golden Section, dichotomy, the Fibonacci method for the value of a polynomial function
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 邹耀贤 | Hits:

[GIS programCAD+VBconvert

Description: CAD VBA 等高线+断面生成原码,不知道需要上传多少代码才能下载啊这样太不爽了哦-CAD VBA contour section generated the original code, not aware of the need to upload code number can download this too quickly ah oh-huh
Platform: | Size: 125952 | Author: | Hits:


Description: discusses the Radar Cross Section (RCS). RCS dependency on aspect angle, frequency, and polarization are discussed.-discusses the Radar Cross Section (RCS). R CS dependency on aspect angle, frequency, and polarization are discussed.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: alan | Hits:


Description: 黄金分割搜索法的vc代码,有两个过程实现,分别是Golden和mnbrak,mnbrak利用黄金比率和二次插值确定函数的极小值点的所在区间,Golden用黄金分割法求一元函数的极小值。-Golden Section Search vc law code, there are two processes to achieve, and Golden were mnbrak. mnbrak golden ratio and use quadratic interpolation function to determine the minimum value of such spots interval, Golden use of the Golden Section 1 yuan for the minimum function.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wuyan | Hits:

[OS programPEInject

Description: 一般的为PE文件新增一个节的代码都是汇编代码,但是这是一个VC写的为PE文件新增一个节的代码,代码注释详尽!-General for the PE file add a section of the code are compiled code, but this is a VC for the PE file written in a new section of the code, the code detailed notes!
Platform: | Size: 3016704 | Author: 郭事业 | Hits:


Description: 提出了一种可控超电磁材料Metamatrial与结构,研究了在4~10GHz范围内的电磁波传输系数与单站雷达散射截面(RCS)的电可控特性。-A super-controllable electromagnetic materials and structures Metamatrial studied in the range of 4 ~ 10GHz electromagnetic wave transmission coefficient and single-station radar cross section (RCS) controllable electrical characteristics.
Platform: | Size: 249856 | Author: xuzhanxian | Hits:


Description: 计算二维无约束优化的Powell法和坐标轮换法,以及一维搜索的黄金分割法和搜索区间确定的两个子程序.-Calculation of two-dimensional unconstrained optimization method of Powell and coordinate rotation method, as well as one-dimensional search of the golden section method and the search interval determined by the two subroutines.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: hauskeis | Hits:


Description: 一个雷达回波模拟的matlab程序包,含有在RCS服从卡方分布,瑞利分布,对数正态分布下目标的的雷达散射截面模拟子程序, 具有径向加速度,径向速度,径向距离的雷达回波模拟,有3-D图形显示.-A radar echo matlab simulation package, containing the RCS subject to chi-square distribution, Rayleigh distribution, lognormal distribution of the target radar cross section simulation subprogram, with the radial acceleration, radial velocity, radial distance the radar echo simulation, there are 3-D graphical display.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 周严 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopELFCrypt

Description: ELFCrypt, is supposed to encrypt the .code section (.text, in most cases) and decrypts itself at run-time...contains a bit of anti-disas code to the decryptor.. -ELFCrypt, is supposed to encrypt the. Code section (. Text, in most cases) and decrypts itself at run-time ... contains a bit of anti-disas code to the decryptor ..
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: cheng | Hits:

[matlabcross section

Description: this m file takes a cross section from a map.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: dtlhust | Hits:
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