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Description: 以两种结构编写的VHDL驱动LED 已通过调试-err
Platform: | Size: 408576 | Author: hbsun | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxled

Description: h9200开发板的led驱动例程,for linux 2.4-led the development board h9200 driver routines, for linux 2.4
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: Jay | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developled

Description: LED显示屏基本点路原理介绍,给大家看看,希望支持。-LED displays introduce the principle of the basic points the way to look at the U.S. would like to support.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 屈天海 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLED

Description: 本文介绍了一种全新的LED显示屏控制解决方案,主要使用Altera cyclone飓风FPGA和16位凌阳单片机SPCE061A作为主控器件,采用较普遍的74LS595作为LED 显示屏显示驱动芯片。-In this paper, a new LED display control solution, the main use of Altera cyclone hurricane FPGA and 16-bit single-chip Sunplus SPCE061A as a master device, using the more common 74LS595 as an LED screen display driver chip.
Platform: | Size: 370688 | Author: 上官婉儿 | Hits:


Description: LED数码管显示接口大全 -LED digital tube display interface Guinness
Platform: | Size: 779264 | Author: lili | Hits:


Description: c8051f020 用于控制时钟芯片,键盘,LED的源代码-C8051F020 chip used to control the clock, keyboard, LED source code
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 张峰 | Hits:


Description: 单片机控制Led渐变,可引申为七彩渐变、跳变、追逐、水滴、等等的变化!-Led SCM transitions, can be extended for the colorful transitions, jump change, chase, drop, and so the changes!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ahua | Hits:


Description: LED技术全攻略,LED相信大家应该不会陌生,特别是现在的LED照明,未来的必然趋势,本文档详细介绍了LED驱动,原理以及一些性能参数.-Raiders all-LED technology, LED believe the U.S. should not be unfamiliar, especially now that the LED lighting, the inevitable trend of the future, this document detailed the LED-driven, principle as well as some performance parameters.
Platform: | Size: 3378176 | Author: | Hits:


Description: LED ACTIVX 顯示,簡單好用,直接呼叫-LED ACTIVX shows that easy-to-use, direct call
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: andy | Hits:


Description: led屏显示 595 C语言 led屏显示 595 C语言 -led screen display 595 C language led screen display 595 C language led screen display 595 C language
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 韩杰 | Hits:


Description: WINAVR编写的LED流水灯程序,调用WINAVR自带的延时程序-WINAVR prepared in water LED lights procedures, call the delay WINAVR own procedures
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 陈国健 | Hits:


Description: LED点阵的单片机程序包括了PROTEUS仿真-LED dot-matrix program of single-chip microcomputer including PROTEUS simulation
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 黄晓东 | Hits:


Description: 对3个通道交替进行AD转换,然后把转换后的结果存在一个18个*3数据窗口中,滤波时对窗口内的18个数据进行去极值取平均值滤波,然后送LED显示. -Three channels of alternating AD conversion, and then convert the result of the existence of a 18* 3 data window, filter window when the 18 data to extreme value averaging filter, and then send LED display.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王明 | Hits:


Description: ATmega8-Protues仿真之二 LED 数码管
Platform: | Size: 327680 | Author: 一清 | Hits:


Description: 一个LED显示动态扫描方式的vhdl实现-An LED display dynamic scanning realize the VHDL
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: xjz | Hits:

[Special EffectsLED

Description: 模拟LED 文字显示 可显示中文英文,稍加修改可显示各种字体 底色 前景色等-Analog LED display can display Chinese text in English, a little modification can display a variety of fonts, such as background color of Foreground
Platform: | Size: 1875968 | Author: 孙研 | Hits:


Description: led控制器C程序,MCU ATMEGA162V-C procedures led controller, MCU ATMEGA162V
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: 孙琦 | Hits:


Description: VERILOG实现LED的控制,实现动态刷新显示210。控制LED显示的模板程序-Verilog realization of LED control, dynamic refresh display 210. LED display control procedure template
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: 张猛蛟 | Hits:

[Database systemled

Description: 读取数据库数据并显示在LED屏上。串口编程-Read database data and displayed on the LED screen. Serial Programming
Platform: | Size: 16302080 | Author: SNGAH | Hits:

[Software Engineeringled

Description: led论文,对于led系统开发很有帮助的,他们的来源是cnka -led papers, led to the development of useful systems, and their source is cnka
Platform: | Size: 786432 | Author: 刘缜 | Hits:
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