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[ASPX.NETasp.net wap 模板(vs2008)

Description: 用asp.net 来建立wap网站可以很快速的做到!而不需要懂wml 但是vs2008却不能建立wap站点(不知道微软怎么想的) 因此 这里有一套模板来建立wap网站。 只需要做空网页,然后新建页面的时候用模板建立就可以了 然后自然就有mobile控件集了
Platform: | Size: 23386 | Author: qqa3131@163.com | Hits:


Description: Wap网页在线模拟器ASP源码
Platform: | Size: 45397 | Author: d2wl@vip.qq.com | Hits:


Description: 一个WAP应用的代码,是学习WAP开发的最好的程序
Platform: | Size: 2752537 | Author: lidongfu@shitingba.com | Hits:

[OtherM3Gate WAP Browser

Description: M3Gate WAP Browser电脑端迷你手机浏览器。
Platform: | Size: 2038615 | Author: hmybskl@gmail.com | Hits:

[Documentswap 开发入门

Description: wap开发说明
Platform: | Size: 1348096 | Author: ywx513 | Hits:


Description: WAP浏览器源码
Platform: | Size: 22238 | Author: azwjjyf007 | Hits:

[Network DevelopXHTML+移动概要+(XHTML+MP)WAP+2.0+教程.chm

Description: XHTML+移动概要+(XHTML+MP)WAP+2.0+教程.chm
Platform: | Size: 801256 | Author: xxf317 | Hits:

[Communication-MobileCSDN_Microsoft IIS6_0实现WAP应用

Description: CSDN_Microsoft IIS6_0实现WAP应用-CSDN_Microsoft IIS6_0 achieve WAP application
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: | Hits:

[WAP developwap

Description: wap协议中wml和script的中文文档-WAP agreement wml and the Chinese script files
Platform: | Size: 7476224 | Author: 陈飞 | Hits:


Description: 爱立信WAP集成开发环境WAPIDE3.2.1(ZIP).-Ericsson WAP WAPIDE3.2.1 integrated development environment (ZIP).
Platform: | Size: 8511488 | Author: 春风生 | Hits:


Description: wap的java实现-WAP realization of java
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 何彬 | Hits:

[Windows Developwap

Description: WAP 的C语言源程序-WAP C language source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 万海斌 | Hits:


Description: WAP开发问答大全-WAP development quiz Daquan
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 李玲 | Hits:

[WAP developWAP Push业务入门

Description: 本文档详细说明了wap push技术的有关内容, 并且以较好的方式介绍了最新的wap push技术。适合于中级的wap开发人员。-This document details the WAP push technology to the content, and a better way to introduce the latest WAP push technology. Suitable for intermediate WAP developers.
Platform: | Size: 722944 | Author: 微风 | Hits:

[WAP develop由领域ASP+WAP同学录(V1.0)系统

Description: 自由领域ASP+WAP同学录(V1.0)系统是一套仿ChinaRen的即可用电脑浏览又可以用手机访问的互动同学录单班级系统。这套系统同学录系统可以满足现在WAP普及的今天同学用手机上网交流的需求,做到了时时刻刻可以连上自己的班级网站,时时刻刻可以用手机了解同学的情况,让同学间的交流变的易如反掌! 在这个版本以前已经发布了测试版本,测试版本上有很多错误和不完善的地方,在大家的帮助下,我们完成了程序的修复、改进,整合了许多地方,方便了大家架设自己的同学录系统。但是由于时间的仓促,难免在程序上还有错误,希望大家能够在论坛上告诉我们哪里有错误,哪里需要改进,以便让我们完善这套 ASP+WAP的同学录程序!-free areas ASP WAP website (V1.0) System is a fake ChinaRen the computer can also visit the phones can be used to visit the interactive website single-class system. The system networking systems to meet the now popular WAP phone today classmates online communication needs, so the company can always their class website, always phone can be used to understand the situation of students, the exchanges between the students change the cake! In this version has been previously released a test version, beta version there are many mistakes and imperfections, with the help of everybody, we have completed the process of repair, improvement and integration of many places, we facilitate the erection of the college system. But given the time to rush, it is inevitable that there are procedures in the wro
Platform: | Size: 796672 | Author: 陈凯 | Hits:

[WAP develop手机wap论坛

Description: wap版的论坛,让您在手机上也会拥有自己的论坛-WAP version of the forum, on the phone you will have their own forum
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: 段炜 | Hits:

[WAP develop天堂鸟wap网站

Description: 很辛苦才完成的一个手机网站,希望对wap开发者有帮助-very hard to complete the site a mobile phone, and I hope to WAP developers help
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 段炜 | Hits:

[MMSwap push资料

Description: 移动梦网WAP PUSH全套资料,(移动)WAP Push SP接口协议-MONTERNET WAP PUSH full set of information, (mobile) WAP Push SP Interface Protocol
Platform: | Size: 1482752 | Author: 涂星辉 | Hits:


Description: wap学习资料适合初学者学习使用的资料!-The WAP study data which is suit for beginner!
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: hou | Hits:


Description: wap学习的完整资料,希望对正在学习wap技术的朋友有帮助!-WAP learning incomplete information, and I hope to learn WAP technology is a friend help!
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: hou | Hits:
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