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SourceCode Windows Develop Windows Kernel

Windows Kernel List Page 1

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[Windows KernelKalmanFilter-1.0

Description: KalmanFilter-1.0KalmanFilter-1.0KalmanFilter-1.0KalmanFilter-1.0
Platform: | Size: 17528599 | Author: changpan12@gmail.com | Hits:

[Windows KernelMF00486-springboot进销存.rar

Description: MF00486-springboot进销存.rar MF00486-springboot进销存.rar MF00486-springboot进销存.rar MF00486-springboot进销存.rar
Platform: | Size: 10529125 | Author: 807781165@qq.com | Hits:

[Windows Kernel成绩管理系统

Description: 一个简易的学生成绩管理系统,可操作,易理解
Platform: | Size: 490017 | Author: ruri6666666 | Hits:

[Windows KernelVB写的服务.rar

Description: 纯VB代码写的以服务启动,找了好久才找到的
Platform: | Size: 18541 | Author: hanlong96@163.com | Hits:

[Windows Kernelx2 software

Description: x2 software actually worls
Platform: | Size: 2578933 | Author: loneycam128@gmail.com | Hits:

[Windows KernelWindows图形编程随书光盘VC++源码

Description: Windows图形编程随书光盘VC++源码
Platform: | Size: 15024266 | Author: afx0001@163.com | Hits:

[Windows KernelWindows程序设计(第5版+珍藏版)光盘源代码

Description: Windows程序设计(第5版+珍藏版)光盘源代码 Windows程序设计(第5版+珍藏版)光盘源代码
Platform: | Size: 3637563 | Author: afx0001@163.com | Hits:

[Windows KernelC++ Builder深度历险-配套源码

Description: C++ Builder深度历险-配套源码 C++ Builder深度历险-配套源码
Platform: | Size: 4904827 | Author: afx0001@163.com | Hits:

[Windows KernelEKG-MonitorV1.0-SRC

Description: This mailing contains: (1) executable jar file: EKG-MonitorV1.0 (double click to start) (2) executable jar file: EKG-MonitorV1.0-SRC includes all sources and directories, using eclipse 3.2 (3) test data, 360 Hz sampled (
Platform: | Size: 610312 | Author: AlipayLogin_20************** | Hits:

[Windows Kernel易语言TCP服务端客户Duan例程

Description: 易语言TCP服务端客户Duan例程,很有意思的,直接变成通讯了
Platform: | Size: 4980 | Author: 180881283********* | Hits:

[Windows KernelPCSC sample

Description: A mfc pcsc smartcard reader sample program
Platform: | Size: 4252076 | Author: hccge***** | Hits:

[Windows KernelSCSI_Pass_Through_Interface_Tool

Description: --- page_type: sample description: "Demonstrates how to communicate with a SCSI device using pass-through IOCTLs in an application using DeviceIoControl API." languages: - cpp products: - windows - windows-wdk --- # SCSI
Platform: | Size: 16254 | Author: vitali_b@bk.ru | Hits:
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