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[Other resourceuart frame det

Description: 自己的小作,能简化繁琐的通讯帧格式的检测工作,在常量数组 PROTOCOL_ARRAY 中定义一个或多个通讯帧格式,能同时将多个有效帧检测出来,采样队列的方式,高效.-for their small, can simplify the cumbersome communications frame format detection, the constants defined array PROTOCOL_ARRAY one or more communications frame format. while many can be effectively detected frame, sampling cohort approach and efficient.
Platform: | Size: 5225 | Author: 陈文杰 | Hits:

[SCMuart frame det

Description: 自己的小作,能简化繁琐的通讯帧格式的检测工作,在常量数组 PROTOCOL_ARRAY 中定义一个或多个通讯帧格式,能同时将多个有效帧检测出来,采样队列的方式,高效.-for their small, can simplify the cumbersome communications frame format detection, the constants defined array PROTOCOL_ARRAY one or more communications frame format. while many can be effectively detected frame, sampling cohort approach and efficient.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 陈文杰 | Hits:


Description: 不是matlab本身的小程序,自己编写的语音分帧程序供大家参考-Matlab itself is not a small procedure, I have written procedures for voice sub-frame reference to U.S.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 花儿 | Hits:


Description: 一个将数据打包成以太网帧的示例程序,该程序读取一个文件,然后将文件中的数据打包成以太网帧-Packaged into an Ethernet data frame sample program to read a file, and then the data in the package file into the Ethernet frame
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 林司令 | Hits:


Description: 平面刚架数值分析程序 用matlab编写,可处理集中载荷和分布载荷-Numerical analysis of plane frame program with matlab prepared to deal with concentrated loads and distributed loads
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: lx | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineframe

Description: 读取语音文件 进行分帧加窗 及计算语音文件短时能力和过零率。可用于对音乐哼唱检索系统的开发及研究学习。-Voice files to read sub-frame and calculation of windowed audio files and short-term zero-crossing rate. Music can be used to Query by Humming system development and research study.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: wdn | Hits:

[Video CaptureImage-Frame

Description: Image frame extraction from video
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Debi Prosad Dogra | Hits:


Description: HTML Frame ,you Can use it for Build B/s -HTML Frame ,you Can use it for Build B/s !!!!
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: wei85 | Hits:


Description: 帧速率上转换算法的研究与实现, Frame rate up conversion-Frame rate up conversion
Platform: | Size: 2339840 | Author: 周雷 | Hits:


Description: 一篇用FPGA做数字相框的论文.有实际制作指南.-a paper on Digital photo frame with a FPGA.
Platform: | Size: 1642496 | Author: tony.wang | Hits:


Description: 基于能量差分的ofdm帧同步算法matlab程序,可以运行-OFDM frame synchronization based on energy difference of the received preamble,can run
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 邢昊 | Hits:


Description: 帧间差分法处理图像视频,可用于运动目标的检测-Image processing video frame difference method can be used for the detection of moving targets
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李绅 | Hits:


Description: FPGA 帧同步源代码 调试无错误 ALTERA 平台-Frame synchronization FPGA
Platform: | Size: 257024 | Author: liuchao | Hits:

[Special EffectsFrame-difference-Detection

Description: 很好的基于帧间差分的目标跟踪检测算法matlab代码,里面含有测试视频!-Good target tracking based on frame difference detection algorithm matlab code, which contains a test video!
Platform: | Size: 1197056 | Author: 胡博 | Hits:

[Special EffectsRead-a-frame-of-video

Description: 读取视频中的某一帧图像,用户可以从视频中截取一副图片。-Read a frame of video,user image from the video in the interception,and can get details of the image.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 薛瑞恒 | Hits:


Description: OFDM系统中的帧同步算法和理论分析,很好的学习材料-Frame synchronization in OFDM system algorithms and theoretical analysis, a very good learning materials
Platform: | Size: 481280 | Author: fy | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxDigital-photo-frame

Description: 在linux下用QT开发的一个数码相框程序,包含背景音乐播放、图片手动浏览、图片自动浏览等功能。经过交叉编译以后,可以在移植有包含Qtopia-2.2.0的文件系统上运行。程序中使用的文件类为自己编写。-QT under linux with the development of a digital photo frame program, including background music, pictures, manual browsing, automatic picture viewer. After cross-compilation, the transplantation can be included in the Qtopia-2.2.0 file systems. Program files used in class to write their own.
Platform: | Size: 12467200 | Author: 熊瑞 | Hits:


Description: 利用opencv和vc++实现目标检测中的三帧差分法- Three Frame Difference Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杜倩 | Hits:


Description: frame的基本用法,用于windows控制台游戏的编写,里面函数的注释都很清楚(The basic usage of Frame)
Platform: | Size: 465920 | Author: Song丶 | Hits:

[Special EffectsFRAME

Description: frame Description frame
Platform: | Size: 6598656 | Author: LimYoungJin | Hits:
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