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[Hook apihide

Description: Windows XP系统中如何屏蔽 Ctrl+Alt+Del、Alt+Tab以及Ctrl+Esc键序列
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: jerry | Hits:

[OS programlockwindows

Description: 本来用键盘驱动程序能完美解决的,可未免也杀鸡用牛刀,场面搞大了点。其实当你登录后,Winlogon创建一个新的桌面并调用Explorer。,而Winlogon则在另一个名为Winlogon的桌面中,也就是说,NT至少有一个桌面,就是你登录前看到的那个,(题外话:所以写个虚拟桌面工具,就难不倒你啦)。而Ctrl+Alt+Del对系统而言,也不过就是个热键罢了,只是它被定位到Winlogon桌面中去了,同样,它也必然有一个窗口负责处理这个热键消息的,因此,解决方案就出来,如果我们可找到这个窗口并子类化它,呵呵,不就...。(使用我提供的ShellCode代码,在我的电脑上有枚举出Winlogon桌面的四个窗口,其中有一个名为SAS window的窗口,其它是什么IME啦,等等,猜都能猜出啦,SAS windows应该就是啦)。因为我们要子类化WinLogon桌面中的窗口,别无选择的我们应该使用远程线程了,本文使用的是将所有代码注入到WinLogon进程中去,而不是远程挂接DLL的方式,这样在你开发程序过程中,无需任何第三方文件了。(这应该是你乐意的)
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: jing | Hits:


Description: 这是在windows下通过使用vc++来品比三键的的按取,在电脑上可以通过这个程序蓝禁止用户打开资源管理器。-This is under windows by using vc++ To goods than three keys by check, on your computer through this procedure to prohibit the user opens the blue Explorer.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 谢泽奇 | Hits:

[Hook apikeyhook

Description: 一个利用键盘低级钩子锁屏的实例,禁止了alt+tab,alt+esc,开始菜单,ctl+alt+del等系统热键-A use of low-level keyboard hook lock screen examples of banned alt+ Tab, alt+ Esc, Start menu, ctl+ Alt+ Del hotkeys, etc.
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: 天一 | Hits:


Description: 使用方法: 1: 包含C++类CCADMgr头文件,如:#include "CADMgr.h" 2: 定义变量如:CCADMgr m_cadMgr 3: 设置Ctrl+Alt+Del消息通知窗口,如:m_cadMgr.SetTargetWnd(m_hWnd) 4: 禁用或启用,如:m_cadMgr.DisableCAD(m_bDisabled) 5: 响应消息: 声明函数:afx_msg void OnHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 消息映射:ON_MESSAGE(WM_HOTKEY, OnHotKey) 函数实现: void CTrapCADDlg::OnHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WORD wKey = HIWORD(lParam) WORD wModifier = LOWORD(lParam) BOOL bAltDown = ((wModifier & VK_MENU) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE) BOOL bCtrlDown = ((wModifier & VK_CONTROL) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE) //按下Ctrl + Alt + Del组合键 if(bCtrlDown && bAltDown && wKey == VK_DELETE) AfxMessageBox("对不起, Ctrl+Alt+Delete组合键已经被禁用了!", MB_OK|MB_IConERROR) -Usage: 1: contains C++ Category CCADMgr header files, such as:# Include
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 王跃 | Hits:


Description: 屏幕挂机锁程序,屏蔽ctrl+alt+del!本程序是我为网吧写的,具有一定的参考价值!暂无发现BUG!如果你有任何建议或问题请联系我!-Hang up the screen-lock program, shielding ctrl+ Alt+ Del! This procedure is what I wrote for the Internet cafes, have a certain reference value! No found BUG! If you have any suggestions or questions please contact me!
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: ljasdf | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHideWin

Description: 程序可以帮助你隐藏任何运行的窗口,包括桌面 ALT+H-Program can help you hide any running window, including the desktop ALT+ H
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: Hou | Hits:

[Hook apiNoCtrl+Alt+Del(two)

Description: 系统钩子与API截获,拦截NoCtrl+Alt+Del方法2-Hook and API interception, interception NoCtrl+ Alt+ Del Method 2
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: Hou | Hits:

