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[Windows DevelopALT

Description: 用ATL完成com组件的示例程序-with ATL completed com Component Sample program
Platform: | Size: 90810 | Author: 谈心 | Hits:

[Hook apihook

Description: Hook promming ,forbidden the Alt+F4,and show.programmed by visual basic 6.0
Platform: | Size: 5679 | Author: haha | Hits:

[Other resourcesf_200822121653

Description: 中国魔方 V1.36 (开源、共享)操作:上、下、左、右键,P 键暂停游戏, R 键复位(或鼠标中键),S 打印排行榜, ESC 退出,支持鼠 标操作。Alt+Enter 键全屏、窗口切换。
Platform: | Size: 428719 | Author: 单宝波 | Hits:


Description: 使用方法: 1: 包含C++类CCADMgr头文件,如:#include \"CADMgr.h\" 2: 定义变量如:CCADMgr m_cadMgr 3: 设置Ctrl+Alt+Del消息通知窗口,如:m_cadMgr.SetTargetWnd(m_hWnd) 4: 禁用或启用,如:m_cadMgr.DisableCAD(m_bDisabled) 5: 响应消息: 声明函数:afx_msg void OnHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 消息映射:ON_MESSAGE(WM_HOTKEY, OnHotKey) 函数实现: void CTrapCADDlg::OnHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WORD wKey = HIWORD(lParam) WORD wModifier = LOWORD(lParam) BOOL bAltDown = ((wModifier & VK_MENU) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE) BOOL bCtrlDown = ((wModifier & VK_CONTROL) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE) //按下Ctrl + Alt + Del组合键 if(bCtrlDown && bAltDown && wKey == VK_DELETE) AfxMessageBox(\"对不起, Ctrl+Alt+Delete组合键已经被禁用了!\", MB_OK|MB_IConERROR)
Platform: | Size: 119281 | Author: 王跃 | Hits:


Description: 屏幕挂机锁程序,屏蔽ctrl+alt+del!本程序是我为网吧写的,具有一定的参考价值!暂无发现BUG!如果你有任何建议或问题请联系我!
Platform: | Size: 106711 | Author: ljasdf | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHideWin

Description: 程序可以帮助你隐藏任何运行的窗口,包括桌面 ALT+H
Platform: | Size: 9604 | Author: yryz | Hits:

[Windows DevelopNoCtrl+Alt+Del(one)

Description: 1.请对 thhotkey.dpr进行编译 thhotkey.exe 2.请对 testdll.dpr 进行编译 生成 testdll.dll 3.运行 thhotkey.exe即可
Platform: | Size: 212115 | Author: yryz | Hits:

[OS programAutoDomain

Description: 基于 ATL 的服务的框架 用 ALT 向导生成的服务的框架其实并不好驯服, 俺在上面吃了不少苦头, 因此俺在自动生成代码上做了不少修正和扩展, 现在好使了, 包括 Debug 版本的调试中断点, 用户逻辑的入口点, 也可以双击直接运行, 这时就是一个普通的应用程序. 使得编写服务就跟编普通应用程序没有区别.
Platform: | Size: 15998 | Author: R | Hits:

[Remote Control200602061800455528

Description: 通过远程线程注入的方式截取Alt+Ctrl+Del,实现真正的键盘软锁。
Platform: | Size: 229761 | Author: Leslie | Hits:

[Windows Developdemo

Description: 过R3的隐藏进程屏蔽ctrl+alt+del
Platform: | Size: 42462 | Author: 老李 | Hits:

[Multimedia programmidicmp

Description: My first intention writing this program was getting knowledge about midi. After writing the pendant TXT2MIDI program I used it to sequence some music titles. When I bought my music workstation (including a more powerful sequencer) my use of MIDI2TXT/TXT2MIDI changed into an updating environment to make less compatible midi files full compatible. Another use possibility came up when I copied some excellent midi binaries from news://alt.binaries.sounds.midi . I converted one with MIDI2TXT into text, commented all commands that played notes in leading track and converted it back into another midi file (TXT2MIDI). The new midi file played the full background of the music while I was able to learn playing the lead voice for my own pleasure.
Platform: | Size: 43794 | Author: 杨成 | Hits:

