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Title: vb等值线图的绘制方法※编程实践※水论坛 Download
  • Category:
  • GDI-Bitmap
  • Tags:
  • [Text]
  • File Size:
  • 14.72kb
  • Update:
  • 2008-10-13
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • xhpbc
 Description: contours in scientific computing and real-life, we will often encounter y = f (t) such a function, such as sine, cosine and so on. Function y = f (t) tend to be discrete observation form f (t) (i = 1 ...... N) the performance. For example, investors simply friends of K map, and the millions of lives at stake curve of water levels in rivers and so on. Discrete function of a number of data-processing tasks, such as data fitting, interpolation and smoothing and so on. Most exciting is predicted that if shareholders friends to accurately grasp y = f (t) trend, money will continue to flood into pockets. If hydrologists can accurately predict river levels rose process, a significant reduction in loss of life and property. The so-called curve is painting depicting y = f (t) of the image, in this
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