[OS programgina_ctrl_alt_del

Description: gina programming.To disable ctrl+alt+del key.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: alex | Hits:

[OS programNoneCAD

Description: 不用修改gina.dll,在 Win NT/2000/XP系统上禁用 Ctrl + Alt + Del 键-Need not be amended gina.dll, in Win NT/2000/XP system to disable Ctrl+ Alt+ Del key
Platform: | Size: 117760 | Author: 杨天 | Hits:

[OS programGINA

Description: 设置WINDOWS平台登陆框,CTRL+ALT+DEL组合键等功能的动态库框架-WINDOWS landing platform settings box, CTRL+ ALT+ DEL function key combinations, such as dynamic database framework
Platform: | Size: 241664 | Author: 豆腐干 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSysHotKey

Description: | | | 实现原理: | | 锁定 Ctrl+Alt+Del 使用远程线程、代码注入及子类化技术 | | 其它键盘消息使用普通钩子技术 | | | | 本模块向 VB 程序员展示远程线程、代码注入等似乎被列入 | | 只有Delphi、VC程序员才可能使用的技术,同时目前诸多木马 | | 也同样大量使用这些技术。注入的方式比 Dll 钩入更加隐蔽。 | | 注入后无进程、无文件 -| | | Principle: | | lock Ctrl+ Alt+ Del the use of remote threads, code injection and sub-class technology | | other information using an ordinary keyboard hook technology | | | | of the module to the VB programmer to display the remote thread, code seem to be included into the | | only Delphi, VC programmers could use the technology, while at present many Trojan | | is also large-scale use of these technologies. Dll injection than hook into the more hidden. | | Inject no process, no file
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: kidy | Hits:


Description: 利用Visual c++.net 编写的 如何捕获Alt和Shift+Alt组合键 程序。代码都有注释。对初学者很有帮助!-Using Visual c . Net prepared to capture Alt and Shift Alt key combination procedures. Code have the Notes. Very helpful for beginners!
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: 羊妹妹 | Hits:


Description: 利用Visual c++.net 编写的 如何捕获Ctrl、Ctrl+Alt和Ctrl+Alt+Shift组合键 程序。代码都有注释。对初学者很有帮助!-Using Visual c . Net prepared to capture Ctrl, Ctrl Alt and Ctrl Alt Shift key combination procedures. Code have the Notes. Very helpful for beginners!
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: 羊妹妹 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLpbzhj

Description: 在2000XP2003下屏蔽Ctrl + Alt + Del组合键-Under the shield 2000XP2003 at Ctrl+ Alt+ Del combination of keys
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: maxtop | Hits:


Description: 屏蔽ctrl+alt+del热键,屏蔽ctrl+alt+del热键-Shielding ctrl+ alt+ del hotkey, screen ctrl+ alt+ del hotkey
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: 菜菜 | Hits:


Description: 一些比较好的 alt学习方法,很实用。对于初学者来说 比较好。-Some of the better alt-learning, is very practical. Is better for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 小淼 | Hits:

[OS programlocktools

Description: 用VC++写的锁定屏幕、关机、隐藏到托盘等功能的小程序源代码,还可以屏蔽 Ctrl+Alt+Del、加入到系统启动组等,另外它还演示了一个漂亮的软件启动界面的实现,本源代码在VC6下顺利编译。-Using VC++ to write the lock screen, shutdown, hide to tray features a small source code can also be shielded Ctrl+ Alt+ Del, to join the group, such as system startup, and also a beautiful demonstration of the software interface to start the realization of origin code successfully compiled under VC6.
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 994 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringstop(Alt-tab)

Description: 禁止使用 Alt-Tab 或 Ctrl-Alt-Del- Alt-Tab 或 Ctrl-Alt-Del
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zj | Hits:

[Hook apiHookLock

Description: C#锁屏程序,对系统的功能热键进行了屏敝,ctrl+alt+del没有屏敝,只是对任务管理器做了设置 -C# lock-screen procedures, function of the system conducted a screen worn hotkey, ctrl+ alt+ del does not screen worn, just did a set up Task Manager
Platform: | Size: 398336 | Author: | Hits:
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