[Other resourceWBJF

Description: Of the password is: Server: \"1.\" Client: + for the month of the date of the machine. Such as \"2005/08/05\", compared with the number \"85\" Database: \"xzxq\". I made the changes: 1, stations and customer-service once every 30 seconds to exchange information (to ensure continuous line) 2, computer services-an increase of the serial number 3, client-service to send the card serial number and send IP addresses to the service side 4, the desktop client by the embargo, since the definition of the icon to start the process faster (from the window Superman Code) 5, CS-shielding some function keys, but CTRL + ALT + DEL keys can not shield the hope that a revised modify these friends 6, there are some corners of Laws (such as title, etc.). Client desktop icon in the Settings page set up first class to enter FXZWN999 open on to add, delete icon button
Platform: | Size: 1356944 | Author: JACK.CHEN | Hits:

[OS programgina_ctrl_alt_del

Description: gina programming.To disable ctrl+alt+del key.
Platform: | Size: 31004 | Author: alex | Hits:

[Windows DevelopNewhotkey123

Description: 热键设置,可以设置全局的window热键,例如ctrl+alt+w
Platform: | Size: 3357 | Author: xiaoniao | Hits:

[OS programHideProc

Description: 利用windows的一个*.dll卸载漏洞,可以实现在win9x,nt,w2k下进程的深度隐藏,按CTRL+ALT+DEL看不到,用终极防线也看不到,
Platform: | Size: 79894 | Author: Alexander | Hits:


Description: 整人专家之精灵卫士,是未来工作室开发的系列免费软件之一。它既可当作电脑安全卫士(防止他人乱动您的电脑),也可当作一恶作剧程序(用它来整人。当然,前提是对方不知道关闭它的方法)。软件运行后,将控制系统(但不会做任何破坏活动),使别人无法使用电脑,重新启动也一样。软件关闭有两种方法:第一种是鼠标热键,当按下键盘键Ctrl,同时点鼠标右键(Ctrl+鼠标右键);第二种是键盘热键,当按下键盘键Alt,同时按下键盘键F8(Alt+F8),既可关闭程序,一切恢复正常。
Platform: | Size: 40039 | Author: 阿毛 | Hits:

[Hook apiSmartDVRLock

Description: 锁定键盘系统热键和CTL+ALT+DEL以及鼠标右键
Platform: | Size: 48027 | Author: wan | Hits:

[Windows Developmousefetch

Description: Windows下的鼠标经常会显示出不同的样子以提示当前的操作,所以对于很多程序来说截取鼠标指针当前的图片并进行分析是很有用处的,这个程序用两种方法截取鼠标指针的图片。按“Alt”键可以进行截图,单击“保存截
Platform: | Size: 203378 | Author: pancongli | Hits:


Description: 含有经过我修改的键盘过滤驱动,在w2k,wxp下运行,按左右shift,左alt便蓝屏,卸载需使用虚键盘(切记)以及最初源码,编译环境为w2kddk或wxpddk剩余的参看其中的README-containing modified keyboard filter driver in w2k, wxp running, according to shift around, then left alt blue screens, unloading need to use virtual keyboard (remember) and the initial source code, compile the environment or wxpddk w2kddk remaining See the README
Platform: | Size: 350066 | Author: 于东 | Hits:

[Hook apitrapkeys

Description: 此代码示范在Windows XP中如何实现屏蔽CTRL+ALT+DEL组合键序列,任务切换组合键序列(Alt+Tab),任务栏和“开始”菜单(Ctrl+Esc,VK_LWIN,VK_RWIN)。-this model code in Windows XP how to achieve shielding CTRL ALT DEL key sequence composition, mandate bond portfolio switching sequence (Alt-Tab), the task bar and the "start" menu (Ctrl Esc, VK_LWIN, VK_RWIN).
Platform: | Size: 95815 | Author: 蔡世贵 | Hits:
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