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Description: 智能LED电子钟源代码,多年前做的。可能对单片机初学者有用。-intelligent LED electronic Zhong Yuan code, so many years ago. Beginners may be useful to the MCU.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 魏小鹏 | Hits:


Description: 这是“led广告屏”程序,已经成功调试,希望对大家有用,谢谢!(最好配合51单片机和伟福编译器)-"led advertising screen" program has been successfully tested and we hope to useful, thank you! (Preferably with 51-fu SCM and compiler)
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 振臂 | Hits:


Description: 44B0 的LED显示程序不带UCOS操作系统-44B0 LED display program operating system without UCOS
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: 阿邱 | Hits:


Description: 该模拟器是在Keil7.0中使用。 只要把Ex02Dll.dll复制到 X:\Keil\C51\BIN目录下。 打开测试程序,编译运行即可看到如图led.jpg中所显示的效果。-The simulator is used in Keil7.0. As long as Ex02Dll.dll copied to the X : \ Keil \ C51 \ BIN directory. Open test procedure, compile operation can be seen in figure led.jpg reflected by the results.
Platform: | Size: 7372800 | Author: wxd | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLED控件

Description: LED控件,利用LED控件类实现的倒计时的程序.关键是LED控件类的使用方法. -LED control ,make count down with LED control class.The class reference method should be concerned.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: 王辉 | Hits:

[Graph programLED电子显示屏系统设计方案

Description: 这是一个关于大屏幕led电子显示屏的具体设计方案!-This is a big screen on the electronic screen led to the specific design options!
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 张晓 | Hits:


Description: 这是一款专门用于单片机上显示的LED字符生成器,只要经过简单的段排列,通过鼠标选择你想要成生的字符图案。本软件分为生成常规字符和特殊字符两种功能-This is a special show for SCM LED character generator, through a simple paragraph with, you want the mouse to choose students into the pictorial characters. The software is divided into conventional generated characters and special characters two functions!
Platform: | Size: 3011584 | Author: 鲍尾弟 | Hits:

[Driver Develop驱动led显示

Description: //串行驱动led显示, //一个74hc595位移寄存器驱动三极管驱动led位, //两个74hc595驱动led段,方式位5位x8段x2=10个数码管 //5分频,每次扫描时间位1.25ms //定义特殊符号-//Serial Driver led,// a 74hc595 displacement register drives the triode-led drive,// 2 74hc595 led drive, five-way x8 of x2 = 10 digital control// 5 minutes frequency, each scan time position 1.25ms// definition of special symbols
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 8051 LED Sample Code
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: haha | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSARM键盘及LED 驱动实验

Description: ARM7 S3C44B0X 键盘及LED 驱动实验代码-ARM7 S3C44B0X keyboard and LED driver experimental code
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 钱丽 | Hits:


Description: 大屏幕led点阵显示的驱动时序。 使用vhdl语言描述。其中rom文件可以使用lpm_megcore自动生成。-big screen led to the dot matrix display driver timing. The use of VHDL description language. Rom which documents can be automatically generated using lpm_megcore.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王卫 | Hits:

[USB developUSB LED输出示例

Description: some examples of LED display vir EZUSB
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: 盛可帕 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopLED数字显示例子程序

Description: VC下的数字LED显示程序,利用了几个类,此程序是单文档的-VC digital LED display procedure, and use of several categories, this procedure is the single document
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: 王晓东 | Hits:

[SCM数码LED驱动程序 led

Description: AVR单片机的 数码LED驱动程序 ,使LED循环跳动显示。-AVR digital LED drivers, the LED display beating cycle.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 晏昌平 | Hits:

[Button controlled模拟

Description: 一个很不错的模拟 led的小程序,里面的源代码你可以复用到自己的程序中去-a very good simulation of small programs led inside the source code you can use Minute their procedures to
Platform: | Size: 1928192 | Author: 林枫 | Hits:


Description: led控件的VC编程,可以很好的应用到一些有针对性的程序中,以简化自己编写的程序!-led to the VC controls, the application can be well targeted to some of the procedures, to simplify the procedures for the preparation of their own!
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: 文贝 | Hits:

[Com Port8255控制循环LED显示

Description: 一个采用8255芯片控制8个LED灯循环点亮的程序代码-a 8255 chip used to control eight LED lights lit circle code
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[CommunicationCTICAO-体育馆LED显示软件-ODBC WinSock GDI

Description: 长春体育馆的比赛软件(LED显示),包括3台机器:用winsock通讯,1个ACCESS DB通过ODBC访问,一台控制机器,一台显示(GDI)-Changchun Coliseum game software (LED), including three machines : protocols of communications, a ACCESS DB ODBC, a control machine, a display (GDI)
Platform: | Size: 278528 | Author: | Hits:

[assembly languageLED-dyn

Description: (原创)动态液晶显示,用到8*8发光二极管点阵。显示“信息工程学院”上下显示。-(original) Dynamic LCD, uses 8* 8 LED matrix. Show "Information Engineering Institute" show from top to bottom.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杨卓飞 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLED显示代码计算器

Description: 工具软件 可以计算led显示代码 如果需要原代码可以联系免费提供-software tools can calculate led shows the original source code if needed to be contacted for free
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 刘愉 | Hits:
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