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[Embeded-SCM DevelopC+++GUI+Programming+with+Qt4__+Book

Description: C+++GUI Programming with Qt4 的源码,非常好用,也支持vc哟,大家快来下-C+++ GUI Programming with Qt4 source code, very easy to use, and also supports vc yo, Come under the U.S.
Platform: | Size: 458752 | Author: 利用 | Hits:

[WEB Codeasp_active-server-programming

Description: 《ASP动态网站编程》清华2006新版随书光盘CD-ROM中的源代码- ASP dynamic web programming, Tsinghua University in 2006 with the new version of the book CD-ROM CD-ROM in the source code
Platform: | Size: 2121728 | Author: bcubys | Hits:


Description: C/C++嵌入式编程,对嵌入式非常有帮助-C/C++ Embedded programming, embedded very helpful
Platform: | Size: 337920 | Author: 杨志勇 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringusbdmx-programming

Description: Programming the USB2DMX by Jan Menzel 3rd January 2002 Abstract This document describes how the USB2DMX DMX512 interface for the USB-port by Lighting- Solutions1 has to be programmed. It includes all information the software engineer has to supply to the operating systems USB-stack to talk to the USB2DMX
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: eastward | Hits:

[Software EngineeringWrox.Programming.Interviews.Exposed.2nd.Edition.Ap

Description: Wrox.Programming.Interviews.Exposed.2nd.Edition 这个是全英文的第二版,chm版本, 本书取材于各大IT公司历年面试真题(包括笔试题、口试题、电话面试、英语面试,以及逻辑测试和智商测试)。通过精确详细的分类,把在应聘程序员(含网络、测试等)过程中所遇见的常见考点分为21章。不仅对传统的C系语言考点做了详尽的解说,包括面向对象问题、sizeof问题、const问题、数据结构问题等。还根据外企出题最新特点,针对设计模式问题、C#问题、网络问题、数据库问题、NET问题等,做了深入的说明。-Wrox.Programming.Interviews.Exposed.2nd.Edition this is the second edition in English, chm version of the book based on interviews over the years in major IT companies真题(including the pen test, I test, telephone interviews, interviews in English, as well as logic tests and IQ tests). Through the precise and detailed classification of programmers in the candidates (including the network, testing, etc.) encountered during the common test is divided into 21 chapters. Not only to the traditional C language test department has done a detailed explanation, including object-oriented issues, sizeof problems, const problem, data structure and so on. Also the latest questions in accordance with the characteristics of enterprises, in view of the design model, C# Problems, network problems, database problems, NET, etc., to do an in-depth description.
Platform: | Size: 1910784 | Author: zmsx | Hits:


Description: 经典的多线程编程书籍,极好的入门书,英文。-Classical multi-threaded programming books, an excellent primer, English.
Platform: | Size: 783360 | Author: 方哲 | Hits:

[Windows Developsource-win95-system-programming-secrets

Description: 《windows 95 system programming secrets》中的源代码。-err
Platform: | Size: 357376 | Author: shenfeng | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWindows+95+System+programming+SECRETS

Description: 《windows 95 system programming secrets》繁体中文版,候捷翻译,中文名<<windows95系统程式设计大奥秘>>。 此书的英文版本站已经提供,查找PietrekBook即可得到。-err
Platform: | Size: 6798336 | Author: shenfeng | Hits:


Description: understanding unix/linux programming source code(bruce molay)-understanding unix/linux programming source code (bruce molay)
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: aj | Hits:


Description: openGL programming guid---the redbook,介绍openGL C++编程,及相关源代码-openGL programming guid--- the redbook, introduced openGL C++ programming, and related source code
Platform: | Size: 9469952 | Author: ge | Hits:

[Game ProgramGame+Programming+Gems+6+

Description: 游戏编程精粹6的光盘源代码,网上找到的。是图形那一章的代码-The essence of the game 6 of the CD-ROM programming source code, find online. The chapter is the graphics code
Platform: | Size: 17392640 | Author: 黄达 | Hits:

[Game ProgramPremier.Press.MUD.GAME.PROGRAMMING

Description: 这是一本游戏编程的经典国外教材,我就是从这本书进入游戏行业的 MUD GAME PROGRAMMING By Ron Penton 这本书的好处还在于它附有源代码,正是这个有趣的代码引导我步入迷人的游戏世界 请看我附上的代码文件:MUDBook MUDs Complete.zip、MUDs 1.0.1.zip -This is a classic game programming foreign materials, this book I was entering the game industry MUD GAME PROGRAMMING By Ron Penton benefits of this book is that it is also accompanied by the source code, it is this interesting code to guide me step-by-step into the fascinating game world see I am attaching the code file: MUDBook MUDs Complete.zip, MUDs 1.0.1.zip
Platform: | Size: 2764800 | Author: 利群 | Hits:


Description: \Programming 32-bit microcontrollers in C Microchip官方出的学习使用PIC32系列单片机的书 英文版-Programming 32-bit microcontrollers in C Microchip official of learning to use a PIC32 MCU books in English
Platform: | Size: 4413440 | Author: 庞子 | Hits:


Description: windows程序设计的课程。本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最终您使用什么方式写作程序,了解Windows API都是非常重要的。-windows programming courses. This book describes the Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT 5.0 under the process writing approach. These procedures using C language and use the original Windows Application Programming Interface (API). As discussed later in this chapter, and it is not writing the only way to Windows program. However, regardless of what way you use the writing process, to understand Windows API are very important.
Platform: | Size: 3076096 | Author: 候莹莹 | Hits:


Description: 用Java进行蓝牙编程的经典书籍,亚马孙网站上评价很好。-Bluetooth programming with Java for classic books, a good evaluation of the Amazon Web site.
Platform: | Size: 2215936 | Author: rhf | Hits:


Description: 3D游戏教程 Advanced.3D.Game.Programming.with.DirectX.9.0.pdf-3D game tutorials Advanced.3D.Game.Programming.with.DirectX.9.0.pdf
Platform: | Size: 12029952 | Author: tanhongwei | Hits:

[Game ProgramGame-Programming-Gems6

Description: 注明游戏编程精粹最新册,很经典。都是论文形式的,很实用,针对性强。-Indicate the essence of the latest game programming books, it is classic. All forms of paper, it is practical and targeted.
Platform: | Size: 25026560 | Author: donghao | Hits:

[Game Engine3D.Game.Engine.Programming.Update

Description: 3D Game Engine Programming一书源代码中更新的部分,以及相关章节的更正和升级文件。-3D Game Engine Programming book source code to update the part, as well as the relevant sections of the corrections and updates.
Platform: | Size: 2335744 | Author: geyaping | Hits:


Description: linux高级编程电子书好东东大家分享不可多得-linux high-level programming e-books to share a rare good Dongdong
Platform: | Size: 3510272 | Author: xifeng | Hits:


Description: MATLAB-GUI编程系列书籍和示例程序、视频,助你快速实现GUI编程-MATLAB-GUI programming series of books and sample programs, video, help you quickly achieve GUI Programming
Platform: | Size: 23358464 | Author: yuhua | Hits:
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