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Description: 有关仓库管理的软件,是b/s结构的,asp.net +sql做的
Platform: | Size: 1248547 | Author: kingliu85@126.com | Hits:

[source in ebookASP.NET+SQL Server 2005全程指南光盘

Platform: | Size: 8706105 | Author: fishleo | Hits:

[.NET/ASPXASP.NET + SQL Server 网络应用系统开发与实例

Description: 开发实例的详细教程的电子书,源码请到以下地址下载http://www.ymcn.org/d-m5u.html
Platform: | Size: 6310473 | Author: xyzbilliu@people.com.cn | Hits:


Description: 在线理财系统ASP+SQL版-online financial management system ASP version of SQL
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ASP.NET数据库链接SQL的一些例子,都是很好的我想一定会对您有用的。-ASP.NET SQL database link some examples are very good, I think you will definitely be useful.
Platform: | Size: 14294016 | Author: 张学友 | Hits:

[OS programASP.net选课系统小程序

Description: 一个简单的选课系统,基本功能都已实现!SQL.sql文件是用于创建sql数据库的脚本语言,使用时请先创建好sql数据库,管理员帐号和密码同为manager。其他信息请自己查看源码。打开工程时如出现错误请把它考在根目录下。er-graph.gif为er图。 -Elective a simple system, the basic functions have been achieved! SQL.sql document is used to create sql database scripting language, used to create good post sql database administrator account and password for the same manager. Other information please check their source. Open the project if there are mistakes please test it in the root directory. Er-er graph.gif to map.
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: 宏伟 | Hits:

[SQL ServerGuo Blog SQL版

Description: 一个asp+sql的博客代码,包括sql的数据库备份文件-an asp sql code of the blog, including sql database backup file
Platform: | Size: 2488320 | Author: 江勇 | Hits:

[Education soft systemvb.net考试系统2

Description: 一个小型的考试系统 用vb.net编写的-a small test system used in the preparation of vb.net
Platform: | Size: 2900992 | Author: 张样 | Hits:

[Education soft systemInformationWebSiteCode

Description: 管理学院教务平台:教师与学生,教师与教师交流平台.新闻发布,作业上传. ASP.NET.SQL SERVER 2-dean of the School of Management Platform : Teachers and students, teachers and teacher exchange platform. Press releases, Upload operations. ASP.NET.SQL SERVER 2
Platform: | Size: 3725312 | Author: 徐益军 | Hits:


Description: 套功能强大的网络办公系统,是基于.NET技术开发的,功能完善,后台设计的也是不错,是一套的的确确的网络办公平台。-sets of powerful network office system is based on.NET technology development, complete functions, the background is designed Yes, it is indeed a set of network software.
Platform: | Size: 3760128 | Author: 唐超 | Hits:

[WEB CodebusinessNet

Description: 飞环技术ASP.NET电子商务网站SQL版,包括强大的后台管理、技术论坛、产品浏览等!请自行将数据库目录下两个ACCESS数据库导入SQL2000数据库并修改每个aspx页面的SQL数据库连接信息即可调试成功!另外经过修改也可使用ACCESS作为网站数据库-fly Ring Technology ASP.NET SQL version of e-commerce sites, including a strong background in management, technology forums, product browsing! Please own database directory database into two ACCESS SQL2000 database and revised every 11 pages of SQL database connectivity information can debug success! Another has been modified to use the website as ACCESS database
Platform: | Size: 232448 | Author: 秦通 | Hits:


Description: viaual studioC#.NET+SQL学生信息管理系统-viaual studioC#.NET SQL Student Information Management System
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 李勇 | Hits:


Description: ASP.NET精品全站程序SQL版.rar-ASP.NET excellent station version of SQL procedures. Rar
Platform: | Size: 2564096 | Author: xiaoke | Hits:

[WEB Codenews_asp.net

Description: 新闻系统asp.net+SQL开发,附全部代码和数据库。-news system Asp. Net SQL development, with all code and databases.
Platform: | Size: 296960 | Author: 杜飞 | Hits:

[Web Serverasp.net+sql

Description: c#的asp+sql的网站编和源程序,包括新闻发布系统,网上考试等!-asp sql series and the website source, including press releases, online exams!
Platform: | Size: 5654528 | Author: messengerx | Hits:


Description: 《ASP.NET+SQL Server动态网站开发 从基础到实践》的源代码。无解压密码。-"Microsoft SQL Server dynamic web site development, from basic to the practice of" source code. Without extracting passwords.
Platform: | Size: 5307392 | Author: 伏喜 | Hits:

[source in ebook+ASP.NET+SQlServer

Description: 本目录提供了<<ASP.NET+SQL Server数据库开发与实例>>一书从第4到第11章实例的核心源程序、数据库文件。 -Catalog provides a <<ASP.NET+SQL Server数据库开发与实例>> a book from the first 4 to Chapter 11 examples of the core source code, database files.
Platform: | Size: 2643968 | Author: 罗金生 | Hits:


Description: asp.net+sql server 源代码-asp.net+ sql server source code
Platform: | Size: 5702656 | Author: 周坤骏 | Hits:


Description: 适用于中小型企业的饭店点菜系统,VB.NET+SQL-Hotel a la carte system, VB.NET+ SQL
Platform: | Size: 901120 | Author: 包大伟 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringvb.net

Description: vb.net+sql人力资源信息管理系统全套,加毕业设计论文,源程序代码-vb.net complete Human Resource Information Management System
Platform: | Size: 818176 | Author: 罚十 | Hits:
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